TECH Talk by IHeartDomains

Celebrating Web3 Innovation: Domain Evolution and Christmas Cheer!


Discover the festive fusion of domains and innovation in our Christmas Day celebration of Web3's revolution! Feel the warmth of our community as we spotlight a young Iranian student's impressive strides in the domain scene and bask in the expertise of Davide, CEO of Freename, who unveils the evolving landscape of digital identities. This episode wraps you in the camaraderie and excitement of the domain world, where the future is not just bright – it's vibrant with the spirit of giving, showcased by our Web3 domain name giveaway.

As the holiday bells jingle, we traverse the dazzling horizon of Web3 domain names and their seamless melding with the Web2 experience. Pioneering breakthroughs reminiscent of aviation's golden era take flight, with easy browser integration and a no-code approach to owning a Top-Level Domain (TLD). Prepare to shift your perspective on digital legacies, as we share stories of tech enthusiasts securing domains for future generations, and explore how artists are harmonizing blockchain technology with their beats, striking the right chord in the music business.

Join us as we toast to a year of relentless innovation and look ahead at the bullish prospects on the decentralized web. We paint a picture of the robust opportunities for domain ownership, community building, and the transformative power of Web3 IDs. With a nod to the legal acumen required in navigating the digital domain landscape, we ensure you're equipped to safeguard your ventures with intellectual property smarts. Your invitation awaits – let's raise a glass to the unfolding narrative of Web3, where every domain tells a story of opportunity, community, and uncharted potential.

Own a Web3 TLD with Freename is the leading Domains platform in Web3. Users can mint their own customized Web3 TLDs.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

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Want to LEARN more about Web3 Domains and Digital Identity?

My name is Marcus Andrews aka” WenAirDrop”, founder of IHeartDomains LLC, and since 2022 we have been a leading resource for News, Innovations, Education, Alpha and Business Development in the Web3 Domain & Digital Identity space.

If you're interested in Web3 domain insights, development, and news, don't miss our upcoming TECH Talk episodes featuring industry builders. Join our live discussions on Twitter/X spaces and engage with our community on platforms like Warpcast and Link3 for real-time updates and valuable ALPHA. Your journey into the future of digital identity begins with us!


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I know that music is calming and relaxing, but it feels like everyone's already here, ready to get started and stuff. I know there's only a few people here as well, but I see, obviously yourself are here because you have a host and space wouldn't be here if you weren't here, so that would be kind of weird. Also, see, like something here.

Speaker 3:

So what if I told you that the beginning music was like the most calming and relaxing and preparation part?

Speaker 2:

of the space Before. I thought you just ruined it.

Speaker 3:

Yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

To be fair, you should have done your own mental prep before this space, because you know that this is actually going to be like a free name D-Gen space. We're not on the official free name page. So if you guys want to hear this space, you're going to have to come to the iHeart Domains page. You might have to find it in the blog, the Spotify. So it's Christmas as well. It's Christmas. That's one thing that, like before this space, I was actually like bearish, like guys, like do we not have like family time or anything and all the? I don't even know who's on the free name account. Is it like Bieber? Is it Freddy? Who's with us on the free name today?

Speaker 3:

I think we got that. Who's behind the free name account? How are you?

Speaker 2:

doing today. I think they're so shy that they need more people in the room before they reveal who's behind the free name account. Okay, guys, there's no comments. In the bottom. I see the big whale Ishmael here as well.

Speaker 2:

I don't even know how. He's not a speaker on stage yet. Big up, ishmael, one of the man of the year and like the main scene this year, like him and Wen and like everyone being like tearing it up and like Web 2, web 3, irl yeah, definitely like shout out to you as well, I'm the OX builder. Bullish on him.

Speaker 2:

The Doc Stegen, one of my Iranian homies, big active, like I'd say he's getting to like I don't know mini whale or dolphin status right now with the SLDs that he has he's working on like imagine this guy's accumulated like hundreds of SLDs, domains on Unstoppable and Free Name. Wen's like yo, this guy's my biggest whale. I'm like I'm like I'm a big fan of the domain. I'm like I'm a big fan of the free name when it's really like you have domains like everywhere. And imagine he's, he's. He's like a young student from Iran, like I don't know if you guys know the scenario and Iran and stuff, but it's not like the best that the internet that he's using is like one megabyte, like that's how crazy it is. And he's here, he's learning, he's coming through spaces, he's joining the communities, he's getting active, he's purchasing like domains and TLDs and all this kind of stuff.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, there's something I'm going to, but, as to Iran, to have a really very huge resource for you how you're building and like web free, and so so, yeah, that's, you know, obviously he's a very great member of our community and it's also a testament, you know, to the to the achievements that we make when we build in this space and that's kind of, you know, a lot of us that are here educating and community building. I mean, that's that's literally the anticipated or the whole result of that is that you know that we were able to incubate these community members, turn them on to something that can help. You know, not only you know, help them lock down their digital identity, but help them make some money too. I mean, this is he has a whole TLD now. So now, now he's able to dictate a future, build a community capitalize.

Speaker 3:

You know, he's on the other side of the fence quote, unquote and that's that's what we want to do. We want to continue to help more people, you know, be on whatever side of the fence they want to, but those who want to cross over and those who want to look for those opportunities. You know we're not only here to teach but, you know, sometimes we're here to also encourage, help, give people the stepping stone.

Speaker 2:

So shout out again to you, if anything. I'm just going to quickly translate that because that really like hits and I feel like he'll appreciate hearing that shit if it's directly coming from you. Yeah, I was just like giving him the lowdown because I feel like he would appreciate that that shit coming from you. I think freename is back up with us. I think they were rugging at the beginning Freename. So who's behind the freename account?

Speaker 5:

We are back, Happy to hear you. I'm the Merry Christmas. Everyone Merry.

Speaker 3:

Christmas, sir, merry Christmas. Oh yeah, I didn't even say that.

Speaker 2:

Likewise, this is the freename I Heart Domains collector. Freename the Christmas face. I think I said freename twice, but that's how bullish I am on freename. I think that's once from myself and once from when. And, sir Davide, for the people in the listeners that may not have come across you before on these spaces, what is your position at freename? Are you like the social media guy, the spaces guy? You like the tech guy? Who are you in freename, sir?

Speaker 5:

I am the guy that helps everyone in the team. I am. I am. Exactly exactly With Federico and Mattia. We are Trico, founder of freename, and I'm the CEO and enjoying the last hour of Christmas with you guys.

Speaker 3:

We are definitely privileged and blessed to have you here. That's really again another testament to how bullish we are on Web3ID how bullish we are on freename because we showed up on Christmas with it.

Speaker 2:

This is actually like a discussion we had as well, like I think, a few days ago. I was like wait, the space we're doing is on Christmas day. Like what the fuck Do we not have like one day where we're not chilling like domains and like what the hell's going on? I was like I'm in Davide and when we're having this conversation I was like bro, I'm not joining if you're not joining. And like Davide is like no, no, no, I work 24 seven. I'm here Like I don't need, like anyone else to be represented in freename on Christmas day. I am here, like whether it's my account, the freename account. Yeah, like Web3 doesn't sleep. Domains don't sleep Obviously, like spend time with your families and I know a few people can't even join us on stage right now because they're in like a family sitting and that's great, but it shows Web3 doesn't sleep. We're all working for the bull run in different elements.

Speaker 2:

Some of you guys might not even be aware of like what Web3 domains are.

Speaker 2:

Like you've been getting caught in the shitstorm of like Solana meme coins and some of you've been trying Avax and stuff as well, but like Web3 domains are a slow burner there is. Probably the smallest element of Web3 is freename domains. They still do like an incredible amount of like volume that if you go into OpenSea or anything, there's literally no floor price. So you could probably pick up some cool domains right now from like freename unstoppable and whoever else and like OpenSea for like a couple dollars because people just don't see the value in them yet. But it's an asset that you own digitally forever. There's no renewal fees, there's no like geographical restrictions, like a number plate or a phone number, and you guys have seen how much that kind of stuff will sell for. So imagine once people realize what they can do with like a freename domain or a Web3 domain, when, if you wanna, like break it down like some of the utilities and shit, and then we can maybe go into like the freename specific utilities and like what freename may be achieved over the last year.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we're actually gonna get into that and, as you guys can tell, this is a little bit different and festive space. So I'm gonna get into some of the formalities for the people who may not have attended one of these spaces before. But, with that being said, I do wanna welcome everybody to this special iHeartDomains Tech Talk. This is our Christmas edition.

Speaker 3:

So typically we discuss news and innovation, education and alpha in the Web3 domain and digital identity space. As you see, today is a different tone, but we are still here to share some alpha, as always. Just to remind everybody, the Tech Talks are recorded. You can view our content archive at iHeartDomainscom or in podcast format in every major podcast player, including Apple and Spotify. You can reach that at techtalkhost. Also, just wanna remind everybody, if anybody saw the tweet, this will be our last Tech Talk until after the new year.

