TECH Talk by IHeartDomains

Revolutionizing Business with Web3: Blockchain, On-Chain Domains, and Future Insights


Prepare to be inspired and informed as we explore the cutting-edge world of Web3 technology and digital identity on this episode of the Tech Talk Podcast. Curious about how blockchain could redefine business and create new opportunities? We'll uncover how platforms like Otoco are revolutionizing on-chain business formation, making it simpler than ever to incorporate and manage business assets as NFTs. This episode promises to offer a glimpse into the future where fundraising, legal contracts, and business operations are streamlined through blockchain, all while maintaining transparency and immutability.

We'll be sharing exciting updates about our next big event—the second VRBS Coffee and Crypto Meetup in San Antonio, Texas. This gathering is set to welcome newcomers into the VRBS culture, offering a family-friendly atmosphere at a picturesque Riverwalk venue. Highlighting ongoing community initiatives, we’ll acknowledge the vital contributions from our sponsors, and discuss the significance of these events in fostering a close-knit community. Stay tuned as we share insights on how blockchain is reshaping various sectors, from finance to supply chain management, making data transparent and accessible.

Finally, we’ll delve into the world of on-chain domains and their speculative potential. Discover why we’re bullish on 0x domains and how they could pave the way for innovation in managing tokenized real-world assets. We explore the rising importance of on-chain portfolios and predict a future where food sourcing transparency becomes a standard. Wrapping up, we reflect on the unstoppable momentum of Web3 and encourage listeners to think creatively and stay ahead of the curve. Engage with us on platforms like X and Warpcast, and join our conversation in the Web3Domains channe

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Want to LEARN more about Web3 Domains and Digital Identity?

My name is Marcus Andrews aka” WenAirDrop”, founder of IHeartDomains LLC, and since 2022 we have been a leading resource for News, Innovations, Education, Alpha and Business Development in the Web3 Domain & Digital Identity space.

If you're interested in Web3 domain insights, development, and news, don't miss our upcoming TECH Talk episodes featuring industry builders. Join our live discussions on Twitter/X spaces and engage with our community on platforms like Warpcast and Link3 for real-time updates and valuable ALPHA. Your journey into the future of digital identity begins with us!


Speaker 1:

Thank you. Thank you, hello. Hello, we'll get started in just a moment. If you could, please do me a favor, as people start to come into the space, like and retweet and share it out. I'm very excited to have this conversation and we'll get into it here in just a moment.

Speaker 2:

I pinned a couple things up at the top, Pretty easy to follow stuff and a lot of what I'm gonna be talking about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, reference that to get kind of deeper into it, kind of conceptualize some of the concepts or align yourself with some of the concepts that I'm gonna be talking about today. But yeah, we'll get started here in just a moment.

Speaker 2:

All right, all right Without further ado, let's hop into it. I would like to welcome all of our listeners to our Tech Talk podcast.

Speaker 1:

This is a live session that we record weekly right here on X, where we highlight news innovations, education, alpha and business development in the Web3 technology and digital identity space. I am your host, wayne Airdrop, the founder of iHeart Domains and we are your number one resource for unbiased Web3 and blockchain domain education, educational content with over 100 Tech. Talk episodes and YouTube videos produced and archived over the past two years.

Speaker 2:

You're able to search our entire podcast archive for prior recordings and an easy to read blog overview of each episode at iheartdomainscom. Also, all prior recordings are also available in podcast form on every major podcast player, including Apple, spotify, iheartradio and also on YouTube. A single one of our podcast episodes is automatically uploaded there as well.

Speaker 1:

So if you like to listen to YouTube in the background, listen to it there as well. But all of our episodes on podcasts are reachable at techtalkhost. Again, as you guys are coming into, space.

Speaker 2:

I would love if you would like and retweet and, of course, if anybody does want to come up, feel free to request a speaker role.

Speaker 2:

As always, I like to start each of our tech talks up with some opening news for the week, and again I'm pinning a few things up at the top that you can use as reference. But one of the first things that I'm extremely excited about and you know, kind of getting deep in the planning and now the the execution phases for is our uh second verbs coffee and crypto meetup. Um, if you guys have been following, uh, you know these spaces the past few weeks and also if you're verbiage and part of that community, uh, we uh recently got a grant pass to start irl onboarding pictures and meet meetups. A couple different goals. One of them is to onboard people into Verba's culture and the ecosystem. If you're not familiar with what Verba is, they're extremely similar to nouns. As a matter of fact, they are a noun's fork, but it is a public goods DAO. When you become a member of the DAO, you do so through a daily auction. The proceeds from that daily auction go into a treasury and then we collectively vote for how to spend that money. One of the things that I proposed to the treasury to spend it on was IRL onboarding, and we created the concept of the Verge Coffee Crypto Meetup. We had our first one this past August I believe it was August 10th here in San Antonio.

Speaker 2:

Texas. Flexster from the E&S Maxis and WebHash E&S Maxis community and then also from WebHash actually came down to San Antonio and did our first IRL meetup. Again, we're about to have our second one on September 14th. It will be at the same location. If you are local to Texas or to San Antonio, everyone is welcome. That's going to be at Hops and Hounds. It's a beautiful venue in downtown San Antonio, located on the Riverwalk, right across from the Art Institute. Great place if you're already planning on visiting the city and this will be a continuous meetup. Already planning on visiting the city, and this will be a continuous meetup. And, and you know, as we continue to grow and build, you know I look forward to getting you know more people and people from outside of our city here. But, um, yeah, if you are on a travel circuit, I'd like to go to mixers. You know, as we continue to have these.

