TECH Talk by IHeartDomains

Decentralized Communication: Push Protocol's Innovations in Web3 Messaging and Security


Ever wondered how decentralized communications will shape the future of blockchain? Get ready to uncover the groundbreaking innovations from Push Protocol in this exciting episode. Our special guests, Ian and Harsh from Push Protocol, take us on a journey through the world of embedded push notifications and messaging systems in the Web3 space. Discover how Push Protocol is empowering both end users and decentralized applications (DApps) with advanced communication tools, significantly benefiting the blockchain community and users of Unstoppable Domains. Whether you're a seasoned developer or new to the crypto space, you'll learn how to start your communication channel and enhance your Web3 experience.

In the next segment, we dive into Push Protocol's mission of seamless on-chain communications. From wallet-to-wallet interactions to group chats, Ian and Harsh reveal their strategic partnerships with Unstoppable Domains and integrations with various dApps and protocols such as DAOs like Shapeshift and Arbitrum. With ongoing work in the Solana ecosystem and support for multiple blockchains, Push Protocol's commitment to inclusivity and innovation in the crypto space is clear. Learn how these tools can transform governance notifications, trading protocols, and social interactions within the blockchain community.

Finally, we examine the evolution of Push Protocol from a small private network to a robust proof-of-stake network. Our discussion highlights the platform's advanced security features, end-to-end encryption, and the ownership and portability of user communications. Ian and Harsh share their vision for consumer-scale applications that could revolutionize traditional messaging platforms. Don't miss the open invitation to join the decentralized community and explore the

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Speaker 1:

Thank you, hey, hey, thanks, just checking my sound, we good.

Speaker 2:

Yes sir, yes sir, I can hear you loud and clear how you doing.

Speaker 1:

I'm great, you know. Another Friday, a lot more accomplished. As you know, everything flies by in this space, but all good Hope, the same for you.

Speaker 2:

Yes, sir. Yeah, it's been a pretty busy day. Had a nice spaces earlier, a lot of great news in our space as well, so definitely a good week and excited to get into this AMA. It's actually been a long time coming.

Speaker 1:

I was just going to say we're deep. We couldn't agree more, and there's a reason why Unstoppable was the flagship for full-scale embedded push notifications and messaging across everything they have.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's one of the parts A lot of people are not familiar with just how important of a utility that this is, and you know how they can utilize their Unstoppable domains to really do some valuable stuff and add a lot of value to their own community. So this will be good also for Unstoppable users to help them figure out a lot more value.

Speaker 1:

Exactly and even after. That's just how we are. We kind of come from the Dan Romero school, the manual onboarding school of things, Very hands on, so anybody that has an idea wants to start a channel, all kinds of things like that. We're always available after these spaces we really do embed ourselves with every app and team, big or small, to make sure it happens.

Speaker 2:

Good to know. Good to know, yeah, and we'll get started here in just a moment, just waiting for a couple more people to come in. As people do come into the space, do me a favor like and retweet. Let's share this out. Also, this is recorded for anybody who doesn't want to listen back and I'll kind of explain that here in a little bit. But, yeah, I'll get started in about another 30 seconds to a minute. If you guys have anything that you want to pin up at the top of the space for people to follow, yeah, feel free to do so.

Speaker 1:

Viren, in that case, when you can pin pin our docs up there so people can easily reach them, the reason is, through the push docs you can learn everything about starting a channel and everything related.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I sent a speaker. Invite over to you, Viren, so that you'll be able to have the ability to pin up at the top.

Speaker 1:

He's deep, deep building, but he's happy to be here.

Speaker 2:

Good, good stuff and, yeah, without further ado, we'll go ahead and jump into it. I know that you have a little bit of a time limit, so, yeah, I do want to thank everybody and welcome you guys to iHeart Domains and another Tech Talk AMA, where we deep dive with builders, entrepreneurs, visionaries and protocols in the Web3, digital identity and blockchain domain name space. We are your number one resource for unbiased Web3 and blockchain domain educational content, with over 100 Tech Talk episodes and YouTube videos produced and archived over the past two years. You can actually search our entire podcast archive for prior recordings and an easy to read blog overview of each episode at our website at iheartdomainscom. Also, prior recordings of each of our podcasts, including these AMAs, are available on every major podcast player, including Apple, spotify, iheartradio, all the other ones you can think of, google Podcasts all that good stuff, and it's also easily reachable at techtalkhost. Again, if you guys are coming into the space, please show some love, like and retweet and, as always, I do encourage anyone who is interested or needs any more information to join these communities directly. As always, do your own research and remember our AMAs are not financial evadis. With that being said, thank you guys for being here.