Speaker 3:

So this is closing out our content calendar for the year. We've got a lot building in the background, so besides spending that time with the holidays, with the family, it's also gonna give me enough time to finish developing and designing and building in pretty much everything that I do every single day. So there'll be a lot of new features being announced, partnerships, changes to the telegram group, even a token-gated whale mastermind group, so a lot of good stuff. The first Tech Talk is gonna be on the third, so January 3rd, which is the Wednesday, followed by our first AMA of the year, which is actually going to be with Hadiath and 1W3, which is a decentralized website builder.

Speaker 2:

Did you choose them January 3rd so you could take a day off for my birthday.

Speaker 3:

on the second I didn't even know it was your birthday on the second, but happy early birthday.

Speaker 2:

Probably I'll be on the space with you or something, so we'll run that or something.

Speaker 3:

Likely likely.

Speaker 2:

We don't take any days off.

Speaker 2:

We're probably gonna hop on a Google Meet or a Telegram call after this. So this is just like the festive part of the community, a few like updates and stuff. I think there's maybe some like giveaways or something I think these guys wanted to like do something back for the communities that have like supported. And, if anything, I just want you to give like the breakdown of like a web-free domain compared to like a web 2 domain, cause it's like some random thing. Why would anyone even waste time or money or anything on a domain? But clearly, we're here, you're here, I'm here, ishmili's here. Who else is in the audience? I see blockchain bodies here. I see OXD Gen, I see Joy Like these guys are here. They're building in the web-free space and obviously, like three names, one of the prominent players in the web-free domain space as well. So why are we here? What the fuck are we doing here?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and if anybody wants to come up and speak, feel free to request a speaker role. Collector. If you want to invite some people up, Make this fun engagement as possible.

Speaker 3:

Also, before I answer your question, just want to remind everybody what's been to the top One of the things that we are doing for this space. We are doing a very special Christmas giveaway. This is free name clause. We are doing every single person that's in this space right now if you're listening, I think the link, if you could pin it up to the top, I don't know where it's at but if you follow the link and fill out this form, everyone's entitled to claim their Twitter username and you'll get to claim that on either adgen, aairdrop or anft wallet domain from free name. And just so you guys know, these are real domain Everybody is following.

Speaker 2:

You just dropped a whole bunch of alpha. You just said that people can, like, claim a domain, do all this crap, but they don't even know what domain is Like. I'd say that this is a new audience that probably haven't even heard of a web-free domain. So let's rewind a little bit before people even get excited to realize what you're giving away for free.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thank you. So before your alarms went off, I was just about to explain to everybody a couple of things about these particular TLDS, and then that will transition into what they even are. But point out on these TLDS is these are some of the most premium TLDS on the free name account. Airdrop is free names internal TLDS. I believe that they have a trademark on it, so this is a solid TLDS.

Speaker 3:

Dgen is one of the oldest TLDS on the free name platform. One of the first has been registered. It was registered by me beforedfi wallet. It is a very healthy TLDS with registrations. Nft wallet is owned personally by a collector and if you know anything about owning anything from collectors community, you get a whole lot that comes with that. Especially coming into the bull run, I know his channel is going to be dropping a lot of alpha. So legit TLDS. Not only that, but the free name ecosystem, the web three domain names themselves, if you've been following the free name ecosystem, come with a substantial amount of utility. So now going to your question, the difference between a web two domain name, web three domain name. Well, people hear the word domain name.

Speaker 2:

You most probably have associated, but I appreciate this shows. I appreciate this shows I was like. But I want the people to know, understand what the hell is a web free TLD? Why are we so bullish on this?

Speaker 3:

Yes sir, yes sir. So when people hear the word domain name, they typically associated with an address that you type into an internet browser. That takes you to a website and then there you go. That's your experience. Web three domain names work kind of the same. Just as web two domain names transport you to a destination on the internet, web three domain names transfer, transport you or show you information or lead you to a destination in the blockchain, ie your wallet. So web three domain names resolve to wallet addresses.

Speaker 3:

Any applications that typically will interact with a wallet address has a use case for a domain name, not only the personalized, but also for security purposes, for authorship purposes, for branding purposes, et cetera. So web three domain names are going to essentially be the new digital identity, social media identity, kind of all inclusive identity, not just a web three. We talk about web three like it's going to be the small thing. We're talking about real life. People will eventually use these things and interact with their daily social media. They'll eventually store files on the blockchain that names will lead to.

Speaker 3:

Hopefully, these will become commonplace, just as regular domain names have become commonplace for what they are used, for which they are perfectly fine and do a perfect job at what they do. Also, at some point in the future and I know a couple people have kind of figured out how to do it already web three domain names also have the ability to resolve to regular web addresses as well. So you do have the ability and, as a future girl, as people continue to develop, that utility will become easier to accomplish and a lot more powerful. So eventually you'll have that dual utility and also on the web two side you already have the dual utility by being able to bridge them. But yeah, let's hear your answer on that collector. Put it back in here. Where are you at, sir? Is your mic not working?

Speaker 2:

I was just literally writing a comment outside of this. I was trying to post the link up so people could claim their TLDs and stuff. If anything, I want to hear from a free name. While I'm doing this, we've got Davide, the CEO of FreeName here, and we haven't even had a chance to hear from him. Tell us about, I don't know, maybe a brief intro into FreeName, how long you guys have been around, some of the achievements or accolades that you've had in the time that you've been around, some of the functionality, from what I understand, from what.

Speaker 2:

Wens said that web-free domain or a TLD is one step further than an existing web-to-TLD, as you can use this as a wallet address. You can use it to take meetings on air. You can use it to connect it to websites and stuff like you would typically. I think now FreeName are working more and more ways to use this as a standard web-to-domain as well. It would just simply be a domain eventually, davide, if you want to take the stage With pleasure.

Speaker 5:

Thank you for that. Yes, so correctly said by both of you. If we see the evolution of domaining, with a web-to-domain you can do several functions. You can build a website having an e-commerce, send an email. If you take blockchain in because the web-to-domain infrastructure, the technology is very old, also the backoffice of the major players go there the one-on-one domain, dynacentral, it gets very, very old. We are living in an age where technology develops very fast and blockchain giving access to many things on top. So factor the blockchain development in the domain in the use of internet.

Speaker 5:

You can expand the number of things you can do with your domain. As said, you can point it to a wallet. For what? For a transaction, for your digital identity, for having decentralized websites, for many features. So we started 15 months ago, so one year and few months ago, and since then we just built, built, built, built, built. Right now you can do many things on it you can send email, you can do the centralized website with 1W3, with other website builders, you can do conference rooms and you can do payments multi-chain With your TLD. You can also do something cool which is be your own Godet Meaning.

Speaker 5:

Why just institutions like Godet, dyna.101, 101names, so on and so forth. They need to gain a registration and we need to pay and continuously paying every year, to make our online presence, blogs, e-commerce. Why we should? As internet users, we give data to internet. We should get paid and with your TLD, you receive 50% incomes on all the domains that are registered on top. So you have a use, you have a financial mean for it.

Speaker 5:

And also we are building the point of unite from web 2 to web 3. And, as some of you already used, something that will come live in January, meaning our DNS. You can use normal website builder now, you can use type dream, you can use WordPress and you can point your web 3 domain to just type it on Google Chrome, on Firefox, on Brave, on Opera no need of integration, nothing, and it works, and I know some of you already did so. I would like to hear feedback on that, but this is coming live in a few weeks, in January, so in new years it seems a lot, but it's not because it's maximum for weeks from now. So what we are building is all of the infrastructure that renders the blockchain use into domain, with your wallet, with your naming, to be free to build on top on web 3 or web 2 with your own identity.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I didn't even know how much you wanted to talk about that, but it's awesome that you brought that up, because that is a humongous advancement. There's a lot of people and rightly so the craze of building websites. I think people are finally starting to experiment with that. I know a lot of people are using 1W3 to build websites, even building buildathons. People are now wanting to build with their domains. People have them, they want to use them, and what better way to use them to be able to not only integrate and build with some of these platforms that have easy website builders that you're already used to, but be able to publish those things and get to them natively on DNS on your computer.

Speaker 3:

There's more than one way to skin a cat. You guys have definitely shown us that you're innovating and developing in a direction where you're going to get things done. Technology doesn't have any boundaries and I applaud you guys for the steps that you made. I actually kind of want to if you can expand on that a little further, since you brought up potentially on the technology behind it, so people can understand how that really works. I think people just think it's just another plug-in that's going to sit inside the browser, but no, this actually will turn their computer into something that can resolve any Web3 domain. Is that correct?

Speaker 5:

Absolutely. Have you tried it? Yeah, I actually have tried it. Nice, okay, so it works seamlessly. You don't need any browser extension, nothing. You just set your device whether that is a mobile or that is a computer, with DNS settings, and you don't need to touch anything more. It's two-click I wish to say one, but it's two-clicks and your computer just navigates every Web3 domain without the need of having nothing on top or your mobile phones.

Speaker 5:

So, to explain the technology, we would like to wait on January, but, as you see, this is an alpha version that is restricted to a group of people using and giving us feedback as a hard domain, as collectors and others that are building website normally, as you already do, pointing to a Web3 domain.