Speaker 2:

If you're in the area or thinking about visiting the san antonio area, this is actually a good place to be for Saturday morning mixture because you know you can bring your kids. The venue itself is a combination coffee shop that's outdoors. So it's a combination coffee shop, food truck park and dog park. Like I said, it's right on the Riverwalk. You can walk right to it and to everything that's located on the Riverwalk. So you can go for miles and miles. It's somewhere where you can go and you can start off your Saturday morning at our Coffee and Crypto Meetup and then you can end wherever you want to, somewhere downtown, and take in our historic and beautiful city. So very much looking forward to our second Coffee and Crypto Meetup, again September 14th.

Speaker 2:

Shout out to our sponsors.

Speaker 2:

As always, we've got Verbs, of course, who is sponsoring the grant itself, but we've also got Orion Technologies, which is my friend JP, who's helping run and coordinate the mixer.

Speaker 2:

Blunt Down was sponsoring our proof of session, which we are doing at the end of each Coffee and Crypto Meetup, and a little philanthropy being added into that as well. I explained that during our VERPS spaces, but proof of session, blunt DAO is basically a social gathering where you can earn a POAT, you know, via something that we commonly, you know, like to partake in, and that DAO has a lot of big things going for it a lot of goals, trying to incorporate blockchain into supply chain and things of that nature. But one of the things that we do with what we started doing at the end of our first VIRBS meetup and that we were going to continue to do, is after our proof of session is, uh, after our proof of session, um, you know, go show a little bit of love to some of the less fortunate people that also happen to congregate downtown, uh, in the same way that we just partake. So, yeah, again, anybody open to the area?

Speaker 1:

if this is up your alley, we definitely invite you to attend and also shout out the free name for the dot verbs tld.

Speaker 2:

They sponsored that for this meetup for our dow. Members of the dow are entitled to a Verbs domain name. What's your domain name? As well as attendees that come to the mixer. We actually got quite a few goodies that we're giving to people to help offer at the Moscow Bomb Game, so their own personalized domain name is one of them. And yeah, if you love verbs or verbless culture, feel free to go on to free name and mint your own name on your verbs TLD. 100% of the revenue that is generated from any sales from mints are going into Verge Treasury, so it's another way for you to do your part to help add, like I said again, this cycle of creating education and outreach and bringing people into the space and also, you know, the public goods that the rest of the DAO does, which is a lot, I mean, outside of just what I do the DAOs out there cleaning up public spaces, feeding the homeless, a whole lot of things. Vrbsbill is the site if you want to look at it again.

Speaker 1:

If you're familiar with now, you're gonna see a lot that's very similar because we are born from that ecosystem.

Speaker 2:

The next thing sorry that one seemed kind of all winded, but that again very excited for that big turn of meetup. Another big, and again like I'm going right back to it, but you know I anticipate this becoming, you know, a big onboarding tool for this space as well for the digital identity space. Each one of these mixers is basically an experiment for how well I could do at explaining this nerd stuff effectively to people who have never heard of this before. And hopefully, each one with more sponsors, more tools, more innovation, better UI, with whatever you know, maybe me explaining it better, you know that experiment will start to play out. We'll start to be able to make this make sense, right. So, yeah, very excited for that. Also and I mentioned this in last spaces, and thank you, gary, for coming in the space Again if anybody does want to hop up and join the conversation, please feel free to request a speaker role. If not, I'm just going to ramble through this.

Speaker 2:

But next announcement in our opening news, for those who have not caught it yet Unstoppable Domains is now deployed on base. So for those of you who are bullish on base, looking for more naming options existing on base, uh, we obviously know that we've got base names ecosystem on there, which I'll talk about shortly as well. Um, free name has deployed the ability to to mint tlds and slds on base. Um, and now we have unstoppable again. Um, now they have the ability actually for their partners to make their tlds on base and then subsequent SLDs. Vincent will also be on base and that speaks once again. So congrats to Unstoppable. Obviously, I'm bullish on any developments that they announced, because I do have a bag over there, but also extremely bullish on base. Again, can't speak enough about. You know how big of a part base is playing in creating the technology and making this actually kind of cool to develop on and fun to develop on. They're incentivizing people out the yin-yang to just be creative and to be active in this space. One of the things that I'm starting to now refer my friends to and again, warpcast stay in every space.

Speaker 2:

If you're not on Warpcast, download Warpcast You're missing out on not only networking and exposing your projects to the right people because there's very much developer culture over there but a lot of what you're doing right now that you might not be getting anything for, maybe bootstrapping. They have a lot of incentives that will help you build those things and some of them don't even take effort. One of them is rounds. If you're just natively building, if you're a person that's constantly doing creative stuff and that creative stuff is related to onboarding people or related to whatever kind of agenda aligns with rounds, all you have to do is share those things within Warpcast and the relevant channels and you will get paid, whatever they funded that round with. I mean, there's an existing round right now that was funded with 10 ETH and some people are getting paid out an ETH just for posting what they've built in the space that's helping onboard people in the blockchain through base and through Warpcast. So, again, a lot of stuff going on at base. That's very bullish.

Speaker 2:

If you're not already building over there, not already on Warpcast, not already exploring names and don't already have your base name or any other name that you feel bullish on over there not only not already exploring, you know names and don't already have your base name or any other name that you feel bullish on over there. You know not financial advice, but they're definitely cooking. You know I would explore that sooner rather than later. I'm very glad that you know this is one of those things that I caught on to early and kind of stuck and had conviction in. I feel like I'm in a pretty good spot when it comes to base. But we're still extremely early. As long as you know, it's still a difficult process to get people. I mean, as long as we're still dealing with ETH and all this kind of stuff, you can't just use your debit card to go straight on. I mean, we're still so far away. So plenty of opportunities for builders, plenty of opportunities for everybody. And again, congrats to base names. Over 300,000 names minted that's insane. And these weren't all free names. That's the other insane part. I think they said that they raised like a half a million and that's counting every single minute. So congrats to them. That just shows again that there's big market for naming If you can make it make sense, if you can build something around it, if you can add value to it. And I believe that they are just getting started.

