TECH Talk by IHeartDomains

Web3 Domain Workshop: Building Onchain Communities with TLDs and SLDs

IHeartDomains LLC

Curious about how Web3 technology is reshaping digital identity? Learn how blockchain domains and AI are paving the way for a new era of personal and brand experiences. Discover the transformative potential of our new autonomous AI agents, Web3 Domains AI ($WEBAI) and Web3 Digital ID ($WEBID), and see how they are driving growth and engagement for IHeartDomains.

Eager to enhance your understanding of Web3 digital IDs? Our Tech Talk and Web3 Domain Workshop series, brought to you in collaboration with Freename, offers a comprehensive introduction to the evolving domain ecosystem. Through engaging VIP workshops and public tech talks, participants will gain valuable insights into how onchain domains are supercharging digital identity and blockchain interactions, bridging the gap between Web2 and Web3.

Step into the vibrant universe of digital identity and naming ecosystems with our exploration of SLDs and TLDs. We share personal experiences and firsthand insights from involvement with the Nouns DAO and Yellow Collective. Learn how SLDs serve as powerful personal digital identities, facilitating everything from financial transactions to personal branding. Discover the role of TLDs in fostering digital communities and creating robust ecosystems in the Web3 landscape. This episode unpacks the ongoing potential of these digital identities, highlighting their significance in shaping the future of online interactions.

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Want to LEARN more about Web3 Domains and Digital Identity?

My name is Marcus Andrews aka” WenAirDrop”, founder of IHeartDomains LLC, and since 2022 we have been a leading resource for News, Innovations, Education, Alpha and Business Development in the Web3 Domain & Digital Identity space.

If you're interested in Web3 domain insights, development, and news, don't miss our upcoming TECH Talk episodes featuring industry builders. Join our live discussions on Twitter/X spaces and engage with our community on platforms like Warpcast and Link3 for real-time updates and valuable ALPHA. Your journey into the future of digital identity begins with us!


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I'm going to get started here in just a second. Yeah, as always, I've pinned a couple things up to the top of the space. I'll be referencing a little bit during the spaces. But yeah, welcome to our Tech Talk podcast. All right, all right, all right, ready to get started Again? Happy Friday and welcome to our Tech Talk podcast.

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This is a live discussion I record weekly here on X where we highlight news, innovation, education, alpha and business development in the Web3 technology and digital identity space. For those who don't know who I am, I am your host, witt Airdrop, founder of iHeart Domains, and we have been your number one resource for unbiased Web3 blockchain domain educational content, with over 100 of these TikTok episodes and YouTube videos produced and archived over the past two years. As with every space, you can search our entire podcast archive for prior recordings and an easy to read blog overview of each episode on our website at iHeartDomainscom. Also, if you prefer to listen in podcast format, we are available on every major podcast player, including Apple, spotify and iHeartRadio, and you can easily reach that podcast archive at techtalkhost.

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As we typically do, I do want to open with a little bit of news before we get into the main topic. First just want to remind everybody that we will be at ETH Denver. So myself, representing both iHeartDomains and Freename, as well as Gerardo or Verano from the Freename team he's head of partnerships will both be attending ETH Denver. That's going to. We'll both be there from the 26th to the 1st. So again, if any of you are already members of our community and want to connect and talk all things Web3 domains or if you've been curious and you want to learn more about the opportunities with free name TLDs or want to partner with us, right, if you've got technology or something like that and there's a partnership or a good fit, please feel free to DM either me or him. And yeah, let's definitely connect. There's a lot going on out there. I want to meet and run into as many people as possible and find some great synergy.

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Again, this is the year of partnerships, as I tweeted a couple days ago, and, with that being said, and speaking of partnerships, we have long been from Orion X1, of the Verbs Hangout, which is a hangout, an IRL meetup that is sponsored by both VerbsDAO and NounsDAO to help onboard people into the ecosystem. That partnership also includes Freename, which provides the vrbstld which we'll talk about. Actually, it is extremely relevant to this conversation. It's TLD, which we'll talk about. Actually, it is extremely relevant to this conversation. But in relationship to all of that, we are actually co-sponsoring the Blunt Down Olympics that is going to be taking place. This is the second Blunt Down Olympics that is going to be taking place and it will be at EVE Denver on the 26th, so it's free for anybody to attend. It's already already got a few hundred people, I believe, registered to go, so it should be a pretty big event. I'm probably going to be one of the judges a lot of great sponsors. I'm really looking forward to it. So if you're going to be in Denver looking for something to do on the 26th 26th is kind of a slow day it's the opening day. Feel free to come, vibe and join us, and then again there's going to be lots of prizes and goodies and giveaways and, you know, all kinds of good stuff. If you haven't been a part of our community before, you know we get down. So I definitely invite everybody to attend.