Speaker 5:

This will be compatible cross-chain and cross-register, so you don't need to do anything then. Whatever you were doing with your Web2 domain, nothing different is just related to your wallet now, so you can expand the usability, not just building with Shopify, for example, but also receiving transaction in tokens or NFTs, and this works seamlessly. So it's really something that we care. It's to bring the blockchain inside the Web2 ecosystem, and bring the Web2 ecosystem inside the blockchain Because, like this, we just expand the use of identity, because website identity your blog, your shop, your whatever it's an online identity right, and so we really want to expand this to make it usable for everyone without the need of any plug-in or weird stuff. You can still do that if you want, but if you're new to it, you don't need to change anything or do something complicated. This works.

Speaker 3:

So a lot of people listening to this space are living, I'll say, mentally, 100 years back and they're looking at a car and they're looking at somebody trying to build this thing called a plane and they're wondering how on earth are they going to get that thing into the sky? And they're saying there's no way that that's going to happen. And we're kind of reliving the same thing Like I stated earlier, and I'm sure that it will get the attention that it deserves on the real rollout. But for those who are listening and getting this information early, this is an extremely big deal, and not only because of what it is and how it works currently. But this is telling you, you know, kind of paving the roadmap for how we're going to get this thing in the sky and make it fly. You know, just prospecting into the future At some point these things or this type of software can be deployed inside of motors, can already be pre deployed inside of laptops and computers that people are buying.

Speaker 3:

And then you solve the problem of how do we get adoption, how do we get people to download this thing, to resolve web through the names, right, it doesn't have to be up to Google or any of these people to do this. You can make deals other ways and if it's things that people want, they will go to it, as long as you make it easier, as long as you build. So I commend those who continue to build in the direction of what people say nah, that can't happen and won't happen. You build it anyway and you make it work. And this, again, it's extremely easy to use.

Speaker 3:

Like you said, I've downloaded it. It really is just a download it and then switch it on and then you know, as long as you've got your records set correctly on your demands or whoever has their records set correctly, you'll be able to get to it. And this is for other people who might do this thing too. They may think that and write it. So right, most people who build a different utility build it, you know, specifically to benefit their own platform. This will actually benefit the ecosystem as a whole, am I?

Speaker 5:

correct Absolutely, absolutely. We should have called it Matrix, because it's yes, it's uniting the two words, and I remember in our VIP calls that my. The biggest satisfaction was just to type in my domain, davidchain, and press enter on Google Chrome, and it worked. And then I did that on Firefox, and it worked. So the real satisfaction was just to point and to visualize how is equal to go on Googlecom.

Speaker 2:

And then it's only the TLD owner that needs to do this right. The SL the person visiting doesn't need to do all these steps, it's just literally whoever owns the TLD they need to take these steps, and then it works right, correct, correct.

Speaker 5:

So it's just work natively on all the browsers.

Speaker 2:

That's game changing. Like. It seems to be the same, because that's the biggest. That's the biggest like true back that people have once they come into web free domains, and I wait what? The shit doesn't even work on like a regular browser and stuff and they're like, ah, it doesn't work, it's a scam, it's fad. Boom, boom, boom boom. But now you're saying, ok, cool, if someone wants to get into this game, they want to be a TLD owner, they have to do this setup, which might take what like five, 10 minutes right now.

Speaker 5:

To set it up. Yeah, one minute and a half.

Speaker 2:

OK, there you go, it's been timed and tested. And then, as a web free TLD owner, your browsers can natively resolve, in any existing operating system like Chrome, brave Safari wherever that's crazy and when did that come out?

Speaker 3:

Just to remind everybody, this is precisely what you have the opportunity to go claim by filling out the form that collectors, already been up at the time Is one of these domain names that resolves in the free name DNS. Also, if you're not already connected to the free name community, here's the perfect entry, and then you get to learn all about how this works. Stay on top of all the alpha as they continue to build. This is just one year of building. That's got us to here. I actually kind of want to touch on kind of what you're proud on and what you've built in this past year, and a little bit.

Speaker 2:

If anything. Before we get into that, can I just reiterate what the giveaway is. So the post is pinned up at the top. So if you swipe all the way to the left, there's free post pinned up. If you go to the one on the left, you'll be able to see a Google form which you'll be able to fill out, and if you're following like the speakers up top right now so I heart domains, free name and myself you'll be eligible to claim your own personalized web free domain. This will be allocated randomly across the free TLDs that are available. Just to keep it fair, we haven't even given people an option to choose which TLD they want as well. It'll just be like potluck, but the TLDs are all pretty solid.

Speaker 2:

You've got dot airdrop, dot dgen and dot NFT wallet, and then this would be matching to your Twitter username. So don't try and like. Change your username to like Bitcoin or whatever. It's already taken. You'll then be able to. You'll then get this airdropped into your free name account and stuff. It's free to set up. You can literally set up with connecting like your existing Google account or whatever. So you don't even need to like, write down a password or get into all the nitty gritty. You can literally get set up in like 20 seconds Like, because if the DNS is one and a half minutes, it's just going to take that long. So literally 10, 20 seconds to set up. You'll have your own free name account and then from there you'll be airdropped in probably the next few days your Twitter username on dot airdrop, dgen or dot NFT wallet and, if anything, free name before you get into the story. So airdrop is like one of your TLDs or whatever like in the personal portfolio. How do you own this? Does an Apple have the rights to airdrop?

Speaker 5:

No, no, no, no. So with Apple we've been talking and we have a trademark on airdrop and they gave us the green light with trademark the dot airdrop. As you see, it's registered.

Speaker 2:

So it's not just like some random, like it's not just some random thing, like there's actually like weight to this in the real life world.

Speaker 5:

Yes, correct, correct. So it's very supportive towards us, like it's just a small tiny thing for them, but it allowed us to have a trademark on the dot airdrop in class 45. So domain names and this was everything done. You can check publicly on the on the whiteboard trademark. It's registered. So, guys, I think the, the lack you want that are in this call can participate to receive their domain on these three, on these three TLDs. They are far away in the future, far away.

Speaker 3:

That was the. That was the point that I was trying to make, and I'm glad that you guys came back around to it. The bigger point is that a lot of people, I guess, have the concern about collision, about there being not even collision, but there being an excess inventory at some point of TLDs, and people will always be able to admit TLDs, including yourself. We encourage you to go to free name and do so.

Speaker 3:

There's power in having your own community. However, that use case is completely different than having a commercial TLD that you're going to be able to to market, will appeal to all people, will have that type of success, and that's going to whittle down to probably a couple of handfuls of them. We already are familiar with, you know, dot e and X and crypto and in other TLDs, and these TLDs that airdrop, these are ones that are going to stand the test of fire because they've been legally battle tested, because they're being managed and maintained directly by the registrar, dot X chain and dot defy, while without our end with our process of building behind it falling filing trademarks being the W3DA. Like I said, some of these TLDs are going to eventually have more value than others just because they're going to be more suitable for commercial registration in community building. So glad you kind of kind of touch back on that one, because the dot airdrop really does have substantial value.

Speaker 3:

The solid TLD I've been going by the name dot or when airdrop since I've been in the space that that's actually a name that I from, a domain name that I registered from UD, but I actually have when dot airdrop on free name, which is not my drill. So, yeah, very solid one Again. All you have to do is fill out the form that's up at the top during this Christmas giveaway and you will get your free airdrop domain name.

Speaker 2:

Wait, I thought we rehearsed this. You missed the part.

Speaker 3:

The part that I missed, sir.

Speaker 2:

I'm just gonna stay quietly realising you lie, of course.

Speaker 3:

I think I did forget, so let me know.

Speaker 2:

So good, we'll move on swiftly. I'm super confused now, so let's get it. I was actually gonna say to freename whatever like TLDS. Do you have that have like a strong dominance outside of? Like the web free and like you might have had to like had this kind of conversation they had with Apple, with other companies as well?

Speaker 5:

Let me think it's still the 25th of December, so my head is a bit slow. Dot Lambo was registered. What other we had? We had other two cases, dot Sousa, I think you'll forget. Perhaps one second on the Wipo database, no I think you're forgetting Dot Sousa. Yes, Dot Sousa as well, it's such an eric term. So on the trademark, there is a whole world opening up. So I think we can say here two, three hours to speak how they work, how they don't. What is the best strategy? What are they not?

Speaker 2:

but there are several, I don't know if you're gonna say here two, three hours to talk about trademarks.

Speaker 5:

No, not today. We will have a dedicated session for that and a dedicated email for that. I would love it. But we had few cases in which we consider something real good, like DotAirdrop, for example, or Dot Lambo, other registered terms like DotToken, dotsatoshi, dotmetaverse DISA registered and its freename company TLDS All of the other. We furnished the same service for our clients if they wish to register. There are a bunch of very nice which are around which people own. They're making money, and there are a bunch that still need to be owned.