Speaker 2:

All right and yeah, without further ado, get into the main conversation up at the top. The title is Are you Bullish on 0x and On-Chain Domains? That is 0x. Sometimes when I see people post recently I've seen some real web 2 domainers post what I thought was 0xsomething or 0xsomethingcom and they're really saying ox, so I guess ox is a solid keyword. But yeah, 0x, you guys know what I'm talking about, the abbreviation for blockchain.

Speaker 2:

If you have followed any of my recent domain portfolio shows here on Twitter or have been around me for any period of time, you already know that I'm all in on the theory that the future is on chain and that blockchain technology will eventually be incorporated into pretty much everything, and so that's the point of today. I kind of wanted to justify what I'm posting, and I wanted to talk about how bullish I am not only on the future of Web3 and on-chain assets, but also on the investment potential of blockchain and on-chain based domain names. As always, the invitation is out there. If anybody does want to come up and join the convo, please request a speaker role and I will add you up. I do generally like to keep these short, within 45 minutes or hours, so that they are digestible, because we do translate these to a podcast. But yeah, love anybody. If you've got any input or want to talk to me about some of the names that you have that are on-chain or are still X-related, feel free to hop on up and let me know. But yeah, the future of everything is on-chain.

Speaker 2:

I truly believe that we are transitioning toward a world where real-world assets, finance and virtually anything else you can think of is going to have a home on the blockchain. With this transition is obviously going to come professions and businesses that specialize in building and providing services using blockchain technology. If you don't believe in the next era of technology being rooted in Web3 and blockchain, quite frankly, this space is, anything I say, really isn't for you. This is for the speculators, right. This is for the dreamers and the builders and the leaders who manifest what others can't see. This is completely speculative, but I truly believe in my heart of hearts that on-chain blockchain technology provides value that can't be ignored, that is extremely easy to build upon and virtually can connect the bridge to almost anything. There's a bridge of value that can be connected to virtually anything that exists out there using blockchain technology, and that's some of the things that I wanted to talk about today. As always, nothing I say is financial advice and, as always, please do your own research. With that being said, new use cases utilizing blockchain, nfts and crypto will likely be invented every single day for many, many years to come and will be limitless. But if anybody here needs any help settling on a few to get bullish on. I've actually highlighted a couple of easy to understand areas where I believe that this technology provides a lot of value, the first of which and the most obvious and I won't spend too much time talking about.

Speaker 2:

But I got to start off with the number one, which is digital on-chain identity. Which is digital on-chain identity? You know, your name is your name, just like the first thing you start off with when you enter this world. You know is after your first breath, or actually before you even come out of the womb, your parents name you. Your name is that important that, before you actually materialize as a human being, we feel that it is necessary that you have a name so that we can identify the thing that is being created. Well, same thing Identity.

Speaker 2:

If you're going to be interacting in this digital world, you're going to be setting up, you know, payment accounts, social accounts, if you're going to own assets on the blockchain, your identity is extremely important and obvious. You know, just like with anything, the more attractive or the shorter or the more appealing that identity the better, which is the position that we're in now. Being early right, we're still extremely early. Even though some of us can't get quote unquote we call grails, we're still early enough to get grailish things. We're in the millions and not the billions of people. But on-chain identity is the obvious use case, the obvious value here being able to own this asset, being able to transact with it, being able to use it, you know, to immutably prove that something is you, I mean there's again. We can go on for days or weeks.

Speaker 2:

The last 80 of my tech talks are about the value of digital identity. That one's pretty obvious. Some of these things I touched on, I think, in the last space or the space before, but I'm going to touch on it in a little bit different way but I think we really don't take into consideration when we brush off, you know and I say we, I'm not including myself in that like I said, starting the space off, I'm extremely bullish on blockchain and Web3. But I mean we sometimes as a space kind of brush off the utility of Web3 as opposed to Web2, the traditional way of doing business. But some of these things I think that we overlook just because they haven't become mainstream yet. But again, those obvious bridges, one of those being on-chain supply chain management haven't become mainstream yet, but again, those obvious bridges, one of those being, you know, on-chain supply chain management, like right now.

Speaker 2:

If you look at your like, I don't know how many of you are in your forties or fifties and got kids that are teenagers. But these kids, the new generations, want to know everything about everything, like they want to know how everything is made, where it comes from, how old or how long it's been somewhere. Transparency is key. They demand it. They want to know where their food is grown, if their diamonds are conflict-free, if things are authentic. It's just. Blockchain provides value.

Speaker 2:

I think that that type of technology will be applied to several different sectors and the ones what makes perfect sense and again, just going back to some of the domains that are in my track, the source of something or what started it right and how it came to be, would be what you're putting in your mouth Right now. Whatever process is being used, we trust it. You know people are doing their part, documenting, but being able to have this on the blockchain easily accessible, easily what do you call it? When queryable, when anyone, anywhere, because that's the beauty of the blockchain when you publish something on the blockchain, no one needs a special device or instrument now to get to that information. No one needs to get to proprietary software now to get to that information. Information is now public and accessible to anybody that's able to get to it.