Speaker 2:

As you can see at the top of the I was going to say the screen, the title of our AMA and our guest is Push Protocol.

Speaker 2:

We're going to be talking about the future of decentralized communications and, yeah, I'm going to go ahead and kind of introduce a space and I'd like you guys to introduce yourselves.

Speaker 2:

But, yeah, as we strive to develop a space and the UI that will eventually bring the masses into Web3, one area that will definitely be necessary to drive this adoption is the ability to communicate and deliver important, valuable and sometimes just cool and fun information. You know, both internally as well as externally to holders and users you know anybody who's been in the space Push Protocol has pretty much been a household name in that area, empowering some of the biggest names in the space with their decentralized communication tools and plugins. So today I'm very excited, as I said earlier, to deep dive into how Push Protocol works, both for the end user you know pretty much us as well as the DApps who integrate it and explore the outlook for the future of blockchain communications technology. So, yeah, I wanted to begin with a brief overview of Push and in the next couple questions I'll actually dive a little bit deeper. But, with that being said, if you guys could introduce yourselves, give us a basic intro into Push the core mission and actually how you've planned to transform Web3 and blockchain-based communications.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you for having us here. I'll be speaking for us. My name's Ian. I work on the DAO side and on the foundation side of Push Protocol and all things related. However, shout out to the co-founder of it all, harsh, who's in the crowd right now, and you know, couldn't be happier to be here with Harsh and everyone on this mission, to be here with Harsh and everyone on this mission.

Speaker 1:

Here at Push, we've always been dedicated to being the layer, the foundation, the hub for all on-chain communications. That started with wallet-to-wallet, protocol-to-wallets, dapp-to-wallets and everything related and Push notifications that evolved into group chats and wallet-to-wallet messaging. So basically, if you boil all that down into an even simpler sense, push is a way to facilitate easy and intuitive on-chain messaging between all sorts of entities. That includes customizable messaging for dApps and their users, which we can get into more as we go along, and all sorts of entities. That includes customizable messaging for dApps and their users, which we can get into more as we go along, and all kinds of more interesting things, including domain-gated group chats via the wonderful, unstoppable Domains.

Speaker 1:

So I'm here. I've been in crypto for eight years nonstop. I know that's kind of crazy, but it is what it is. I love this space. I've always been building communities. I'm known as a DAO guy. That's why Push hired me to scale their decentralization on an intentional plan centered on the DAO but involving other things, and I'm just passionate about bringing Web3 to everyone. So I couldn't connect more with what you said about we need the right UI, we need the right overall portal for people to not just enter what we're doing here, but stick around and scale their online lives through all of these beautiful spaces we're calling home right now, we Web3 denizens. Anyway, to summarize, push is your home for all on-chain communications soon to be more at the end of the year, which we'll also discuss and we love unstoppable domains because there's all sorts of connections with what ud is trying to do and what we're trying to do and how we're dedicated to crypto for everyone. Thanks for having us here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely glad to have you here, and that's actually kind of what I want to start with. Is, you know, some familiar ground for people who are connected to the Web3 digital identity space and, like I said, unstoppable. In particular, as I had mentioned earlier, you know you guys have partnered and integrated with some of the biggest names in the Web3 space, them being one of them. So, yeah, in addition to them and I'd kind of like you to expand a little bit in how you've integrated with them and you know how your protocol is currently being used in their platform but also, you know, after that, what other types of DApps have currently integrated push protocol and what type of value and benefits does it provide to these platforms?