Speaker 2:

That's one thing that we actually overlooked as well the fact that you can actually make money from your TLDS. None of us actually mentioned that. So, in short, what we call a TLDS and an SLDS, so let's say, like I don't know, twittercom, twittercom as a whole, is an SLD because that's the domain. And then a domain needs a TLD, a top level domain, to live on. So the dot com is probably the most common TLD that everyone in this room knows. But there's also, like dotcocoukaeclub, that all this kind of stuff, and generally these are owned by like ICANN, which is like a web 2 domain regulatory body that approves names and don't approve name and all this kind of stuff. So they've got lists of like hundreds, if not thousands, of TLDS that have been trademarked for a long time in web 2 usage.

Speaker 2:

Now web 3, there's a whole gap where, like a whole bunch of words, phrases, emojis, all this kind of stuff hasn't been trademarked and, due to the process that's needed to trademark one of these things, like they've just given up on these and haven't even like bothered to like go down this route and stuff.

Speaker 2:

So with like typical web 3 domain registrars, you can always buy the left side of the dot. So, like you might, you guys might know likeeaf again, that's their TLD and you can like rent a space on the left side unstoppable has like a selection of TLDS like NFT, wallet, bitcoin, that kind of stuff, and then on free name, you have the flexibility to choose both the left side and the right side of the dot. Obviously, they've mentioned that they're coming up to operations of like was it like 12, 15 months or something? So it's still fairly new, but the community is like a lot of whales, a lot of like traditional domain investors that have made like millions of dollars in like web 2 sales and stuff just by selling domains. Now these guys get the opportunity to own the TLD as well. And yeah, sorry, I don't know if you're going to add on to that. I heard someone on that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was. I did want to kind of break down a few use cases for TLDS because I think often and I mean it's the habit that we do in kind of every space about anything we talk about the grand picture. Sometimes it's overwhelming. So some people are hearing that they can buy a TLD and they're thinking that, hey, now I've got to start a registrar and do all this and that if I don't have the right name there's no purpose in me entering, etc. And I do kind of just want to tell people that there there is so much value in in in owning a TLD. Even amongst those who have, you know, they're forever ID already on dot ether, dot x, like this is kind of an expansion of your personal journey and personal community because you don't have to become a registrar.

Speaker 3:

When you have a TLD you could use it. If you're a builder, you can use it if you're bringing people into your community and want to issue them identity so that they're able to resolve and you can see their names within your d apps. You can also use it if you need to label things, if you're an artist, if you're, if you're storing any types of documents or information or files on the blockchain. The easiest way to get to it is being able to label it yourself, and you're kind of able to get rid of the rest of the noise by having just direct TLD. There's just a lot of different things that you can do with it besides thinking you know. The only way I'm going to get value of this is if I can convince other people to buy names off of it if I may add to that as well, and aside from what we're building, what we've done the last month.

Speaker 5:

But to reiterate, on the TLD side in web 2, you need to be licensed to operate a TLD and you need to have shitons of money because to operate a TLD first, a TLD cost you, minimum, minimum, a quarter of a meal. That's the starting price. So dot shop, dot shop was paid by, I think, a Japanese firm, 40 million to have it, 40 million for zero, yeah, and they need to be licensed. It's a very long process of one year license, so on and so forth. Now in web 3, by the way, in web 2, there are 1500 plus or less TLD. We are, we have issued close to 10,000 TLD. So what does it mean? That you can be the owner of the process, the owner of the TLD, the owner of the stream of cash of the TLD yourself, without paying millions for it, without waiting one year for it. And this is coherent with the blockchain. It's a community, it's decentralized, you can act, you don't need to wait somebody else that tells you yes, you can, yes, you cannot, right.

Speaker 5:

But another important point that we are doing differently from the rest of competitor that you mentioned, which are extremely nice and we love them.

Speaker 5:

However, when you buy a domain on dot com, your money goes to the dot com operator and a bit of money goes to godeddy or whatever registrar you bought the domains. They don't come back to you. If you buy something on dot x or dot eth is the same, so the innovation there from a financial point of view, it's inexistent. Instead, if you own your own TLD and this is I'm very proud because this model is different from what is around in web 3 but also in web 2 which is not different from a registration on other protocols you can be a registrar yourself. You just don't pay for something and giving the money to somebody else, you're making similar to an investment owning your TLD, because when people register domains with your community members, your friends, your client, when the register name on your TLD, you receive 50% of that, and this is very, very different from the protocol that was mentioned yeah, and also kind of to expand on that for those who were also.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, the flip side of that is I just mentioned that there's plenty of use cases outside of needing to build your own registry for a TLD. But for those of you who are looking at that opportunity and saying, no, I need that money, that's what I want to do is become a registry and get some you know some grail TLDs. One of the also benefits to expand on that is not only do you allow people to become that registry, but it's also pretty much a turnkey process too. So for those of you the kind of popular term it's going around now, that no code, that basically it's easy for anyone to do you guys make it to where people, once they purchased their TLDs, to set up royalties on it, to set up pricing right within you know, your, their console or their dashboard. You're also able to create the sales landing pages so that you can share them and people can land directly on where they can go and register your to off of your TLD, as well as widgets that you can embed into websites as well. So there's, they've created also a turnkey process for those who are looking for an easy way to get into the space as a registrar, to do so and then also, you know, by by being very open, active, educated, coming on spaces such as this.

Speaker 3:

You know, once you own that TLD, you get plenty of guidance on what to do with it, best practices, a lot of insight so that you can follow some of the same steps that they did as far as legally protecting it, so that you don't just own it, you know on the blockchain, but you like kind of own it in the eyes of everybody else, you can commercially succeed with it. So substantial number of benefits again to entering the ecosystem on the TLD level. That was kind of, I think I mentioned in other spaces. Like that was the light switch that flipped in my head. That kind of turned me from being just a mirror speculator and collector in the space to you know, actually a builder and entrepreneur and, yeah, key in collector, how you don't even silent for like 10 minutes break.

Speaker 2:

You guys go in too technical and just lose me there and I'm just like here to show a little bit woo IHARS, woo freename. I thought it's festive. People are half drunk, like I don't even know if people are sober right now and you guys are going into the nitty gritty and we're here to give a mega giveaway. We haven't even announced how many winners and stuff freename, how many domains you want to capture that?

Speaker 5:

I think it was a hundred correct.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, but I've already posted 300 and about 50, 60 are filled up already. So I'm sorry, sir, I think we're gonna have to extend the budget a little bit. Let's do 300, then let's do it. I think the wine is settling now. So, guys, if you have any requests for freename, feel free to come up on stage. Christmas presents going out yeah, if anything. The next person that comes up on stage as a speaker, they can choose which TLD they want their domain on. So if anyone wants a dot airdrop, specifically a dot dgen, a dot nft wallet, just send up a request. The next what two or three speakers that come up, you'll get to choose which TLD you specifically do want your web free domain on. So who's it gonna be? I know you guys have had a little bit too much. You don't have to stay for the duration of the stage. Come up, say a quick gm, claim your domain and carry on with the rest of your day.

Speaker 3:

I do want to thank everyone again for attending this tech talk. It's Christmas and I get it. Guys really appreciate that spending your time with us. If you're here, you're thinking past the day, you're thinking towards tomorrow, so, bro.

Speaker 2:

King didn't hesitate. He took that opportunity straight away.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we got big shilly mic on the stage as well, okay, okay, okay, the stage is, I think is gonna start heating up now. So do we go and use the name or account name, because both of these guys have quite like? Ooh, cc dabs is on. Damn. All I had to say was claim your own domain and TLD. Now the stage is popping. I think we're gonna stay for another hour or so, okay, so who wants to go first and wait? Are we doing this based on like name or username?

Speaker 3:

I just want to hear Willie's voice, how you doing.

Speaker 6:

Yo, how's it going, people, if you're on good.

Speaker 3:

Yes sir, yes sir, how you doing today, How's your holiday?

Speaker 6:

Real good Merry Christmas everyone.

Speaker 2:

I think we're in the middle of like Willie's family dinner, GM Willie's family. We're here. We're Willie's like internet friends. We're here to support him, Like he's not actually gone crazy and he doesn't talk to himself. We're here with him all day, every day. He's one of the greatest builders in the space as well, so we're all very bullish on him. Bullish means like I don't know emotionally happy or something I don't know, like attached.

Speaker 3:

I think they're already definitely used to me, Me and Willie. We talk a lot. I think I take up a lot of his family time. It's good to have you up here though we're family man.

Speaker 6:

Well, that's what family do, man? You know what I'm saying there? We go. I've known him many years. I've spoken to him more than I've spoken to him in real life friends, but you know.

Speaker 2:

He was about to say wife and then realized where he's sitting.

Speaker 6:

Like, yeah, probably that as well. You know, probably got more better advice off of Wend.

Speaker 2:

I've done it like you better. Stop now, before you like get your doubts out. I'm gonna end that.

Speaker 6:

I'm gonna be. I'm gonna go to RIP.

Speaker 2:

Is that a little one?

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I'm trying to get her to bed and she's jumping all over me. So she's trying to get involved, we'll get her as our main.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, man.

Speaker 6:

Our main go to sleep domain.

Speaker 7:

How old is she?