Speaker 2:

So the beauty of that is being able to track what you're doing with your produce from start to finish. If you're claiming to be a halal haram service, being able to prove or not haram you definitely don't want to be a haram service, but being able to prove that you're providing food that was processed, you know a halal way why am I getting food twisted? Or if you're claiming to be true organic, you know having these extra stamps. I think at the beginning, while this is still being adopted, it's going to become a selling point, but eventually, at some point, it's going to become the standard, because if someone else is now proving exactly how they're processing your food on chain, why would you want to be the person that isn't? So there's that part.

Speaker 2:

I've talked a while back about charities and charitable organizations taking donations on chain, and that has a benefit both ways. Both uh, incoming, uh. So you're you're able to track on chain. Uh, you know transactions that are coming in, donations. That's good for a few different reasons. Right, even though you should do good from the bottom of your heart without the need to be recognized for it.

Speaker 2:

A lot of us do do things for that reason and it's cool. Achieving a result is achieving a result. But being able to immediately do so, being able to track people, to be able to show recognition, to even keep track now of the wallets that deposit this information and maybe distribute POAPs or other different rewards or things like that for incentivizing people for participating in a campaign or showing like a badge or a ribbon for aligning with a cause or something like that. So being able to track incoming, you know, transactions on chain I think has very strong value, but then also being able to see what's going out of that wallet and where those donations are being distributed and now being put to use. Again, we're going to come to a point and the trend is already there where it will be cool to be transparent and then it will become standard and kind of demanded, where people are being transparent and this is where you know a perfect use case where it can be used, you know, to help improve how some people feel about charities.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people don't like to give to charities for that simple reason they don't know where their money's going. So here's a way for those who want to get ahead of the curve and are transparent to start utilizing it and then at some point again you know, if you're not the person that's being transparent, putting all your donations and what you're doing with our chain, you may find you know that people aren't donating and utilizing that charity. And then one of the last things I wanted to talk about was like commercial transport and shipping, kind of going back to that supply chain management. So not only again like managing the, the, the shipping times and all that kind of stuff, but even on-chain load sheets being able to track, you know, or keep track of the loads that are inside, you know, of the, the, I want to say trucks, but our chain transport or commercial transport applies to planes and everything like that.

Speaker 2:

So no general word for all that, but my point is being able to keep track of all of these things on chain, being able to access all this information again at any point, any time, from anywhere. This is all stuff that I think will eventually become a natural part of the process, because why not? Data storage is important, access to data is important, and these two things have both been perfected and made better by the blockchain, and so, in simple, easy to understand business terms, I think those are easy ways for businesses to understand how this technology can make things better, and we will start seeing definitely a lot of examples of it. Moving on to the next category is on-chain businesses. So I've mentioned quite a few times in transparency, it's also the way that we're set up. There are entities right now that exist on the blockchain DApps that will allow you to spin up legal corporations here on the blockchain.

Speaker 2:

I did a little bit of research or I did quite a bit of research at the time when I'd set up mine and I figured out the legality, and they explained the legality of how it works. Well, basically, there is, I guess, a parent, there's a parent LLC, and these are. That's just why I hate going through. I can barely remember the words. But please again, do your own research. Go through this super brief. There's obviously a lot more moving parts and technicalities to everything that I'm saying here, so this is just a starting point for you to go kind of venture off on your own if you want to learn more about this.

Speaker 2:

This particular platform that I use to incorporate iHeartDomains is called Otoko. It's called a series LLC, so this is a legal thing. If you own a certain type of LLCs, you can have sub-LLCs underneath you. The technology that they have used and the legalese and the paperwork and all that good stuff that they've used allows you to set up an LLC where, essentially, the owner of that LLC is your wallet and then you can assign yourself as the manager of that wallet through legal notarized documents and they can act as an agent of it. Right? Why is this cool to do?

Speaker 2:

Why would anyone want to do this? Well, a few reasons. A, if you're a serial entrepreneur, or especially if you're an entrepreneur that's based strictly in the Web3 space, this is a very simple and easy way and hassle-free way to spin up in a corporation, like I said, in multiple jurisdictions, both US and those other places that have different benefits to them and you also can spin it up within like 15 minutes. It's not a process that takes an attorney, that takes a bunch of sign-up fees or set-up fees. It takes weeks for filing the way that these are structured. It's literally just like minting an NFT after you type in your information to see if the name is available and pick a jurisdiction. So for those of us who want a quick and easier way to set up an LLC, there you go and again do your own research as far as the legality of these and whether this works for you. But if it does work for you, that is one of the first big benefits of it.

Speaker 2:

Now the second thing is that, now that your business itself is an NFT, we know that NFTs can now own NFTs, so that enables the ability to package. So that enables the ability to package. In essence, if you can get all of the assets of that business on the blockchain, if there's representations of assets on the blockchain, or if it's a business that just started here and never left here, you're able to package all that into a wallet or to a smart NFT and then sell it on a digital marketplace without any intermediaries or red tape. Again instantly. You know one of the biggest hassles that marketplace, without any intermediaries or red tape again instantly. One of the biggest hassles that people have when selling anything that they've created is really the process. They don't know where to start. They don't know what marketplace to use, what negotiations to go through when you sell it, how to transfer the assets. A lot of this stuff is just hard to do to make a transition from one owner to another. What if you could just sell your entire business as an NFT and they get again the wallet? They're able to now assign themselves as the owner of that wallet, which is now the owner of that LLC and all the assets within it? They're able to keep moving on just like they would in any other business transaction, something that happens instantly and again as we are.

Speaker 2:

Is business done that way now? No, are some people doing business that way? Yep, and again, this space isn't for the people who are looking for what works now and only wants to talk about what works now and only thinks what works now is ever going to work. This space is for those who can see the future, who can see where this is going, who see these patterns, who have a history of being able to innovate and have the ability and have created things from scratch before and saw them through. We can see more businesses and I anticipate more businesses starting to adopt this again, because it's easy to do a lot of. When we look at the younger generation, and the generations are coming through ease of doing something.