Speaker 1:

Great questions. Yeah, let's kick it off with us and Unstoppable why that happened, how that's scaling, what's going on there? It all starts with Unstoppable's mission to not just enable domains and websites across the board on-chain for everyone and teach everyone about why that's valuable and why that's the future of how the whole internet should work. It boils down to as well. We're both dedicated to making it as easy as possible for people to use Web3. As possible for people to use Web3. So, that being said, we met with Sandy and the team several times, including in Austin at Consensus this year, where I spoke at a side event a wonderful side event held by her and a bunch of cool partners, and this cooperation has evolved into native integration of push in the Unstoppable network. Now what does that mean? Practically, that means anybody with any Unstoppable domain can start a domain-gated group chat, you can do NFT, you can do token-gated group chats, you can do Pope-gated group chats and you can receive customizable messages and notifications across the Unstoppable domain product suite. In other words, because of us working together, unstoppable is also enriched because every single user can now receive, while they're in the unstoppable ecosystem, while they're using one of the products, they can receive notifications and messaging inside of there rather than going outside of that sphere. Now, as to other dApps and what we're doing there and how we're extending these messaging and notification capabilities across the crypto sphere, think about news. Think about Coindesk and all news organizations and you receiving all the news you care about inside of your wallet. Think about that. Add in the fact that any notifications and messaging we facilitate is opt-in, so there's spam protection there. You don't have to worry about a bunch of crypto scammers jumping in your wallet trying to get you to click malicious links. That doesn't happen. Another key example would be Shapeshift DAO and Arbitrum DAO and other DAOs like that, using us for governance-related notifications and wrangling people around to votes. And then think about DEXs and trading protocols. This also is already happening using us to do customizable margin calls to send notifications about leverage needs things that hardcore power user traders really care about. Then you have price trackers, which are getting really popular Ethereum, gas, just general Ethereum, bitcoin price tracker the list goes on. People love having price trackers inside their wallets so they get notifications, no matter what they're doing online or offline, as long as their wallet's open. And I'll drop in one more example for now, because there's so many. We also do social related notifications, so we're native with Lens, for example, they're just sending thousands of notifications a month to their users about all kinds of ecosystem related updates, and I can announce right now that work is beginning on a very deep integration with the Solana ecosystem. So Solana is coming. Arbitrum is already with us. We already have all kinds of capabilities across the Arbitrum ecosystem. Avalanche is already possible, polygon, ethereum the list goes on and on.

Speaker 1:

One of the things that's special about working at Push and being involved in anything with us at Push is that we don't shut anyone out. A lot of crypto projects say that, as you all know. They say like I'm not going to shut anyone out, but then there's all this stuff happening, this clicky stuff, let's say, where people just fight all the time and don't support certain chains for silly reasons. We don't do that. We include everyone. We're always adding new support, support.

Speaker 1:

I'll drop in one final example.

Speaker 1:

That was quite the spiel, but that's just how big we are.

Speaker 1:

We have over 700 integrations and counting and seven or so native chains supported and counting.

Speaker 1:

There's a quick example there to mention. There's a difference between native capability, which we have with Unstoppable, for example, and just DAP capability so you can get notifications in one particular Avalanche DEX or one particular Arbitrum DEX or one particular Ethereum DEX with our tech meaning it's a deep enough connection that everything is inside of the ecosystem so you don't have to go out anywhere to get those notifications. You don't only get it in one dap, you get it everywhere in the unstoppable space, and that's what's special there to clarify that. But yeah, the list goes on and on and on. We work with all sizes of projects. It doesn't matter if you have less users, more users. That's not how we determine it. We determine it based on your connection with our vision and what we're trying to do here. So there's a lot more to say. I know that was a lot, but I hope that helps all of you in terms of understanding what kinds of integrations we do and in terms of more deeply understanding why push matters, at least as a start.

Speaker 2:

No, that was a lot, because it is a lot, and I very much appreciate that. The list of extremely impressive list of integrations also definitely explains why push protocol is a household name. So, yeah, definitely love to see you guys continue to expand the ecosystem. A lot of different use cases as well, and I'm going to want to get into those here in just a moment. In the ecosystem, a lot of different use cases as well, and I'm going to want to get into those here in just a moment.

Speaker 2:

So, one of the biggest key features about your platform communications in itself and the ability to push notifications, as you explained, in all those use cases it's something that we all already deal with in the Web2 space. It's probably something that we all previously depend on or currently depend on in the Web2 space with a lot of the apps that we work with. Hence why it's extremely important to replicate this in the Web3 space. Your platform is blockchain based, which is, you know, adds a whole nother level of value to us who have adopted and want to see this space grows. I want to talk about how push actually works using blockchain technology, about how push actually works using blockchain technology, one of the things that you had mentioned and have said a couple times is you've used the keyword DAO, right? How do DAO mechanics factor into push protocol? And then, yeah, also you know what is push network, push nodes, and how are you guys using blockchain to basically make this platform better than, let's say, a traditional push messaging service?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So those are great questions and that's really great to set the scene for, just, not just in general, but a great heart hitting at the heart of what push does and why we matter in a deeper sense. So to clarify all of that, push is, on the level of our tech, on a macro level, a suite of smart contracts that can connect to and from dApps and wallets, wallets to wallets, protocols, to many wallets, all of that. That's how those connections are made with interoperable open smart contracts, aka interoperable open pieces of software that have within their logic, if, then, statements that amount to if this, then this connection will work, and if this is sent, then this also will arrive at this destination. So, within the logic of the smart contracts, all sorts of these connections we've been describing are already possible on a technical level. It's not just imagining, it's all encoded in there.

Speaker 1:

So, first, we're smart contracts. Second, we've always had push nodes, because there has to be a way to send payloads, aka, in other words, there has to be a way for the messages to go to their destination. To be a way for the messages to go to their destination, they can't just sit inside of a smart contract, they have to be sent by some kind of structure or entity. That structure is push nodes. At the time, it's been an open, yet network maintained by our ecosystem. It's been an open, yet closely maintained network within our ecosystem until recently. Now push nodes are evolving to become a full-scale proof-of-stake network and there'll be way more updates by the end of the year.

Speaker 1:

But the answer to that it's the only answer. It's the honest answer is that we're evolving from smart contracts with a smaller network that's very powerful, with near-instant finality that's how the messages get there so fast Into a full-scale chain with the same near-instant finality. And the simplest way to understand that is, the number of nodes exponentially grows so it can compete with other L1s and L2s out there in terms of how much it can process. So the nodes have to grow and the smart contracts have to become a database as well. The same logic has to be encoded within a full-scale blockchain.

Speaker 1:

So to recap real quick, because that's a lot again we're smart contracts and a small private network with near instant finality for ensuring messages get there and we're evolving into a full scale chain with the same smart contracts on top of it and the same nodes at an exponentially higher number and the same near instant finality. Hence there's so many use cases that can evolve from that and will be clarified over the course of the year, but I'm sure some of you can imagine what those are when you have a chain with that kind of finality that's proven to be able to support on-chain messaging at this kind of scale without almost any latency. There's many, many kinds of applications that are valuable for the consumer sphere, valuable for, as we like to say, retail and mass adoption, that can be built on something like that. So that's a start again, but I think that's a lot of helpful context, at least.

Speaker 2:

And just to summarize the TLDR, you guys basically are multi-chain smart contracts using nodes, but eventually you're going to have your own L2 also using nodes and that's an analogy, just to clarify.

Speaker 1:

that can be made. You can say L2, also using nodes, but it may turn out that it looks a lot more like a foundational layer and we'll be clarifying that throughout the year.

Speaker 2:

Awesome Sauce. And then, yeah, how is this better than the way things are done in the traditional sense?

Speaker 1:

Great question. There are a few factors there. One that our co-founders like to mention, because it's true, is that when you do, for example, group chats on-chain with Push, the limits are a lot higher, with less latency as you grow. What that means in practice is this is a statistic we quote a lot because it's true WhatsApp and Telegram and Signal can only really be very usable up to like 1,000 or maybe 2,000 users in a group chat before they experience very high latency and other problems. We do not have that small of a threshold. Our threshold is above 5K now and still growing. So that's number one. You can have 5k or more group chats with us right now without barely any latency, and it's just as competitive, if not more so, than a legacy product in terms of how fast things get done, and that is only continuing to grow on a technical level. Two, all of our chats are fully encrypted. What that means in practice is you have to be accepted to the channel and opt in to see anything that's happening there, and nobody can just like click on a channel, for example, within the Push dApp on the Push website and read other people's messages. Again, you have to be accepted to see any of that Until that time, it looks like randomized strings of letters and numbers are being sent between people. It really is end-to-end encrypted. And the other point there, for those of you who may not know, is that WhatsApp and other apps claim this, but they're not. They all have backdoors or something like that. They all have logic within their terms and conditions where they can read your messages under certain conditions. So that's the second thing. We're end-to-end encrypted and there's no backdoor or anything like that. You own your messages. Third is just doubling down on that. You own your communications. You can opt in or opt out at any time and you can connect Push with social graphs and social apps across the sphere and port your Push chats over to all kinds of other use cases. There's all kinds of possibilities there. And, last but not least for now, why it's better? Because, as I said, as we evolve into a hub, later in the year you'll see just all of the consumer scale applications that can be built on something like that that weren't really possible at scale before, or scale applications that can be built on something like that that weren't really possible at scale before. Sure, those of us who've been around for multiple years have seen people claim you know decentralized email and all kinds of things like that that they're building them right now but they have never scaled to, let's say, a million or more users in practice. You can check that on DAP radar and things like that, and it just hasn't happened yet. That kind of thing will change.