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That Next piece of news and it is one of the things that's pinned up at the top is something I've been hinting at over the past couple of days and, yeah, we've kind of opened the door and let them loose. So we have recently become extremely bullish on and then, you know, I ended up developing two autonomous AI agents. So, and potentially in another spaces, I'll dig into what those are and what they do. As I mentioned yesterday during our VIP Web3 domain workshop, I'm actually going to dive into how to make one. I'm not going to share that out from live here on spaces, it's only for my VIPs. But I definitely want to get into conversations about what they are and the future of them and the potential they have.

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But I wanted to introduce the two AI agents that we created of them and the potential they have. But I wanted to introduce the two AI agents that we created. So we have Web3Domainsai as well, or Web3Domainsai as well as Web3DigitalIdentity right or Digital ID. Both of those names obviously are direct matches of domain names that I own, so kind of doing some co-marketing here. But both of these agents essentially are going to serve as growth, marketing, narrative building, social engagement, everything that you can think of.

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Agents for iHeart domains and you know diving into this technology and where it's going and already what it's capable of doing. I'm beyond ecstatic to see what these two are able to do. I can't even explain. We've been talking about AI for this past year or so, since it's come out and really how revolutionary and how much it's going to change the space and productivity of basically anybody, right? But now we're really coming face-to-face with it and agents are literally no joke.

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So, yeah, we've introduced both of these agents. They're both tokenized agents. So Web3 Digital ID its ticker is Web3, is WebID. That is on the Solana blockchain. You can currently and this is DYOR, dyor Research, all that good stuff but you can currently still invest in that pre-bonding curve on pumpfund and then, as well as WebAI, for the Web3 domains, ai and that is on Basechain and you can, of course, go to its bonding curve as well. It's pre-bonding curve as well and you can find that on the virtual platform. And, yeah, so they've already been tweeting, they've already been engaging. Both of them have their own Twitter accounts, so I encourage you to follow those accounts and definitely stay tuned for what they are cooking. Both of those accounts also have applied for badges, so they'll both have their blue check marks as well, taking this dead serious right and we'll see where this goes.

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Again, these agents are not only here to increase the productivity and reach of our domains, but as well as again embed the narrative of what Web3 identity is and the value that it has in the space outside of our bubble. Right, and again, like a lot of us, and even me especially, sometimes we don't know where to spread this message. Right, we go on our Twitter account, we post, we hope people find it and follow it and do something with it, and we don't know some of the nooks and crannies or niches that might, you know, react a little bit better than just posting out there in the wild. But AI is a different beast. Ai works, you know, in those nooks and crannies. It works 24-7. And these are so interesting. Yeah, like I said, I'll dig into the technology, possibly in another space, but TLBR is one of these agents. In particular is a self-evolving agent, meaning it's able to make its own decisions and change, do all kinds of stuff. So really going to be interested to see how this evolves. But, yeah, pin the tweet up at the top. Again, really would love some love on that tweet and please follow those accounts. And, yeah, see what they're cooking.

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And, last but not least, one of the biggest jobs of these two agents is to inform everyone that our registry is open for our premium TLDs that we hold here at iHeart Domains on the free name platform. That is, the dgen, the exchain, the .888 and defi wallet TLDs. So if you are interested in getting your own personal digital identity becoming a part of our community and some of the utility and perks that will come with such, definitely invite you guys to met your own personal domain name on those TLDs. You can find any of them at freenameio just by typing the name you want and dot whatever those are. Or you can find quick and easy links to get to them right at iHeartDomainscom. You go there, you click on I Want to Admitdgen or deFi wallet, take you directly to the page and you can check out from there. Easy peasy and as low as five bucks, and you're home