Speaker 2:

You know, this technology fits with them and ultimately, everything that's being built right now will be adopted by another big part of this, too, which is something, again, not financial advice, but if you choose to do so, you now enable the ability to instantly fundraise A couple of different ways actually. So, because it's an NFT, you can simply just fractionalize NFT. If you ever want to bring on partners or hundreds of anything from one partner to hundreds or thousands of partners, you can fractionalize the NFT into little itty bitty pieces and you can fundraise that way. You can also set up a DAO, and there are several ways of funding a DAO or adding members to that DAO, also by launching a token. The blockchain opens up a lot of different ways for fundraising, whether those ways of fundraising are legal or not. Again, this is not what this space is about, but that ability does exist once your business is on chain. Once your LLC is on chain and I do see in the future, as this space continues to adopt or continues to get adoption and continues to come mainstream, as those questions as to whether or not it's legal become clearer why wouldn't people start utilizing this technology to easily fractionalize and fund their business and launch their startups? It seems like a natural progression.

Speaker 2:

The last on this subject of business is contracting and funding using smart contracts. Again, like I said, I've been trying to position myself more and more to get in the room with entities or individuals or businesses that don't understand blockchain and Web3, so that I can get them to get it Because, like I said, everything that we're doing, from the spaces to the IRL events this is practice, practicing, trying to get better, to make this pitch, this elevator pitch, more potent and more successful. And one of the things that I spoke about, I just recently went to a mixer for a company called Couchbase, which is a very, very, very large on-chain storage company. I believe they have AWS as their client, very thankful to be able to get in their company, and we've got quite a few conversations going on about possibly doing some advising from them. But one of the conversations.

Speaker 2:

One of the examples that I made to make it make sense was home contracting. Right, we have all had a horrible experience probably if you've ever renovated anything or hired a contract or something of the payment versus them doing the work ratio. They always want all their money super quick, and then there is always an issue that makes them take either their time or not do it all the thing that you paid them for. And there's this mismatch, this balance of trust. Blockchain and smart contracts fix that. Contracts fix that. If you could simply load the entire balance of whatever you needed to pay that contractor into a smart contract and it was only released when they hit certain provable points on the blockchain, that's something that takes the trust out of the equation and that's something that makes sense to almost anybody. And we both agreed me and the people that were speaking at the mixer that the only thing that's missing is UI and once and that's it. That's really all that's missing here, and that's the point that I'm trying to make. I say that this conversation is for the dreamers and for, but in reality, we're a lot closer to reality than I think a lot of people realize. It's just, we're just UI.

Speaker 2:

Away from this Because, again, those types of use cases make perfect sense. It only takes a few people that are comfortable with using it to use it, for it to go viral, for it to be on USA Today or something like that, or for a big celebrity to utilize one of these D apps for contracting on their home, and then it will be the thing Again, like I said. I said last business space. Before, what turned most people on to AI wasn't what we use it for now. It wasn't building businesses and helping write books. It was to change the way you looked on social media and to make you look like a cartoon character. What adopts people you will never know, all right. So, moving on past, that would be on chain law practices, and this one's kind of this is more of a selfish one, but it's a real one.

Speaker 2:

And this I continue to say not financial advice. Please do your own research. Why? Because that's important. It's extremely important. Everything here is speculative.

Speaker 2:

Even though all of the things that I've been mentioning can be done technically, we don't necessarily know if they can be done legally, which is why I think that there is a potential for this field in particular to become especially hot as crypto becomes more mainstream. Again, if you don't believe a Web3, this ain't the space for you, but we've got Web3 and crypto and Bitcoin being mentioned in our elections. We've got arenas that are being named after crypto, you know. We've got celebrities now that are launching their own pool coins. You know some of them are doing all right and some of them ain't, but the fact of the matter is is as more people start to utilize crypto for the good or for the bad, as it becomes more mainstream, there's definitely going to be a market for people who know how to get people out of stuff or navigate stuff. So I definitely think that crypto law or on-chain law, is going to be a small niche now. That is definitely going to get bigger.

Speaker 2:

A few of the conferences met actually like the three lawyers, I think, that exist that specialize in this space, but eventually we'll get more. But some of the things, the opportunities I think, that definitely exist for attorneys in this space are you know, the obvious to be able to advise on securities laws for for using crypto or blockchain to raise money, if you are a person that does adopt starting your business on chain utilizing Otakotify LLC and want to fundraise for those messages that I said earlier. You're definitely going to need to consult an attorney, and now there's an opportunity for attorneys to specialize in doing so, as that niche can change to grow Because, again, once someone's successful at doing it, it will become a thing. Businesses every single day are looking for funding. Businesses every single day are being denied for funding and businesses every single day are looking for alternative ways to get that funding once they're denied. So they are looking for alternative ways to get that funding once they're denied, and being able to do it via the blockchain and skip all of that red tape, if it's legal, will eventually become a thing.

Speaker 2:

So I think there be definitely a need for attorneys that can explain laws regarding taxes and capital gains on crypto assets.

Speaker 2:

That's a big side of the space, you know.

Speaker 2:

I would say 99% of us are taking a guess on or hoping just doesn't come knock on our door.