Speaker 6:

She's three, three years old yeah, oh.

Speaker 7:

so I bet this Christmas was like that one that she really like got into and like kind of understood more and was just like all about it.

Speaker 6:

Well, she's one of three and she's definitely the one that breaks everything around the house, so she gets into everything. So I might grab a TLD like miss break everything or something like that. I'm saying dot D5 or something. When can help me out?

Speaker 7:

Start stacking that bag for her now and she'll be ready to go.

Speaker 6:

Absolutely Seriously.

Speaker 3:

Seriously if you guys aren't already thinking on that path, if you're not already grabbing domains for people in your family, for your kids, for people, if you've got people you love and you're trying to talk to them about the main thing and listening to you, but I want anyway just put it on the wall at the same time. They're gonna need it. You know they're gonna need it. That's why you're here.

Speaker 6:

Hey, when can I tell a story Right, go for it, sir. It's a bit. It's a decent story. So I've got a friend that I've known for many years. He's very talented. He was a talented rapper back in the day, saying no more on that side, but I remember he was saying to me look, man, I've gone and go daddy, and I've got what was it? Disneyland, cyprus, disneyland, kazakhstan, disneyland, all these different countries. And I'm like man, you're a crazy motherfucker. He said you know what? He only takes one of them to build there and potentially they're gonna be buying it off of me. I said, yeah, that makes sense. So he had loads of ideas and loads. He bought loads. Since then he's got. He's not, he's still a rapper, but since then he has got a deal with Sky. So he's done two series with Sky and he's yeah, it's MC Grammer, if you wanna go and look him up. He's one of my best friends and basically he does. He become a school teacher and now he raps. He was on the Ellen show and he's done loads of things anyway.

Speaker 6:

So now, whenever I've had a chance to grab a domain, I've grabbed something with like MC Grammer in it and he I was trying to get. He was around my house not too long ago and I was trying to get hold of Wen or Collector but they were busy. But I wanted to obviously introduce him because he was like, yeah man, I wanna know more about it. I said, listen, I know very limited amount about domains, but I'll speak to some dude today and he was talking about crypto. Like he was correct, like I didn't realize how much this guy knew about crypto Not my friend, it was another guy that I met through the family and he was talking about domains as well.

Speaker 6:

So this is how bullish. Like he was like, yeah, forget NFTs, he goes like it's all about domains. Cause I was like, yeah, I was telling him my journey with NFTs and all the rest of it and he goes, no, it's all about domains. I said, no way, do you know about domains? He goes yeah man, he goes, that's the alpha. I said, shit, man, I should have been listening to Wen and Collector, right what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I've grabbed a couple. This is how I know that domains are gonna move now. So anything that Willie's faded and Web Free has, like I'm sure I was about to say that, do you know what? I had a load of bunk.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I had a load of bunk. I don't know if I told you I had a load of bunk and I sold it to buy some Salon. And I thought you know what, salon doesn't do nothing. It was when it was like $11 or so. So, yeah, I'll change it into BNB. And yeah, man, I rocked myself again. Anyway, taxi, he went from bunk to the line To the BNB.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, I think you're an alien. Check please, guys. Check please.

Speaker 3:

I've gotta go.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I do want to. He was an alien Bitcoin investor as well.

Speaker 3:

Hold on a second. I do want to highlight something you said to and that's cool about you know, having these conversations are onboarding people. You made this too easy to plug this in, but I do gotta remind people if you find yourself in a similar situation, well, either you don't know something about Web through domain names or you are trying to teach someone else something about Web through domain names and you just don't know who to find. I've got that answer for you it's the iHeartDomainStopBot. All you gotta do is take them there, ask them any question that you wanted. There's non-bias information about every platform, including word of register. So, yeah, that's kind of why I built that tool Really is for people to go and interact with it and ask the questions on their own time and answer those questions in a friendly way. That gets them onboarded into Web through and that's the deal right. That's the thing.

Speaker 3:

The more of us that start coming into these spaces learning and getting the value, the more we can start reciprocating that value to other people and getting them to get it. The more tools and resources we all keep building, the more we can send people to those tools and resources so that they get it Eventually. Once everybody gets it. They'll want all the stuff that you bought and have been holding for all these years. So it's a cycle of making everything better for everybody. Also just wanted to tell it. So thank you to CCDabs, king and Mike for coming up on stage. Y'all are awesome. I don't know if you want to DM a collector directly free name for me either one. It's easy to get a hold of either of us.

Speaker 2:

But we want to make sure that you say your name, which they want. So, and first, we should first determine is it based on the username or the screen name, because King or Mike, yeah, I can't yeah. I'm like.

Speaker 3:

King got a grill, but you said what you said.

Speaker 2:

But is it King or is it the app?

Speaker 8:

Because that's a conversation. Yeah, I'd say King.

Speaker 7:

I think it should be that, because we can all change our name thing up here. Like myself, though, I'm simple, mine's the same, you know. So yeah, but it should be the app, because you know there's gonna be a lot of Kings out here, there's gonna be a lot of people with the same, so I think it should be the app.

Speaker 8:

I'm the King of Dejans. I empower the Dejans to launch their own coins. I'm the King Dejans.

Speaker 2:

So King really.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I know we're gonna go on with that one Like, oh, oh.

Speaker 2:

Oh damn, I forgot that's WendzTLD as well. So I don't even think FreeName have the ultimate decision on this, wendz damn.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, maybe like We'll talk, I got you King.

Speaker 2:

Discuss your cause Like why should you have the King Dejans domain? Why, what makes you that person? Everyone can say they're the King and stuff. What puts you in that position? What gives you the frame, sir, especially about web pretels these as well.

Speaker 8:

Well, for me personally, I'm onboarding. I'm onboarding a whole slew of musicians into web three, helping to tokenize them and helping to decentralize the music industry. So I'm helping people tokenize responsibly, not just tokenizing BS memes. So I'm not a meme. I hate meme coins. Sometimes, to be honest, it burns up my timeline.

Speaker 2:

Wait, you hate, wait, wait, wait, you hate meme coins. What's your PFP?

Speaker 8:

My PFP is my art. It's the ultimate meme coin. It's my art right there, buddy, I made that. I'm the prompt job out here.

Speaker 2:

You're the King's proto. I'm aware, sir, but which community are you rocking? You're saying I hate meme coins. That's like the biggest meme that's ever existed. My PFP is a derivative.

Speaker 8:

They hate me because of such Ha ha ha.

Speaker 2:

It's not like you just made like a PFP derivative, you made a whole collection of like 10,000 as PFP derivatives, right?

Speaker 8:

No, no, no, no, no, no. Like just a few hundred, no, just this one.

Speaker 2:

Oh, fair enough, and what's your like skin in the web three domain game.

Speaker 8:

Well, that's the thing I'm getting my feet now, now that it's just brought me about and such, I'm getting my feet wet by really learning, but also making sure that all these artists that were bringing into web three, making sure that they have such Because, again, we're hoping that every musician looks to themselves as a business we help them by getting them on their own artist's DAP.

Speaker 8:

So every artist should have their own domain in that regard. So, if they have their own DAP out here, if people are going to go take that DAP URL and take it through on the trust wallet, they need to have something that stands up for their brand. So for us to tokenize these artists, helping them deploy their NFT collections with our launch pad, helping them deploy their own tokens across six different chains. For us, it's to help everyone tokenize responsibility, degen responsibly, don't just degen and the symptom it's gonna be dust. These musicians are gonna be around and even if something does, for, say, happen to a musician, the IP and everything is still gonna be around. We're tokenizing them, putting them on the blockchain for a reason you know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there is a humongous use case for musicians in web three and blockchain for proof of ownership, for imputability of ownership, for identity, for living for everything that identity of blockchain stands for.

Speaker 3:

I mean, like that's one of the perfect industries that it fits into. So many people again, they get taken advantage of because they don't own any of their things, they don't control any of their things. They're creating content that's being stolen from them or misused or not monetized correctly and, yeah, this is the space for them. So I love that you're building in that direction. It's also the person use case again for TLDs as well, because now these people, as soon as you pick up a mic and start making YouTube videos, you're a business. You gotta start treating yourself as such. You gotta start branding and start owning things. Easiest thing to own you can buy a free name TLD with Fiat, so I mean that needs to be.

Speaker 3:

Web three has to now start being rolled into people's initial business plan. You, when you file for your business license, when you go to get your DBA and your tax ID number, your EIN, when you start looking to getting business cards, you need to go and start looking for how am I gonna get crypto money to me? How am I gonna start branding myself on the blockchain? Let me get that too, and the first place I would start is with your own name. Go for it. Cc Dan.

Speaker 7:

I was kind of curious because I know that, like with ENS names, things like this we have to renew, right? How long do the free name domains last? Is this something that we will need to renew every year?

Speaker 6:

Or is it?