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forever. All right, now, with that being said, let's get into the main topic at hand. Again, this is going to be a really brief one and it's a really easy one to get through, but yeah, as you can see, it's a topic. Slds versus TLDs what's the difference in opportunity? The majority of our space, especially the market, the trading market, is primarily dominated by trading of SLDs. Right, yeah, the ENS domains have made up the bulk of the market pretty much forever and for a lot of people you know, the asset ladder kind of stops there. This may be the first time even hearing what a TLD is or knowing that you can invest in one. And then when you hear about it, you're like, hey well, how does that differ? What is the difference in opportunity? And even some of us on the side of TLDs look at the market of SODs and wonder why is it so different than our market and where the opportunity truly lies. So definitely want to have a conversation to clarify that from my

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perspective. But, as always, I do like to introduce the Tech Talk and the Web3 Domain Workshop concept in and of itself. This Tech Talk and previous Tech Talk and the Web3 Domain Workshop concept in and of itself. This Tech Talk and previous Tech Talks and ones in the near future are themed in what we call the Web3 Domain Workshop series, and this is in partnership with Freename to bring more awareness to the actual utility, use cases and market the complete ecosystem of Web3 digital ID and domains. Most of what we are talking about are going to be tools and things that exist in the free name ecosystem, because that's obviously where the opportunity that we are talking about lies. But most of these ecosystem tools as well are multi-chain compatible. They include both E&S and UD resolvers, so a lot of their plugins will resolve all namespaces or those namespaces in particular. And a lot of what we aim to talk about and educate about is general education that benefits the whole space, like in this case, right Talking about SODs and TODs. This is going to be general and I believe anybody from any namespace that is looking to build their bag and become prosperous can benefit from this

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knowledge. So, again, we do this every Friday following our Thursday VIP workshop. This same topic was talked about yesterday. That is in Google Meet format. If you're a part of our FreeName community and wish to become a VIP to take part in that utility, feel free to ask more questions for how to become a VIP. But for those of you who didn't know, we have a Free name VIP community, similar to whale communities and other naming ecosystems, and we have utilities that are provided to our VIPs, such as this workshop. So we do the workshop on Thursday. That's a hands on workshop where our VIPs are able to show up, ask questions, we share screens, we dig into things. We're talking about exclusive alpha, and then here on Friday we do the tech talk that is formed around that workshop. So, yeah, welcome to our Web3 workshop

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series. Also, what I like to do before digging into this topic is, again, this is we record this live here on X. This is spread out to a much wider audience on both YouTube as well as on our podcast. We do get a lot of listeners. I'm very grateful for our audience. I assume a lot of those listeners are probably outside of this space and are hearing about this technology maybe for the first time. So it's always good to define what we're talking about. So ignore this if you've already heard this before, but I do always like to get us all on the same page with what we are talking

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about. Again, when most people hear the word domain name, they usually reference in their mind the industry that existed for the past 30 years, which is the traditional DNS space. That's your coms, your ios, your nets, your whatevers. Right? Most people, when they understand how a domain name works, is you type a domain name into a browser and it resolves to a web address and then takes you to the content that is hosted on it. That is what a Web2 domain name is. The topic or the assets that we talk about in these spaces, even though we reference Web2 domains and we have a relationship to that space, are Web3 domain names. They work very similar, meaning they also resolve to an address, with the address that they resolve to as a blockchain address rather than an IP address, and their purpose is to help create a human, readable way or path for people to both send money or to see your identity on the blockchain. So I always like to clear that up. Web2 domains work for websites, email addresses, web3 domains for blockchain names and for digital identity. All

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righty. Now, with that being said, slds versus TLDs what is the difference in opportunity? Yeah, so I'm going to briefly discuss the differences in how SLDs, which stands for second level domains that's your name dot something, so most of us who are using a name for a digital identity are using a second level domain, and TLDs, which is top level domains, ie what comes on the right of the dot. I'm going to talk about the differences and how they play their part in this space and then provide different levels of investment and community building opportunities. I want to begin with defining each briefly and its current intended applications, before diving into a real-world example that inspired me and hopefully will inspire you to build with your own TLD and find a place for it. Truly believe that the bridge to understanding truly how early we are and being able to see really how infinitely bright the future is is by clearly understanding how these work, why they have value, and then, most importantly, start using them as much as you can right now, so that you'll become an expert in your own investment and then get a better scope of how to bring others into the space. So, yeah, let's dive