Speaker 2:

But again, if this is more than just a side thing, if this is more than just a couple dollars that you're trading, you know, every now and then, if this is something, you know that's your livelihood, if you have serious investments in this space, you know you've got to pay taxes on it. You've got to you know, be cognizant of the laws regarding, you know, how to report your money, regarding how to report your money, and then also, you may want to help participate and lobby for things that are favorable towards not having all your gains taxed to death, or having more favorable laws regarding how you're able to trade and manage your own crypto assets, because, again, as this thing becomes bigger, it will both be capitalized on by businesses, but then everything bad or perceptively bad about it will also be addressed by government. These things will happen, and so you've got to be you know, prepare yourself to be in the hot seat for the one you know, so that you can capitalize but also protect yourself, you know, when the other comes down the pipe.

Speaker 2:

And then the last is obviously when that happens. If you do something bad, whether on purpose or not on purpose, we are all definitely going to need attorneys that can help represent either civil or criminal litigation. We've already had some pretty big and public criminal cases which they were just bad people that had to do with them just doing bad stuff, not necessarily violating the law because it was crypto. But some of us again like if you're, if you're getting into stuff you know in the projects or raised the wrong way, or you know, get accused of a rug or something of that nature, you know the platform has to fold, or gambling platforms, things like that. There's a myriad of things that exist out there that we utilize every single day that are probably illegal in most places. As this becomes bigger, like I said, it's got to get addressed when that happens and before that happens. Obviously now there's definitely a big opportunity for people to start learning. You know the legal ways of the space and you know, like I said, perhaps even participating and getting some legislation passed that helps because we understand the space better. And then lastly and I'm going to kind of go through this really quickly, but and this actually relates to a question I think I asked earlier on one of my tweets, but on-chain publishing. So another big part of Web3, of blockchain, of being able to do anything immutably stand, is that it's exactly what it is as a stamp. At some point, I think that this may be seen as, or may be incorporated into a copyright process, like again, why wouldn't it? It would at least help you be able to prove you know, first, right of creation, if it comes down to a creative work publishing on chain, but it may come to the point where you're able to use it to actually establish a copyright of that thing you know. Again, not legal advice, but I see that being one big advantage for people publishing things onto the blockchain.

Speaker 2:

The second thing is, again, like I said, you know, with online supply chain of records, anything that you publish onto the blockchain is now being globally distributed to anyone with access to the blockchain. So if you're publishing artwork, anyone with access to a browser in the open sea is now able to see it. They don't need special converters for their currency. They don't need any special tools or anything like that in order to access or see what you have published, If you've published any documents. If you've published anything, you know, one of the big benefits to it is that there's no brick walls to distribute you. You don't have to go through a bunch of doors Once it is minted onto that blockchain, anyone with access to that blockchain can now see that information, unless you've paywalled it.

Speaker 2:

And then, of course, you know and that's the other benefit obviously to Web3 as well, and that's the next thing that I was going to go into is that if you don't want that content to be accessible to anywhere, to anybody, anywhere, you can monetize collectible content instantly. You can paywall it, you can use NFT and Web3 technology to choose which groups of people are able to access it and you can monetize those assets that they need in order to get, in order to access this content. And it can be a circular kind of ecosystem or value, you know, with on-chain assets and, again, access all of that good stuff. Publishing your content online opens it up to a door, a whole new door being able to monetize it, being able to pay while token gated, distributed, etc. And then, of course, for those who are coming on board, who are looking or signing in and looking at what you're publishing, who are collecting your content who are supporting you in any way. You're able now, because they are doing so on-chain, to reward them because you're able to now find them on-chain. So being able to publish your content, connect with your subscribers or with your collectors, creating that relationship and being able to distribute value back and forth on-chain, I think is a very big value that a lot of artists will start catching on to.

Speaker 2:

That's one of the campaigns that I'm actually going to start on beginning of next year. As you guys know, at the beginning of this year I took my Nerd Merch concept and initiative out to the Grammy Awards, trying to connect with people with tech via fast fashion, and actually I've done a nice little revamp on that. Uh, nerd merch is available on the youtube channel. All that good stuff. Looking forward to doing big things with that, uh. But another part of this initiative that I'm going to be doing, um, is going after you know the same talent, uh, you know. Uh, you know the movie and you know music and all those kind of people.

Speaker 2:

These are people that have audiences, they create content. They are probably the best use case of how blockchain can help empower and kind of bring this ecosystem into your own pocket. They have so many people that they rely on to create these things for them that they can do on their own at the click of a button with a D app. They have so many other people with hands in their pockets that keeps a lot of artists from really, you know, truly becoming independent. For those who want that real independence, or for those who want to take, like I said, better control of how they're interacting with their customers and rewarding their collectors and subscribers, I definitely see this taking off, so I'm going to be on a campaign to start trying to onboard against celebrities in that area, so wish me luck on that one.

Speaker 2:

All right, and last but not least, on-chain domains. So, yeah, I want to transition into the domains themselves, and I kind of did this in order because I wanted to get those who don't already see the opportunity that exists in being on chain or don't see the future in the on-chain narrative itself. I wanted to start the conversation off that way, just to take you down the path that I look down every day that I wake up, and I'm so bullish on this. If it doesn't come from nowhere, it's not a pipe dream. I've actually seen the vision and seen the use case for real businesses to do this, and there are businesses that are starting to do it, and anytime somebody's doing something that you've thought of, that means they're adopting it, and it's just a matter of time before more and more people start doing it and it becomes a thing, and because of that, with development and with adoption, we'll definitely become the opportunity to create new trends and we'll bring the rise of new keywords.

Speaker 2:

Digital wasn't always a relevant keyword. There was no such thing as digital back in the 1920s, nor was online until things became online, nor was AI until recently. But the industries that they created and influenced made these words now extremely valuable, both on their own, and it also gave them power to add value to other keywords, which now opened up a market for resale and demanding and branding. Now you know, adding AI to your name means something. It's that powerful now, but again, a couple of years ago it didn't mean anything. So will the same happen for future premium keywords, for what I feel are the future of premium keywords, on-chain and 0x. Will there be value in branding yourself or your business by adding those either of those keywords, in your description or domain?