Speaker 1:

And I'll add one more point. Actually, push is special because of the just just like defy. You can lego block almost anything onto something like this. So the first example that I'll start with there is you can lego block on all kinds of customizable notifications based on what your DAP is used for. You don't just have to make a group chat or a notification channel. Through our DAP, we can work with you to white label one that's very specific to what you're building.

Speaker 1:

There's so many examples there. One would be that any time a trader needs the price of any currency or token within your exchange dApp, you could just have a solution with us to have all of that facilitated straight to their wallet. Or you could have a DAO that white labels a solution so they have not just governance notifications and vote-related notifications, but work streams within Push so that even if someone's not within the DAO forum, they can message the people in their DAO work stream inside of their wallet. So you're doing something else, you're paying bills, but you can still message each other like see you at five, make sure to do this deliverable, and all that. It sounds like it's not much, but it matters a lot for DAOs to be able to communicate wherever they are without dependence on Web2 products. So again, a lot of examples. Those aren't even all of them, but I think that's more than a good start.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, those are definitely some great examples, and one of them you touched on was actually a question I was going to ask.

Speaker 2:

You know, considering it's blockchain based, you know, one of the biggest benefits, depending on how you look at it, is the transparency of the blockchain. And I say depending on how you look at it, because I would suppose in the case of messaging, you might look at it a little bit differently, and you touched on it a little bit about how you guys encrypt and you know messages and things like that. So definitely glad that you guys have security and all that stuff in mind. If you could just one more time, for those who you know be maybe listening in and that may be one of their security points, you know, making sure that their you know conversations do in fact remain secure, remain private If you could touch on that one more time. And then also, you know, is that something that you can turn kind of on and off? Because, as you said, you know there is need for different custom solutions for different platforms, depending on what they're offering to their consumer base.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, first of all, on that part on how much customizability do you have with push in your product? It's almost endless. It's just a requirement of what kind of development resources you have. In other words, how big is your development team, what's their load like, how much backlog do they have, all of those day to day things, and how much we have of the same. Because with very customizable solutions like that, we just embed ourselves with the team until it's done. So almost anything is possible.

Speaker 1:

The only barrier right now would be like, let's say that someone wanted to do 150,000 user group chat. We would say we can do it step-by-step, but not all at once, because that's not a good idea technically. In any case, anyway, it's better to roll that kind of thing out step by step at this point. Second, to double touch on that security and how that is valued by us at Push and how that protects you when you're having any kind of Push notifications set up with us or when you're having any kind of group chat or domain gated group chat set up with us. What I was saying is that a lot of apps WhatsApp, telegram, all of that on web two, on the legacy web claim that their end to end encrypted, but they always have back doors and they can always sell your data. There's two things there. Push will never sell your data. It's not. It's not about a centralized entity. It's progressively decentralizing as an entity into just a big community vehicle for all decentralized communications too in there.

Speaker 1:

We love ZKs. We use them in practice. So what that looks like in practice is your group chat is always private and looks like a randomized string of letters and numbers to any lurkers, and the only people who can see the actual words and the actual messages being sent are people who you accept into the group chat, who you verify and who are opted into the group chat. If they're not accepted and to clarify as well, because people will ask this the admin or admins are the ones that can reject or accept people into push chats. So whoever started that chat and whoever that person maybe gave extra permissions to be an admin to all those people can do that.

Speaker 1:

So that's still like a traditional chat. You can still have admins, but we think that's a good thing. It's just people helping people set up some kind of community rules for conduct. It's not any kind of nefarious thing. And yeah, to just triple down on that with us, you never have to worry about security because your chats are always opt-in and you always can verify whoever joins, and nobody can lurk on your chat for example, within the Pushed app, and just read things without joining.