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in. So what is an sld? Again, sld is our sub-level domain, our digital identity, our immutable digital identity. Uh, sub-level domains are primarily meant to be a personal asset. Again, they act as your digital identity on the blockchain. You'll set your personal records to them. It is something that you will exchange personally so that people can interact with you, find you, validate you, etc. So, again, it has versatile utility. Apps are being created every single day that are beginning to incorporate digital

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identity. At some point, as the space continues to grow and as more use cases and development begins to happen, your SLD is going to be basically your Swiss army knife of financial identity. It's going to be something that, again, we use not only to send and receive money, but we also use to show that we own and show ownership of things, things that we can use to show KYC badges. Your digital identity is really going to be your hub, just like your identity. Now, right, you walk in to any establishment to buy something, the first thing they ask you for is your ID. So, with that being said, the true value of an SLD ultimately lies with you, the holder, the owner, the person who's using it, or the owner, the person who's using it. Again, you can use this as your personal brand or, if desired, you're able to sell it on the secondary market if somebody else is able to align with that same name and wants to build a brand with it. So that is what an SLD

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is. Tld is what exists on the other side of that, and it is a tool that you will use to build ecosystems and revenue streams of Web3. Tlds, as I've explained in multiple spaces, they're able to expand your digital footprint and increase, enhance the brand of whatever you're building, whether it's a community, a D app, whatever it is, a token, et cetera, if you're able to find a niche or develop an integrated ecosystem. Tlds really can customize and personalize the experience to the extent that they become essentially the backbone of that experience. Again, well, one of the biggest use cases for TLDs is for community building. With effective marketing, tlds can foster communities and obviously, they provide the framework and are the technology that issues the SLDs that now represent individuals or entities within that ecosystem that want to use it as their digital

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identity. So, with that being said, I wanted to briefly define those two, just to get us all on the same page. Most of the spaces is going to be digging into a real world example. I've been in the space for quite some time. I'm a member and holder and investor in virtually every naming ecosystem that makes sense. Obviously, I haven't invested in the scam ones, but all the big ones I got names from, and during my years in this space and that's the other thing too I've always existed in this space at this capacity, wanting to learn, wanting to share what I've learned, wanting to educate, wanting to make this make sense. And so, with that being said, in each ecosystem and throughout this journey, I've come across a bunch of examples that have made this make sense, and obviously that's what's kept me so bullish. But one example in particular that I ran across last year during East Denver. I was actually introduced to this project by my good friend Hedayat of WebHash the Nerdles. All that good stuff was Nouns Down and Yellow

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Collective. Now I'm going to talk about Yellow Collective kind of at first and then merge that into Nouns Down. Nouns Down I had always already been aware of nouns, but never really in their ecosystem, had never mentored a piece, so didn't have like that personal experience. But I had been to piece, so didn't have like that personal experience, but I had been in some of their parties and things like that. And again, I was extremely surprised. You know, once I did join the DAO and started taking a look at how you know their mechanics and their auctions and all that worked. I was extremely surprised with kind of how, again, like I said yesterday, how they're pretty much our tribe right, if there is one community out there that truly understands and utilizes and builds with digital identity, it is them. So to bring you up to speed with what nouns. And then Yellow Collective is Yellow Collective is a sub-DAO of

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nouns. It's like their media arm. They create on-chain media for nouns, dao, sub DAO of nouns. It's like their media arm. They create on-chain media for nouns DAO. They actually run the collective. It's actually a group of nine nouners original nouners that founded this, and they host something called the Noun Square, which is hosted as spaces for nouns. Every single day that a noun has been minted they close out the auction and start the new one. They've hosted the space every single day for the past three and a half years. In any event, they've created their own sub-DAO. I joined that during East

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Denver. Now, if you're not familiar with them, it's a public goods DAO. It's a. Anyone can join it. The way to join formally or officially is by participating in a daily auction that they host every single day. So every single day a new noun is born and the market you know the competitiveness of the auction dictates. Basically, you know the floor price of the noun, every single dollar of your, of your winning bid. When you win a noun goes into a treasury which then is collectively governed by all the nouns. Right, they have created several different mechanics for how to deploy their treasury and deploy the capital within it, and I won't really dig into those as much. I digged into those a little bit yesterday during the workshop. But there's several ways to get funding from the DAO, but the most basic of which is if you own a noun one noun equals one vote you're entitled to submit propositions to the DAO. Other nouns are able to vote on it and decide whether you get funding or

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not. Okay, so that's nouns. Now, why is this important to digital identity, slds and TLDs? Well, if you're already familiar with nouns, you know where I'm going. But if you're not familiar with nouns, first go to nouns either nounswtf or yellowcollectivexyz. The first thing that stood out to me was the option itself. So, front and center, as soon as you hit their page, you'll see the current option of the day. You'll see the noun.