Speaker 3:

forever Forever, mom, Every, every February, they have to be renewed. Now these are forever. I think we've had this discussion several times. Certain protocols and certain ecosystems are gonna have renewals, and those protocols and ecosystems although some people are gonna hate the fact that they have renewals are also gonna have undeniable, you know, utility or use case that's gonna make you pay them anyway. At the exact same time, though, there's a strong argument, and it's a valid argument. You can't really call something your identity if it could be taken from you just for failing to renewing and not having the money at the time. So, yes, come back around to answering your question Digital identity when you buy it, you own it on this platform.

Speaker 7:

Awesome, thank you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and we've kind of been like talking a lot and not giving a dog a day a chance to speak.

Speaker 3:

I did have a question I was gonna get around to asking and we dug into a bunch of great alpha and stuff, but kind of wanted to especially as we're coming up on an hour wanted to kind of make this a little more what do you call it personal, right, and talk about what you're grateful for. I guess for this past year and both business and growth, you know kind of give a yearly outlook. We've talked about kind of where we're at now with, like I said, where we're in the year with the humongous achievement with the DNS rollout, and you guys have made several strides, you know, since your inception, just you know, before the end of last year, right. So, yeah, kind of wanted to tell you what you're grateful or get your perspective on what you're grateful or proud of what you guys have built.

Speaker 5:

With pleasure, grateful and proud of everything. It is one year. It feels 10 years. We started first of all, we are multi-chain, so when you buy a domain or a TLD, you can choose the chain where to meet. This was the basic concept, the MVP that we rolled out October 2022. So October, december 12, 14 months ago, 15 months ago. Now December is passing. Since then, we just build, build, build, build, build, build. What so? The ultimate concept is that we are building utility, we are building infrastructure, so we've integrated with website builders, with email protocol, all web three, with conference room. We've built the browser extension for you not just to serve or to redirect your web three domain to a web two domain, but also to make payments between domain, and not just solely with free name domains, but you can use our extension making payments cross-chain between free name, ud, ens. On top of that, we've reached. Our domains are held in 93 countries, so we reached a lot of people in Twitter.

Speaker 5:

Thanks to AMAs such as this one, such as our regular spaces, weekly spaces, the team have grown. We started in seven people. Now we are almost 30 and continue growing. We've given a ton of utility. You can check on our website.

Speaker 5:

On the infrastructural side. We've built landing pages for you web two and web three. Landing pages. You can find format inside free name platform, but also in 1W3, for example, for you to commercialize your TLD. We've built connectivity with web two with different wallets, and this is just on one year.

Speaker 5:

Imagine now we built the DNS and we can not say what we're building more. But you will see in January, february, collisions, collision for us are not more a problem. Interoperability between chains not more a problem for us. You will see with your own eyes in the next year, which seems very long, but again, it's in a week next year. So I'm very proud of all the team, all the efforts that we are doing, all the infrastructure that we have built for you to use the domain to relate to your Twitter account, to do a landing page, to sell domains on your TLD, to use it as an email, to use it as a domain for website web two and web three, to make payment, cross-chain, cross-register. This is just the beginning. Many players took years to build it. We just don't sleep, we just work eight days a week, 29 hours per day.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I definitely want to commend you and I mean I say it a lot but I still don't think I've said it enough. That's because it's not just coming from a place of saying I commend you, it's coming from a real place. You really have built a substantial amount of technology to give use case and relevance to domain names in this past year. Because that's the thing right. When we talk to normal people, when we onboard people, again, depending on what kind of person you are, it's a responsibility.

Speaker 3:

I have people that I've onboarded into Web through domain names two and a half years ago when I was just telling them what I thought they might be able to do, because I really believed it right. Then the hope is you sit back and cross your fingers and if you came to that, you got to hope that these platforms that you introduced these people to do build it right. You have certainly been one of those people and it's always been easy to recommend somebody to because they're going to get their money's worth it more. Again, dns on your computer has been achieved right. A lot of things that people didn't think the domain names were going to be able to do, quite frankly, were achieved really first by free name. We were talking about mail chain and messaging. You guys were one of the first people to integrate with them, then started developing your own.

Speaker 3:

We were talking about website builders way back with I forgot what the name of that company whatever the name is, but a lot of these features and things that people are now starting to become bullish on holding build-up dogs, on holding spaces. With the first, literally the first time I ever heard of 1W3 was in your space before it started catching on with the ENS crap. You guys have definitely been one of those big innovators Again, big builders that make me kind of not look like a liar to those people that I introduced in this space years ago. I'm able to go back to those same people and say, hey, if you log in and check on your domains lately, might be surprised at what they can do and what value they have. Thank you for everything you've built.

Speaker 5:

You know I want and thank you for the kind words like this is the reality. You can just buy a domain and do all the rest is integrated, no matter the chain, no matter. You can use it. One tool that I find personally interesting and it's a fun tool for me, it's the web tree who is that you can find on Freedom and for me it's very. It's very fun because when I see people shilling their ETH and stop a ball, free name and other domain, the tool that we've built is the same who is.

Speaker 5:

So you can put in the who is or a domain or a wallet, and if you put a domain, it tells you the wallet that have the domain, so you can go and check if it's a new wallet, if the guy is saying the true or not, so on and so forth. You can also insert a wallet to see how many domains web tree domains are on that wallet and from who, so you can check whether they're saying the true again or not. I find it very fun to spot people that say I have these domains and then the wallet it's almost new or something you never know or whether they are true ways. So if you want to have fun in this way. Use this tool. We built a lot of tools also to not just to use the domain, but to browse the web tree as a whole.

Speaker 3:

And that's, if I'm not mistaken, the first time I heard somebody develop even that type of tool was you guys, and now people are starting to see how useful that is. When you're trying to find out information on domain, when you want to make offers, you can message people about it. That wasn't a thing, right? People didn't know you needed to know what wallet something was in, like that before. But now we've got a utility that makes it extremely relevant needing to be able to track things down, being able to have this quote unquote search engine or this index of information for domain names, which will continue to expand and get bigger.

Speaker 3:

So, yes, sir, yes sir, and also collector, I kind of want to pose the same question to you because you've been here, just as I have. Kind of all of us have been here, you know, riding with free name. Through this journey, we've both been extremely bullish. We've been on our fair share of spaces. Yeah, I want to hear what you're proud of and grateful for for this past year and business and growth and your bullishness on Web 3 ID moving forward.

Speaker 2:

And just like Web 3, id or generally in the space.

Speaker 3:

Matt, tell us about everything you're bullish on, which I know is a lot Fucking hell, and that was the wrong emoji.

Speaker 2:

You're making me shine shit. Like. If anything, I really like jumped into it's not even a show for free name and shit, but I really like jumped into deep end with like free name, like just being in the web free space like 24 seven. At that point I came across like I don't know if you guys know, but I do like advising and consulting and stuff for free name and I've publicly said this like many times. You can see my posters under spaces and stuff. But I've also like, before doing that, I actually had invested into the domains and TLDs, like that's how kind of going in touch with free name. I was like there's so many elements of your community that you can strengthen and shit. So I had the like free name Twitter account and it's actually like a privilege to have that Twitter account. And I think Davide was saying as well this is like one of the. It's the first time today that he's had like access to the account as well and he's a CEO and there's like a whole team and a whole strategy and stuff. So the very like particular about like who has access and like what we say, because we can all be like passionate and stuff and all this.

Speaker 2:

So when I first got access to the free name account, I was like infusiastic. You see, guys, I'm always online 24, seven, like whether it's your night, my night, like that night in Asia. Like you'll find like a response from me somewhere. So the initial social media team is really like upgraded since then of free name and stuff. They were like having a panic attack because I was doing like not viral posts. You tried to give away free names or semi like viral posts, like during the night and there's like an unprecedented like level of activity when everyone should be sleeping and their phones are going off. So it was a little bit stressful for like the free name team, for me to have the social media, knowing that I could tweet at any time. So then I kind of just like start focusing on my own page. I only had like 200 followers or something on this page like this time last year and we started jumping into like one-off-one NFT artists and stuff and airdrops who like hey, wallet and all this kind of shit. So just spent more time in web freeze. So that like this is kind of like my passion. I see like projects with like.

Speaker 2:

When I got into free name, I thought this is something like a five 10 year kind of play. Like by the time people get into this and understand domains and see the value, it's not going to come overnight. But the fact that there's no renewal fees, you can kind of take that risk on something like you can afford it today, or save up to afford it today and then, like you don't have to worry about paying it again. So, yeah, just started being like more active and like the free name community started being more active. On my own community he came across like now there's more people in the social media team. So I've got time to kind of learn like other elements of like web free and focus a little bit on like Solana, for instance.

Speaker 2:

And yeah, the growth has been incredible like the amount of people that have met in this space in the short time, both online and spaces and IRL and networking. I think I've met like I don't know, probably I 50, 60% of the free name team. I think when's met a good portion as well in like various like IRL events from like London to Paris, to Dubai, to Portugal, to Vegas and like three name team are like pretty much at every web to web free domain space. They're normally like a sponsor or something, so their names really out there and stuff in the domain world and it just keeps strengthening and then it's something that can kind of integrate into everything.

Speaker 2:

So you want to have as your personal brand, you want to token gate your NFT community, you want it for like your layer one, you want it for your exchange like the possibilities are endless and it's just what you want to do with like your web free TLDs and stuff and the utilities.