Speaker 2:

Well, maybe, and I certainly hope so, not to shill, but considering that I find myself constantly looking for and hand registering these types of names, I actually wanted to use this last part of this space to point out a couple of mine and also my case for why I think somebody should or would want to brand themselves or use that name, and I know a lot of you I've seen. Thank you to everybody who's posted and shared the names that you guys have on anything that I've tweeted. It's good to get these out there where, again, we're the ones creating this narrative and it's a real narrative. It's not a five-tree. They will eventually come. But yeah, I've seen some very solid names out there that I'm also very bullish on and again, I can tell that you guys see the vision. But the first one and these are actually the most recent ones kind of was surprised that these were available. The first one and these are actually the most recent ones kind of was surprised that these were available was on-chain tech and on-chain club and of course, it has the hyphen in the middle and under normal circumstances I think the general consensus is that the hyphen devalues the name. But in this case I'm not so sure, doing my you know amateur research and I definitely won't pretend to be a professional domainer, but doing my amateur bullish research.

Speaker 2:

When you type in on-chain in the regular Google browser, a lot of the results that pop up have the dash in it. The correct way to write on-chain includes the dash. So although people may see that it may be, you know, not necessarily or taboo in the meaning I think that it's completely appropriate. If it's the correct way to spell it, it's got some value right. It's not. It didn't kill the word. You know also these particular ones themselves being able to get just straight on chain with the dot TLD. Also, notice that most of the other good TLBs so the com and the everything was either taken or listed as premium, which shows that there's premium demand for it as well. Also, there's actually a few articles you know that have been speaking about that there's been an uptick in the search volume globally for the search term on-chain.

Speaker 2:

It's not just you know us inside of our small bubble, but on-chain itself's. Not just you know us inside of our small bubble, but on chain itself as a concept. You know really starting to catch on and whatever narrative or whatever package people are putting it in, on chain, I think, is an attractive term. So I got on-chaintech, which I'm just like giddy on that one. I don't know how anyone saw on-chaineverything-else. It was just like nah, I'm good, like giddy on that one. I don't know how anyone saw onchaineverything else and was just like nah, I'm good on the tech. And then on-chainclub, which you know there's.

Speaker 2:

I thought that one would be a lot more fire than it was, and I'm surprised everybody was just like. Onchaintech was the one, but even onchainclub a lot of nouns, clubs we call ourselves an on-chain club. It's a popular term within certain ecosystems, but again, I think that that term is something that will also grow. But on-chain tech an obvious one. We just had an entire space right now about the bullishness I have on on-chain and blockchain technology. If all you have to do is add a dash in there to get to this name, I definitely think there is value in it. I'm very happy to have it and it's a very appropriate word. It's good for anybody who is actually going to be building some straight up on-chain tech.

Speaker 2:

I think that one's self-explanatory. I'm going to move to the next one, one that I've shared before and also one that I previously called my grill, and I'm going to say, actually three of them in a row. They're all in the same category, even though the first one has a different TLD. It's 0x Miami. Then I have 0xVegascom and 0xtexascom, so 0xGEO and this may be more of a gamble. This may be more of a real stretch gamble. I mean, most probably regular domainers would probably say anything other than 0x Miami is trash just because of the short two digits. But I really do see 0x catching up. So from an identity perspective and this is where I'm getting this from again it doesn't come from nowhere. From a personal identity perspective, it's already completely embedded in our space. There's 0x, everything all around and east and anythings. 0x name, you name it. So whether or not it's attractive in the identity space, I don't think I'll have any problem there. And I think 0x Miami somebody's definitely going to want to cop that in the flex, even if it doesn't do anything except resolve as an estimate. So good there.

Speaker 2:

0xvegascom, 0xtexascom, and I also have 0xATXcom as well for the abbreviation for Austin Texas, but 0xATXcom as well for the abbreviation for Austin Texas. But these are all kind of crypto hubs. You know, vegas has a lot of crypto events, blockchain-based events, texas, austin, texas, which is why I have 0xATX in particular, is the crypto hub of Texas if not the US, if you want to add that argument which you've had before, but there is a lot of blockchain is a part of Texas. So, yeah, that's where I see relevant. I see this being used as maybe an event site or something like that, or maybe even for legal Anything that's blockchain related. I think blockchain deals will do good.

Speaker 2:

Again, maybe more speculative on those. I would rather have had Texas on-chain or Vegas on-chain or Miami on-chain. I actually might need to look for those. I'm saying these out loud but in any event, now that I'm looking at it, but, yeah, solid on those. 0xmiami definitely very bullish on 0xvegas. I bought that right after vegascom sold for, I think, $200 million and I thought that I was the smartest person in the world for buying 0xvegascom and it still might play out and pan out pretty well. But yeah, that's where I see the 0x deals fitting in. The next one is onchainportfoliocom, which I think is a banger. Onchainportfoliocom, again, as RWAs continue to become tokenized.