Speaker 2:

That is definitely good to know and I know for me as well as others listening in. If you weren't already comfortable with the network and the security features, you know hearing it out loud definitely makes me more comfortable. We've gone over a few things. We've gone over who you're currently integrated with, how you can integrate or the types of integrations that you have. You've also mentioned that you guys are open to working with partners, both big and small. For those who may be listening, that may have platforms, projects, et cetera, big or small, you know. Now you know turning their eye to push and seeing an open door. What are the potential, you know use cases for those types of businesses and for what type of businesses and how can it impact their communication engagement strategies.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, great question. So we help with community engagement in a lot of ways and in terms of what businesses or dApps or anything like a project we work with, the answer is we're open to working with everything a project we work with. The answer is we're open to working with everything and we work out exactly what we can feasibly do together just in an open conversation, starting usually in a push chat or a telegram chat and moving onward to meetings online to sort everything out, just simple ways like that. But in terms of what's possible and how we practically help with engagement, consider first unstoppable domains, like I mentioned. Now that anyone can send any notification anywhere in the unstoppable domains ecosystem natively, think of how easy that is for the product team to send updates to every user at once. It's more instant than ever before. There's all kinds of possibilities there. Two, any new project in the Unstoppable Domains ecosystem can get a lot of traction through working with, for example, the founding team of EverythingUD and sending out notifications the same way they do. There can be partner notifications in the same channels new way that's never been possible before to all of the same wallets. That becomes even more valuable.

Speaker 1:

I mentioned DAO related engagement or just tokenized communities of different kinds or investment groups. That's another one. They can be more together than ever before on all kinds of measures and work because you're able to speak to each other inside of your wallets and inside of your dApps, no matter where you are. You don't have to be on the forum, like I said, you don't have to be on Discord to coordinate things. You don't even have to be on Telegram. So then, one quick other example I can mention. There is I think push enriches a lot across decentralized social, and we're only going to see that more and more. Imagine new forms of WhatsApp or any popular social app we don't even have to reinvent the wheel here that are just inside of your wallet, embedded in in there, or vice versa, that have embedded wallets inside of them. Either way, they're just as easy to use as your favorite social apps, but you could even have access to them as a browser extension, so, no matter where you are, you can check exactly what's going on with your friends and your networks. I think the future of everything, including Facebook, will be based on this sort of tech, where you can just port it over anywhere in any context, just like we've done with Bitcoin, with Ethereum when all of that launched Endless portability, radical transparency, defi-type Lego blocks all of these features that make us the cool, wild, wonderful, innovative space that we are are applicable to push and what we're doing here, because we have the same transparency, portability and composability that this industry has as a whole at very rich, deep levels.

Speaker 1:

What can dApps and projects do with us? They can connect more directly and more on-chain than ever before without risking any severe lag or anything like that and without risking any of their security. In fact, our way of connecting is more secure than any alternative. And two, you can drive participation in a new way that you were never able to do before. So, whatever your dApp, whatever your project, whatever your DAO, whatever anything you're doing on-chain is aiming to do, you can ensure everybody knows what's happening in a near instant time, no matter what they're doing, because we all know, for example, how many problems you have when you're trying to coordinate your initial users from a Discord or a Telegram or some kind of legacy app like that, but they're just being pulled in all sorts of directions already.

Speaker 1:

We're in the intention economy now. We don't need to be jumping people around to even more apps and services to get them to do even more different things. We need more integration. So that's what I wanted to close this part with. At Push, we're about unifying everything, not incentivizing silos. So you'll see this more and more as this year goes on and as multiple years go on.

Speaker 1:

But we're about universal apps which will be possible with us, universal on-chain services that were never possible before, and a quick example of what I mean by that is when I say push is about universal apps and services. Imagine a dApp where the user never has to worry about bridging or signing a million times just to get connected or doing anything complicated, and they just click in, they opt in just like you opt in with push messaging right now, and you're just there and you just start doing what you need to do. That's the best analogy I can make to what we're becoming. We're becoming something that supports not just instant messaging on chain, but instant access to instant, reliable and secure access to all kinds of apps and services on chain. So what can you build with push? You can build and extend that capability of instant messaging to just about anything else that you imagine being instant and secure on chain instant, secure and useful for anyone on chain. Hope that helps, but I think it's a lot of useful context.