Speaker 2:

Once people actually realize that, holy shit, like my number plate is so valuable because I can drive it around in my city or my phone number or whatever, but I don't even want anyone to have that. I can now have my wallet address as well, but the hell, I want people know that I own that and that'll be my like position on the blockchain. No one can take that, no one can delete that. It's there like embedded. Like even if I stop being active in web free today or tomorrow, you'll still see like my mark on the blockchain because I had like this TLD that I managed to use as like a reverse resolution, so you even see it in like if a scan or whichever. Like these broadcast and things you're saying when you're buying tokens as well, like it's such a bullish like commodity to have and the fact that it's such a small industry of web free it's going to cause like a massive like FOMO sales, like when people do realize the utility behind the stuff.

Speaker 3:

And you'll be able, like you said, you know you own it. You own it forever, depending on the platform you know. But it's also something that, even if you don't build with now, you're able to come back to later, If you're, you know it's something that, again, it's an asset, and asset doesn't always have to be used on a daily basis. Assets can also be used as investments as well, to flip the other people.

Speaker 2:

The people that are involved in like web free domains have like a higher level of IQ than like NFT, dgns or like meme coindigions. Because, firstly, they have to like find value in words, they have to make like creative combinations to secure these words or TLDs. They have to go into like random places to find where it's even possible to do all this stuff and then they kind of understand other elements of like web free as well. So, like when like bitmaps came out, I think like the domain community were all over this because they realized that this is kind of like a domain, it's on Bitcoin, it's got like a unique digital identity, yeah, cool, bullish, that kind of stuff. So it kind of makes you like a little bit more like multi chain as well, because some people might just focus on Eve or whatever or Solana, but then with domains it gives you like something new to learning web free and how to hold them and use them.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, hey, you did reference I don't know why I just got to tied right there, but, yeah, I would believe so that the crowd that we currently have, the company that's currently bullish and participating with 3D yeah, we are an intellectual crowd. I think I own the term nerd internally, right, I'm proud of it, and that's where we're at right now, which highlights the opportunity. Right, if you want to embrace your internet, learn a little bit of that technology, to enter the ecosystem, you know, we truly believe that that's going to pay off because eventually, there are many, many, many, many people who are saying what the problem is we need better user interface and easier onboarding for people who don't know how to do any of this technical stuff.

Speaker 3:

So you got the opportunity now, as technical Eventually it won't be too technical to enter this ecosystem and set up a domain name and get something minted and then, yeah, that's when those who took time now will you know, reap the economic benefit from those who are now coming in and seeking the property.

Speaker 2:

You'll be our exit liquidity once you realize what the shit is, but not even exit.

Speaker 2:

Pretty much. We're not selling, we're just basically buying domains on our TLDs, and that's actually a point that we missed an hour trying to get to. So the whole point of a free name TLD is the fact that you can actually earn from it. You don't need to sell it, you can simply own it and then if anyone makes any purchase of any domain, you get 50% of the revenue generated. So let's say, like a grail, like King DGen, that might be worth like thousands of dollars. So that could be a little bit more technical within, like a airdrop, as it's meant to be on the user name, I think that's going to have to add like an emoji or something just to like level out the pain field and make it a little bit fair. But basically, like you can have domains as cheap as like $2 and it can go up to like thousands of dollars, and also the TLD owner has the flexibility to increase or lower that amount as much as they want as well. So as a TLD owner, you then own 50% of this revenue as well. So it's quite a cool little.

Speaker 2:

It's not really passive income, because you're going to have to grind for you, you're going to have to educate, like all this kind of stuff, but you pay for it. Once you own it, you might be able to get it cheap in like a Christmas sale or a Black Friday sale or three names on regular ones like this like 50, 60% off the entire value, with like royalties and stuff as well. So you might be able to pick up like a domain for like, let's say, $50 and, sorry, a TLD at like $50 and entry point, and then that's it. You own that for life. How hard would it then be to then generate $50 of an asset that you paid for once in an unlimited timeframe. You don't have like a year to do it before the renewals or anything. You can take your time. Get like $2 sales, $10 sales, do like giveaways, create like a whole brand around your TLD. People get like really creative with this stuff. So, yeah, that's just like one element the fact that you have unlimited like earning potential once you put it into gear.

Speaker 3:

And again, if we haven't kind of highlighted it already, all of that, all of that, that utility, all of that ability, it's only because everybody here is going to get into a million spaces with a million projects having a million promises. It really is only as good as that project or that platform's ability to execute it, that platform ability or that platform's integrity, how they've already built in the space, how they've already created a community, how they've already executed, how they've already shown people that they will build and continue to build, and like again, that feeling that you know, if you onboard somebody into their ecosystem, that they're likely going to end up with something that does more and is better later than when they bought it or when they acquired it the first time. So that definitely makes it so much of an easier. It makes it easier to interact with those kind of assets because you can feel good about having them. Rather, than like.

Speaker 3:

You know what I'm saying. I just have some stuff in our wallet that you feel bad for who you're going to sell it to. But yeah, let me go ahead and introduce Chris. I see you're in the space. Thank you for taking time out of your Christmas Day to hop up here. How you doing today, sir. Happy holidays, thank you, thank you. Thank you, I couldn't miss it. I looked at the clock and I said, oh, I have some place to be, so I logged in. I'm here for a great conversation. Yeah, we actually are. You're actually late.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think your clocks went forward or something. We also got Michael on stage as well. We haven't said GM to him yet. We sure do. How? You doing today Mike Mike is Mike working, Is Mike's working.

Speaker 6:

Wait, there's actually like yeah, there's two mics.

Speaker 2:

There's Mike and Michael, but this one the other mic we actually referred to is Willie I don't know why oh.

Speaker 9:

I got confused with the names. I didn't realise if you were talking to me or him.

Speaker 2:

Method of defy lines, or be it me or not. Is that good enough? Is that clear enough for you, sir?

Speaker 9:

Yeah, that makes more sense. Yeah, basically, when you guys were talking about what we're all thankful for, this year.

Speaker 9:

I wanted to pop up and just say that I was thankful for Wenair, jobpen, collector and FreeName, because if it weren't for you guys, I might not have done as much. Although the company that I set up had to close down for cease and desist orders, I'm still grateful that because of you guys that I got into the space and started doing something like that. So my personal account is going to be more of trying to help people with that, just not in a business way anymore. But if it weren't for you three guys, I wouldn't be where I am in the space basically.

Speaker 3:

I think I've already said this in my chat and I know Collector would probably be on board as well, but I definitely want to help you redirect that purpose because A that sucks that you had to close down your platform. You put a lot into that and really grinding, so reach out so we can help redirect that purpose. In whatever way, you're a name. I met you through this ecosystem FreeName ecosystem. There's a lot of opportunity here. The road is not closed.

Speaker 2:

And there's research and shit you do as well and so many topics and stuff. No one does that shit, even half an hour. You have the most in-depth research about any element of web-free that people don't even care about registering in a random company in Tennessee or something and it's like a legal entity or some shit like this. So keep building, sir, and get the power in by, like everyone's got obstacles and shit in the way.

Speaker 9:

I mean I'll carry on building, but I just think I'm gonna do it in a personal way now rather than as a business, because I think I Couldn't run the business completely anyway, because I also do a full-time job.

Speaker 3:

So until I'm earning enough through web 3d, I mean like, but other than that, yeah, well, again, you know whatever we can do to help, help you grind, help you. Well, now you got a rebrand right. I think that was a solid name defy alliance. But yeah, we'll help you get out there, bro.

Speaker 9:

Yeah, so so for those that don't know, basically I set up something called defy alliance now and. But what I didn't do was, like, I did my research, I just didn't find anything out there. And then a company called defy alliance Then contacted me and they've been around since 2015 and they said that basically I was infringing on their, on their Intellectual property by using Defy alliance in my name. So then, because of the cease and desist order to stop any sort of any other legal actions happening. Luckily enough, there hasn't been any repercussions. It was easier for me, but just because I was the only one running it, just to close everything down in one go and just and then, and then, sort of like, think about where I'm gonna go from there, basically.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it makes sense.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that that that sucks and that's. You know, that's part of the educational process.

Speaker 3:

You actually, if anything, you have that value to add because a lot of people don't think the tech can happen to you got a lot of people out here walking around blind and buying things and not able not either Don't know that they should do the research or may not know how to do thorough enough research to realize that you know eventually they're gonna get that same letter. So again, there's a substantial amount of value. There you go, if people want to know where we're, an example of Something like that being able to occur and got the walking example here.

Speaker 9:

Yeah, well, I'll give you, I'll give you Everybody a piece of advice, right? So this is just for the UK only, where I, where I reside Basically. There is a service that I found out about After the cease and desist order that they're called a. They're called registry lawyers and what they basically do is they go out there and basically check to see if that Name is legal within your own country or legal across the world. It costs to do the cross in your country. One is free to do with them, but if you were to do across the world one, then they Then they charge. I think it's like 150 odd quids, it's not a lot, and that's pounds. Sorry, I always use the word quid, but I mean 150 pounds. And yeah, and they basically do the research. If you're, if any of you're, in Europe or the UK, then Hit me up and I'll send you the details for that. If you ever need any sort of what you call it read Registry look up or legal look up for that sort of thing.