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And then you'll start seeing either addresses or you'll see names, and in most cases now, at this point in their ecosystem, you're going to see a lot of names. Not only will you see eth names, but you'll also see noggles, and it's not noggles spelled out, it's their actual. It's not an emoji per se, it's their actual. It's not an emoji per se, it's I don't even know what they're called. It looks like an emoji but it's the Nogles, which is the IP of nouns. Again, if you are familiar with nouns, you know exactly what I'm talking about. But in any event, it's an extremely unique identifier. When you see it, you know it's nouns and they've actually built their own name service. So for I don't know if you knew this, but nouns has their own name service called NNS. It's been out for a while. The technology that they use to build it it resolves anywhere an ENS name resolves, so it works every single place one of those resolves. And, of course, it resolves and works within the nouns and verbs and all this framework and a lot of cases, most of the time, when you see these bids and these auctions, you'll see you know their personalized names and you'll see most people opt to use the dot novels as their identity, rather than a dot ether or anything else. And again, so, being exposed to this, the first time I saw this, it immediately clicked that this is probably one of the perfect use cases for digital identity, and it came in handy. So during those early days of the Yellow Collective, you know the auctions would get pretty intense, and this was back when DGEN first did their airdrop. It's at all time high. You have people that were getting hundreds of thousands of dollars of DGN, you know, airdropped to their wallet, and so they were flush with cash and not afraid to spend it. And so our auctions would get pretty intense. And there was a strategic advantage in knowing who you were bidding against. It was fun to go on to, you know, the Yellow Collective website every other day, or NounsDAO website every other day or every other hour actually, because I'd be on there every day. It was fun to go on there, see who's bidding On here. In particular, again, if the person is known or has branded themselves or you're familiar with them, you're able to instantly know or see who it is you're bidding against. And then even here, in this case, on both of those DAOs, the identity was clicked through so you could see their wallets Right. And again, you know, one of the beauties of the blockchain is transparency. If I know I'm bidding against somebody who's got you know half a million dollars of DJ in their wallet, which in a few cases, you know that didn't, that did happen. I'm going to be a little more strategic with my bids, like there is. Again, it was part of a whole strategy. I was really bullish and really engaged in participating in Nounish auctions for months and inevitably I found my community and ultimately, my value with Verbstau. But my point being is that I was able to use these identities as a tool to again strategize.

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How I bid, know who I'm bidding against. There are certain people. How I bid, know who I'm bidding against. There are certain people. So, in particular, in Yellow, we have a private chat within Warpcast and in that chat, you know, it's like a family. It's a really nice alpha chat, like most of the people who are members of Yellow Collective are whales in the space, again founded by you know, nine original Nounders. We've got people like Jesse Polak in the group. We've got, you know, dan Romero in the group. We've got all kinds of world-class NFT artists in there. And when you start to get to know people, like, for instance, we knew that one particular person loved pirates and so when we saw a pirate trade pop up and you see his bid, sometimes out of respect, you just wouldn't bid against them Again.

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Now, if you're digging deeper into the nouns community and digging deeper into the nouns ecosystem, beyond just their auction, their entire framework is based around digital identity. So, again, once you become a member of their DAO, you now have membership and access to submit and participate in the voting for funding that comes from their treasury, and all of that is tied to your digital identity and all of that is useful. Again, like it's impossible and maybe it's not impossible, but it certainly isn't a great user experience to be trying to fumble through a bunch of wallet addresses when you're dealing with you know, trying to manage funds, figuring out who's who, trying to track things. And again, the UI, ui UX of NounStyle Yellow Collective and most of the NounStyles that have followed, in the way they've incorporated not only ENS in this case, but also their own digital identity and their own naming system, again is a beautiful example of how it can add value to one ecosystem, even though the millions of other people who have no alignment or no association whatsoever to nouns probably see no value in that TLD right. So this workshop yesterday, again nouns provides a great example for the opportunity that now exists for TLDs, if you haven't already, you know, found your place and I'm going to speak about that opportunity and then I'm going to merge into you know kind of how we found our own opportunity within the same ecosystem.