Speaker 2:

No, what an amazing answer. And actually, you know, part of your answer answered a question that I was going to ask, which, again, is extremely comforting. And you know, and that question was going to be, you know, obviously, as a pioneer of you know, and that question was going to be, you know, obviously, as a pioneer of you know, decentralized communication where do you see the future of it? And you answered that perfectly. And if people aren't bullish already you know, or haven't been bullish already about the future of this technology, about, you know, what we're able to do with this space and innovate and make the world better for the space, then you know they certainly should be bullish by now. And, yeah, I do invite any businesses, any communities, any platforms, anybody who sees value in these tools, that sees value in decentralization, that sees value in those types of security you know, to reach out, to push and begin that conversation.

Speaker 1:

One other thing as well, because I didn't mention it, but it's important. Anybody as well that's thinking I don't know if my app or service applies here. I'm not sure if I can use something in your ecosystem or if Push would enrich my app or service. We have over 700 integrations. The answer is pretty much always yes. It's just not clear what the answer is at first. Just come and talk to us and we'll figure out the answer together.

Speaker 2:

Amazing. I love that open invitation and so, yeah, there's no reason for those who are out there building to reach out and add this valuable tool to your suite and put yourself amongst, already, the big names out there that are utilizing this platform and helping connecting people together, such as Unstoppable Domains. This has been a great conversation. It's been a great dive. I wanted to round this up with any news or anything that you want to put out there. Also, you know, for those who want to, you know, become more acclimated with the community, learn more. If you have any channels or anything that people could follow, I would love for you to leave us with any of that stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yep, a couple of quick things there. Number one, doubling down on that reach out to me, reach out to anyone involved with push at any time. We're very open to talk about any ideas you have or any way you want to be involved, uh. Second, to be more specific on that, uh, no-transcript. So the easiest way to get involved in that is to join via the forum. Introduce yourself and someone will help you get fully onboarded. That's just govpushorg, that's just the discourse forum. In other words, you can just search on Google as well, push protocol forum and it's the first result like to mention is keep an eye on pushorg, slash docs and click on roadmap. Our roadmap is always updated with what's coming down the development pipeline. It's very regularly updated. It's very helpful in that way. And, last but not least, keep an eye out for myself and Harsh and Risha and the team at all kinds of events and on all kinds of podcasts.

Speaker 1:

I was just on with Charlie Shrem. He's a great guy. Some of you may know who. That is Pretty much the OG next to Vitalik and Satoshi. That should be coming out later in the month. And yeah, if that wasn't a testimonial in and of itself, enough of a testimonial in and of itself. Charlie loves Push 2. So you know, the love just keeps coming. We love all of you. We love what this industry is doing for the world and we've always been dedicated to the vision of open, decentralized, community run apps and services and the overall vision of a web3 run in the way that this industry believes it should be run. So if that's you and you just believe in Web3 and you believe in crypto values, hit us up anyway. I'm sure we'll find something to do together and shout out to Wynn, airdrop and iHeart Domains for this wonderful spaces. I hope we can do it again. It's been great.

Speaker 2:

Definitely man, and I thank you guys so very much for your time, for this wealth of information and alpha. I hope those that are able to listen to it both live and in the future see for the value that it is. Again, we've all heard of Push. We all knew that we were connected to Push in some way, some of us actually actively using it. But now everybody's got an intimate dive and can start digging deeper. Hopefully this motivates some platforms who are looking to add some more utility to go ahead and connect and get something integrated.

Speaker 1:

so yeah, thank you, my friend. Just a quick thing, because this is important too. Just like I said about, we'll work with anyone in any project. Uh, if you have a podcast, if you have a series of twitter spaces, doesn't matter how big, doesn't matter how small I'll, I'll come on it. So just let me know we're dedicated to everyone. That's all I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Love that and that's exactly how we're going to grow and drive more people into the space. So love everything about you guys. Again, extremely thankful For those of you who want to listen back to this again or want to invite somebody to listen to this, remember you can find our content archive at iHeartDomainscom. This will be uploaded onto our podcast at techtalkhost in the next couple of days so you'll be able to listen to it that way as well. But, yeah, thank you guys for being on. Special thanks to Push. Thank you, ian, thank you to Harsh as well for reaching out and, yeah, hope you guys stay bullish on the space. I'm definitely bullish on push protocol and the future of communication. You guys have a great rest of the day, great rest of the week, see you guys on the other side.

Speaker 1:

Thanks, sir. Thanks, friends, have a great weekend.

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