Speaker 2:

That's. That's the alpha. So you guys want to make sure you've got the right like Foundations for your business. Always check the legalities in whichever jurisdiction you're in, to make sure. That's why like Free name is so like bullish on, like patents and all this kind of stuff, so they know what they're building, but they also know what else do you need to strengthen this stuff. So that's a good example of like always doing like in-depth research, understanding like jurisdiction you're in and Might cost a bit more, but then at least like you've got a solid ground that it can't be tampered with and stuff. I know that we've got a few more speakers on the stage as well, but I think like we should be wrapping the space up in the next five minutes. I think I'm both when and Fatal duties today, so I don't want to keep them longer than they've already graced us with their presence.

Speaker 3:

I Do appreciate you and I was going to say thank you for all the new speakers that came up. I do see that there's a lot. I really appreciate y'all coming up on Christmas One. It's a touch back around to on, on, on again. You know the, the trademark and legal talk and things like that.

Speaker 3:

Just another warning and just another piece of advice that people there's a lot of people hear those words they start hearing legal and they automatically, you know, start associating that with Not to centralize, etc. Personally, I would say that if the platform that you are purchasing your name from isn't having those conversations or is telling you to brush off Legally protecting your domain names and that it ain't important, were to ignore things, that's probably a red flag for you. So it is. It is again. You know another tool that free name offers us to help get you started in that process. I think we talked about it that a couple times as well. If you want to get started with the trademark process, they have a turnkey process that they do for you.

Speaker 2:

And sorry I was just actually gonna touch on that. So, with like free names trademark process, the head office of free name I don't know if you guys know it's in switzerland and if you've like done any research into like switzerland and like the legalities and law and everything there is very, very watertight. So what like free name are starting like the whole process with is probably one of the Titus Regulations and trademark laws in the world which is accepted like quite strong globally as well, and then this process could then be replicated in other jurisdictions like the rest of europe, america, asia, wherever else you want to like protect, like your digital idea and stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yes, sir, sir, I'm sorry, we didn't get to everybody on stage. If you guys want to take a brief, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna give everybody like a quick one minute, say hi, say merry christmas, introduce yourself, let's pass it on, and then we're gonna Give dive a day, a chance to, you know, to close us out, and then, yeah, we're all gonna go back to enjoy our christmas.

Speaker 2:

And I just want to actually sorry, michael, I'm gonna have to remove your post, but if anyone wants to reach out to michael, he's on stage. He's the dude with the glasses. Um, before you guys get started, I think we'll go from kevin cc, mike I think a just dropped off, but he's welcome to join us again namer, michael, and then, uh, you, your labs, and then, um, what's it called? Um, yeah, don't forget guys, there's a mega giveaway going. There's nearly like 100 entries so far. Uh, check the pin. Tweet at the top. There's a direct link. You'll be able to submit your twitter username and then be able to get a domain on dot airdrop, dot, deejon, dot. Wallet.

Speaker 2:

Um, I see a lot of great like builders in here. I know you all got like funky usernames. So this is your chance to claim like, your piece of like web free identity, completely free. You don't need to pay anything. There's not even gas fees and stuff. So all you do is just like claim it on your Free name account, which you can set up with your google account, takes literally 10 seconds. You're able to claim that and then, yeah, over to you guys. Go for it. Yeah, kevin, if you want to go, you got the hotspot at the top right now. Nope, okay, cc.

Speaker 7:

Hey everybody. Um, thank you for having me up here. Thank you for the offer of the domain name. I definitely put my uh Entry in for that. I want to say happy holidays to everybody. Um, you know, don't forget to get that size up. And uh, do what you're doing if you know. You know, let's go.

Speaker 3:

I do know I actually bought a half a soul worth of size. So you keep doing what you're doing and give people to buy more of it. Go for it size matters.

Speaker 2:

I think this is a free name space and not a dj meme shill space. But yeah, guys, if it's a Bullet shalana meme coin, if we went in that direction. But yeah, free name web, free domains, will close. The novelist try and keep the room like where it was and stuff. Um, I think we've got a new speaker as well, david. Uh, now we got two davids on stage. So david was good. Sir, if you want to quickly just introduce, we're literally wrapping up. So, um, your spotlight is limited to 30 to 40 seconds.

Speaker 4:

Merry christmas boys. Merry nugmas, glad to be here. Let's rock and roll Free name repping. I heart domains. You already know collector nft thug nugs is in the house. Let's get some forefives going for the new year, boy.

Speaker 2:

These fuck nugs are like one of the most active communities. I'm about to like block them all because they keep DMing me so much. They just say, fuck, I'm not, I'm like bro, what is this like, like, and they're just like nug. That's it, just nug. I'm gonna have to nug with them 709 thug nugs.

Speaker 4:

We minted out at point zero zero six nine. We did a hundred eggs. Come thug nug with us. On stelana, soldiers hit 125 today on christmas. Let's get it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's crazy. Great Merry christmas gift um you labs. Go for it.

Speaker 8:

I was sad the holidays everyone. We just had our six year anniversary since we originally deployed our coring back in 2017, and that says anything. That means just to stay dedicated to your vision. It may not happen in a year may not happen in two years For us. It took six years for us to actually add the pretty to our project. Six years. We built out utility first and then went to the coin to keep folks off to six days.

Speaker 2:

Damn, I don't think the space is ending. Um when, if you want to stay on, I don't mind, but the pink free name might.

Speaker 3:

Oh no, it's a, it's a hundred percent ending because I'm going to go to another family members house and get full again on delicious christmas dinner, uh. So yeah, let's go to, and that's awesome. By the way, I'm gonna check out your platform, you labs uh, congrats on that. Like you said, keep building real focus on your mission, not your condition. If you have a purpose, you can get up every day and come do this, even if nobody else is paying attention. Go for it, mike.

Speaker 6:

I really like yo, yo, yo, yeah. Uh, merry Christmas everyone. I'm just here back in the boys. So yeah, can you turn out, turn out you? So yeah, happy holidays to everyone here back in, obviously, collector and, and our heart domains win. Um. So yeah, you know I'm always jumping into the space backing these boys up, um. So that's it, guys. Enjoy your holidays and god bless. That's it from me, guys. Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Man. Thank you for for being here. Much love, bro. Hopefully, uh, everyone that's in this space right now gets to see Huge games in this next bull run. You've definitely been grinding, you deserve it and you're here for it. Um, and then, last but not least, divey day. Thank you so very much, as always, for giving me your time, for coming on these spaces, for sharing this alpha. Again, as I remind people, you are Extremely lucky to have this kind of access to these type of individuals, this caliber of people, these builders. That people were helped shaping, uh, what you're literally investing into, then what will be the future. So, any last words for sir.

Speaker 5:

Thank you very much to you too, to organize, to you and collector, to organize this. And before closing, I want to feel that this call was really needed. Uh, this is the web tree family, and a Christmas without our web tree family wouldn't be a 100% Christmas. So I'm very lucky to be here with all of you. Get your chance to get one domain on the dot airdrop, dot, dj and dot nft. Well, let, the future is starting, the bull market is starting. Don't sleep Before your end. You need to have that domain. Guys, happy, happy new year, merry Christmas and see you in the bull run.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, sir and now everybody that's in this space. Nobody has an excuse not to have your domain name at the end of the year. I actually just want to say I know you're wrapping up and you're underway out.

Speaker 2:

I just want to say a quick shout out to average crypto. He just joined us, solana whale. He's a pin all the meme coins this season, so if you want to know what to open, he's definitely a good page to follow. And we also have ox builder. Check about that she, if you want to. I think he's finally joined us on stage like he's been listening the whole time. He's just finally. Ox builder has to this is your moment, sir.

Speaker 2:

No, okay, nevermind, Um, yeah, cool, yeah, yeah, thank you for the space being great vibes. Merry Christmas to everyone. Definitely, get involved in the pinned competition at the top. It's also on my page. If you can't find it, we'll leave it up for a few hours so it gives you guys some time to actually get involved. And once again, w they thank you for taking time out on Christmas. The CEO of freename, ladies and gentlemen, to join us on this stage to tell us about, like, just share the Christmas vibe, share what freename we've been doing over the last year and, obviously, when the airdrop, iheart Domains. Thank you for hosting this great space today as well.

Speaker 3:

Yes, sir, yes, sir, Merry Christmas to everybody. Thank you guys for joining Uh, for joining our tech talk. We remind everybody. If you want to listen back, it is easy to do so. You can find our entire content archive at iHeartDomainscom or listen back via our podcast. I'm going to go ahead and let everybody get back To your Christmas Hope. You guys got some great gifts. I got the gift of talking to all of you guys. I look forward to doing Uh, our space again at the beginning of the new year. Uh, and until then, yeah, you guys, enjoy Uh. Thank you again, byeハ.

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