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So, again, freename offers the ability for you to basically purchase a turnkey namespace. It is open for all, so it's basically first come, first serve. They have protected, obviously, the brand names of any major brand. They protected ICANN TLDs, ens TLD, they've the unstoppable TLDs. But aside from that right, the market for branding is open and the same use or similar uses is exactly the opportunity, again as I've explained, that exists for TLDs being able to build a community, create value within that community, give that community an identity and then show them and actually let them use that identity as a tool within that community Right. And so, again, as I explained with with now you have a collective and all the other nowish DAOs, including, you know, purple Builder, all of these there's probably about 20 or 30 nows out there that have all forged from the original now and they all use similar mechanics because they all use a same forking system. So now it's actually created its own fork. We went through that yesterday as well. They sponsored or funded one of the DAOs to create the technology to fork them easily. That fork includes the auction system. That auction system includes resolution of Web3 identity because, again, you know, the most important thing of belonging to a club is knowing who the other members are. And so, with that being said, one of the opportunities amongst the many that are going to derive and be created in the space is building your own on-chain clubs, using your digital identity to define your members within it and then incorporating it Wherever you know.

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Someone needs to see a name. In this case, it's good to see who you're bidding against. It's good to see who's submitting a proposition. It's good to see who's voting against your proposition. It's good to see and know who's submitting updates and who's out there truly building. And Digital ID does that Okay? Well, that works fine for them. They built their own naming system. Is that possible to file with a free name, tld? And the answer is absolutely yes.

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Again, there are thousands of communities that exist out there, from DAOs to NFT communities, to token communities, and even though a lot of them are starting to click, you know, to building their own namespaces or starting to make their partnerships, it's still a wide open field of a lot that don't even know what this can do for them or how this technology again can improve the user experience and maybe even the longevity of people even wanting to be involved in their ecosystem. So in our case, because I am very nowish, the opportunity that I found with my own free name, tld, was with VerbsDAO. So, as we mentioned at the beginning, or as I mentioned at the beginning of this space, I'm a member of VerbsDAO. I, in connection with a friend of mine, jp, from OrionX1, we both host the IRL meetup for Verbs, very ingrained in the Verbs ecosystem. Their resolver, because they're announced for it already does resolve the Novels TLD as well as ENS domains. But this was a perfect opportunity, despite that, to give them their own sense of ownership and start introducing the concept of building and creating their own ecosystem.

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As I explained yesterday, you know one of the unique things about VIRBs, you know there's again lots of downish DAOs. A lot of them are focused on really different areas of where they think they can add value and be cool in their own way. Some of them may not have really that much of a purpose, but a lot of them have kind of created themselves as like really an anchor to nouns, right. So being aligned with nouns, flexing the noddles, you know, all of that like really aligns with what they're trying to accomplish. Verbs, on the other hand, is, although we are a nounish Tao, we actually weren't even formed because of nouns. The verbs was actually formed by members of Utes. There's a Utes trait that has novels, so there was a noun trait for Utes and those Utes got together and created what they called the Ute nouns and then that evolved into verbs, which now, again, verbs is a little different.

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Verbs is special because our developers have actually built technology outside of BuilderDAO or outside of the fork right. So we've built technology. Our art race is completely different. We use completely custom art every single day, as long as it has noggles on it. We have animated art. We have an actual art race, whereas a lot of, the most of the VerbsDAO use one singular artist and recycle traits.

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There's so many differences that there was a need, and sometimes there's a desire, for us to have kind of a different identity, and so this is where the opportunity came in. We've partnered with Freename and we've created the VerbsTLD, and so now any member of VerbsDAO whether you're an existing member or whether you're a new member coming in, or even if you're an attendee of one of the IRL meetups gets a free Verbs TLD or free Verbs SLD on the Verbs TLD. And we will be integrating this in the ecosystem so that it works exactly the same way as the nob was works in both nounswtf and as well as yellow collective. And again, I use the example as I used above, because it was an example that we were able to take advantage of ourselves. Again, perfect fit, perfect use case for digital identity. There are dozens, millions, hundreds, whatever different examples or different community ways that this can be implemented. A point is is to go, look for examples and find your tribe and continue to build. As long as you build something, people will come to it and they'll find the value in what you offer them.