Speaker 2:

We're already tokenizing domains. We're already tokenizing art. I have a piece of physical art right now that's in my safe, that started off as an nft and then was delivered and it can, yeah, so, um, as we start tokenizing more real or more real world assets, um, you know, the natural thing to put them would be in a portfolio, so I grabbed this name. Um, I think it's a great name for uh to be used for any platform that wants to create a UI for people to be able to store and manage their on-chain portfolio, just like we do now in wallets or in galleries, but something maybe you know a little more, what do you call it that can display more things instead of just NFTs in their standard form, something more interactive. So, onchainportfoliocom. I definitely think that more and more people will bring portfolios of all kinds on chain, whether it be art, whether it be their financial portfolio, whether it be their business portfolio, real estate portfolio, and those are things that you can go create. Right now, you can literally create an on-chain real estate portfolio. That is crazy, you know. Shout outs to Fabrica for their technology. That's something that blew my mind last week, even though they've been talking about it since they launched and I had been listening to their spaces again. It takes going through something and seeing the value for yourself before it clicks, and then you can see the future of it. Then you start saying if anybody that I know sees this, they're going to start using it and if they share it, eventually it's going to become why wouldn't you do this? You can right now.

Speaker 2:

If you own land, it's land from anywhere. This is the part that kills me the most, because there's a lot of opportunity, especially now, being early, and I don't want to. I hate to put this out here, but just keep it a buck. You're able to list land and some of this land, quite frankly, isn't liquid. If you've ever made a hobby out of buying land, which I did at one point, so there was. At one point I made it a kind of a hobby to create a real estate portfolio vacant land out in the middle of nowhere and dreamers dream, keep on dreaming. This isn't to discourage you from doing so.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes you know you put your money in the land. It's a little hard to get out of it. Sometimes you see something in it that it might take you 20 or 30 years to convey to somebody else because there's so much of it. The point being is, there's a whole lot of desert. It's hard to convince somebody to buy the desert you just bought when they got a lot of choices out there.

Speaker 2:

With that being said, some people are sitting on portfolios of land that are just not liquid. You can't sell them to nobody. And being able to tokenize it and find liquidity from people who are willing to loan on it you know, decentralized, going through the same price just as easy as getting a loan on NFT or selling NFT on OpenSea you're now able to tokenize and get liquidity out of your land or straight up sell it for whatever it is. And Fabricant System is awesome. It actually does a research like an AI research on your land, pulls videos and pictures from it and the description from it, and it's actually quite accurate, because I've been on my land quite a bit. So shout out to them. But again, you know that's something that I'm going to do for more pieces of my land. And again, as more people start to do this, as you know, eventually a real estate investor is going to click. Somebody that's got a portfolio of, you know, 100, 200 parts of the land is gonna click. They're gonna upload them all here and it's gonna be able to pull out money and start a business or do something else with it, from land that they've been holding for 10 or 15 years that they couldn't even get a click on on Facebook. It's serious. So, again, a lot of opportunities to being early. Eventually, I'm sure at some point it'll be harder to get liquidity out of that land, but right now there's that opportunity.

Speaker 2:

And then, last but not least, on-chain farms.

Speaker 2:

Going back to what I said before, farms at some point will need to go on-chain.

Speaker 2:

It won't just be a matter of you know, it's a cool thing to do, but at some point it'll become something that's demanded, especially as more diseases continue to come out, as more of those diseases start being blamed on what we eat or how our food is processed or where things are being sourced from. Again, the generations that exist right now, that are coming out right now the Generation Z and whatever they call themselves, alpha and all that they love transparency. They want to know everything about everything. Your time to get ahead of the curve. On-chain farms I see as a directory of all the farms now that are early and start putting their supply chain on farm. But eventually at some point I see it as a directory that will be easy to go to for anybody who wants to find a farm. That's down with that transparency, just like with organic stuff. You know, right now, people you know search out and seek out. You know specifically places that have organic food or farmer's markets or things like that.

Speaker 1:

So eventually those who choose to be transparent, it becomes a thing. I think that this will be a value domain and directory for them.

Speaker 2:

And so, with that being said, again, this is just an example of the domains that I have in my portfolio. I've seen examples of many, many on-chain and 0x-based domains in everyone else's portfolio. Just like I can see the use case and the vision for mine, I know that you can see the vision and use case for yours and I believe that it will all come to fruition. To see the vision and use case for yours and I believe that it will all come to fruition. You know, I wanted to explain a little bit of my portfolio so that you can see, you know, the vision from my perspective and, you know, look forward, you know, as the space continues to grow, to seeing how these are developed out and also to seeing how yours are developed out. You know, in conclusion to this space and we're right at an hour now and I thank you everybody for being here with me uh, both the people who are listening live and, again, you know, we record this and distribute this on our podcast. So, uh, for those of you who will be listening via our podcast, um, you know I want to conclude by saying I I don't think this train called web3 is slowing down anytime soon, as a a matter of fact, I think it's just gaining steam and it's going to roll at a pace that will never stop. And as each day passes, you know things that we didn't imagine. Add value can gain instant and very profitable relevance. Things that we think or thought before couldn't exist will eventually exist and they will become reality.

Speaker 2:

Whether or not mine or your growing portfolio of blockchain-related domains is fire or trash, I guess time will tell but in my honest opinion, I think my choices are going to age. Pretty well. You've got to ask yourself with yours, we'll stay in the old school, with failing to think outside of the box. We'll continue to say the blockchain domains is trash. With that age? Well, that is for all of us to find out.

Speaker 2:

But in any event, I do want to thank everybody for attending our TikTok. I invite you guys to follow us here on X, if you're not already doing so, on Warpcast, if you're not already doing so. Again, you can go on for days and find the benefits of that, but please join Warpcast if you haven't already done so. Also, join our channel on Warpcast, which is Web3Domains. They have channel systems kind of set up like Reddit is A lot of posts going to the relevant subject groups. So we've got web through domains If you guys want to post any of your ENAS domains or any of that stuff, anything bullish, and then also you'll listen back to this recording and many more in a couple of days at techtalkhost. Again, focus on your mission and not your condition. Happy, demanding, thank you guys for being here.

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