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As I mentioned yesterday, it's this is going to be onboarding into Web3, is going to be D app driven. You know, I don't think people are going to wake up one day from seeing a tweet and immediately go and spin up a wallet, throw hundreds of dollars into the space and become experts in navigating Web3. Most people are going to come in through a narrative and that narrative is going to, you know, it's potentially going to be attached to an application and that's also where the opportunity exists. If you build an application that's cool, you build something that people can use, whether it's a game, whether it's a DAO that's just going out there funding cool stuff, whether it's a finance app or a DEX, whether it's an AI app where you can just change your face and put animal ears on yourself on Facebook, whatever it is, if you create something and you integrate your TLD into that, that's what people are going to be exposed to, and as long as you make it clear and provide a clear route for them to register that they won't be exposed to anything else, people won't have a reason to expand outside of your ecosystem unless they catch the bug. But you know you want them to catch the bug, right. So my point being is that become the point of entry for people. Integrate your TLD at the point of entry for people, and then that will be what people you know are able to find value in and will ultimately, you know, grab and adopt.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, definitely a difference of opportunity in SLTs and TLDs. Slds, the opportunity is in again, truly building a personal profile, building an identity, utilizing it as your Swiss Army knife, and Web3. A lot of opportunity in flipping them on a secondary market, but completely different than the opportunity that exists with TLDs, which, again, it's a different level up the ladder. It's going to take marketing, it's going to take community building, it's going to take skill For some people, it's going to take developing the app, but the result at the end is that now you have an engine that can be bigger than maybe you even imagined, you have something that can create an entire legacy of identity for people in the community and you know you can use in multiple ways to generate, you know, passive revenue that could be very substantial depending on the size of your community. So, yeah, definitely a big financial opportunity and difference in financial opportunity, and we encourage your portfolio to have a mix of both.

Speaker 2:

If you're in this space early, which we all are, we are all in this space well beyond the normies. There's probably still going to be a long period of time before the normies really click and it starts to become a very retail-friendly space. But while you're here early and still trying to figure out where your direction is and which naming service to choose and which is the best route to go, get a little mix of both so that you're not left out on the opportunity when it becomes even more apparent to you. Right? Because every single day we're building, we're finding more use cases, we're unlocking more use cases, like even today.

Speaker 2:

I was on a space earlier where these guys are using a third level domain. This is genius as well. They're using a third level domain on a dot soul. They're building a tipping app, right, so you'll be able to, I guess, tip people using this name. But if you buy a name right now, if you mint the name on this, you're basically minting a third level domain. It's a third. That money is going to go into setting up the liquidity pool for a token and you qualify for an airdrop. That's a third. That money is going to go into setting up the liquidity pool for a token and you qualify for an airdrop that kind of stuff.

Speaker 2:

You see what I'm saying. That's something that you could do with a TLD. Again, there's all kinds of use cases for it and we have the power to be creative and we have the power to develop these use cases because we are early. So, yeah, hopefully that inspired anyone who's listening to this space for some ways that you can build out your TLD in the community and start to monetize your asset. Again, do encourage you guys to look to Now's DAOs and to the NowNish DAOs. They're the ones again that made it click again for me, for really how these provide value, that is, you don't have to explain to anyone and it makes the user experience of participating in the DAO so much better. And in the case of Downs, I mean they have so much brand power that having the novels TLD and being able to have it resolved somewhere is a signal that you belong to the community and you know actually can get you some nods, kind of like that Mason handshake. You know having certain TLDs can actually you know they'll be used like that. It's the kind of if you know, you know. So yeah, with that being said, I do thank you guys for tuning in to this Tech Talk.

Speaker 2:

Again, of course, it's live here on X. Always appreciate everyone who shows up here. We do upload these to our podcast, which will be available on Apple, spotify, pretty much every major podcast player in a couple of days. So if you are already tapped in or are already subscribed, you can find those episodes at techtalkhost. In about 50 minutes we are going to hop on to the Web3 Domains. Well, talk with Freename. So yeah, definitely also encourage you guys to join me and Paige as we talk about the latest development in Web3 Domains. Well, talk with Freename. So, yeah, definitely also encourage you guys to join me and Paige as we talk about the latest development in Web3 Domains. And, yeah, thank you guys for attending. Again, happy Friday, focus on your mission, not your condition, and keep building. And again, follow my agents. They're real people, kind of, but not really. Yeah, enjoy you guys. See you guys later.

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