TECH Talk by IHeartDomains
TECH Talk is a weekly discussion focused on web3 domain/digital identity education, developer interviews, industry news and more. Our weekly episodes feature builders such as Unstoppable Domains, Freename, ENS, Decentraweb, Handshake and more.
Our TECH Talk episodes are initially recorded LIVE on Twitter/X spaces on our page https://twitter.com/iheartdomains. View our LIVE content calendar 🗓️ https://link3.to/defiwallet
About Us:
Welcome to IHeartDomains—your gateway to the dynamic world of Web3 digital identity! We're the architects behind a vibrant ecosystem where you can discover and claim your personalized slice of the blockchain. Whether you're looking to mint a fresh domain, explore our curated marketplace, or engage with our vibrant community, we've got you covered.
At the heart of IHeartDomains is the exciting TECH Talk Podcast, a sonic journey through the latest trends, insights, and stories that shape the Web3 domain space. Each episode is a blend of expert knowledge and lively discussions, designed to educate, inspire, and entertain both newbies and seasoned domain enthusiasts alike.
Join us as we build bridges in Web3 and navigate the exciting intersection of technology and digital identity. Your Web3 adventure starts with a domain, and at IHeartDomains, we make it unforgettable!
TECH Talk by IHeartDomains
Beyond Twitter: Why Web3 Domain Marketers Need to Master Warpcast Now
Dive into the untapped potential of Warpcast for marketing your Web3 domains with Marcus (WenAirdrop), founder of IHeartDomains and community manager at Freename. This workshop illuminates how the Farcaster ecosystem offers distinct advantages for digital identity professionals looking beyond traditional social platforms.
Warpcast stands apart as a blockchain-native social network where every user already has a crypto wallet—meaning you can skip the "What is blockchain?" conversation and go straight to showcasing your domains. Marcus breaks down three powerful features that make Warpcast uniquely valuable: Channels that function like subreddits for targeted content, Frames that allow direct domain purchases without leaving the platform, and token-gated Groups that provide instant utility for domain holders.
The strategic value of establishing your presence now becomes clear as Marcus reveals Warpcast's growing connection to Coinbase and Base chain. With Warpcast positioned to become "the official social layer of Base," early adopters who secure digital real estate through channels and build community now will have significant advantages when mainstream adoption arrives.
While sharing his own experiences (including being shadow-banned), Marcus provides practical advice for navigating the platform: post consistently, engage genuinely, collaborate with developers, and focus on providing value rather than merely selling. The workshop balances optimism about Warpcast's potential with realistic expectations about current limitations, giving domain marketers a roadmap for establishing their presence in what could become Web3's definitive social network.
Whether you're an individual domain collector or a TLD owner seeking to build community and drive registrations, this deep dive into Warpcast marketing strategies gives you the tools to position yourself at the forefront of digital identity's next frontier.
Freename.io is the leading Domains platform in Web3. Users can mint their own customized Web3 TLDs.
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Want to LEARN more about Web3 Domains and Digital Identity?
My name is Marcus Andrews aka” WenAirDrop”, founder of IHeartDomains LLC, and since 2022 we have been a leading resource for News, Innovations, Education, Alpha and Business Development in the Web3 Domain & Digital Identity space.
If you're interested in Web3 domain insights, development, and news, don't miss our upcoming TECH Talk episodes featuring industry builders. Join our live discussions on Twitter/X spaces and engage with our community on platforms like Warpcast and Link3 for real-time updates and valuable ALPHA. Your journey into the future of digital identity begins with us!
you, you, you, you, you. Hello, hello, we'll get started in just a moment. A couple things at the top of the space. Yeah, looking forward to getting into this one today, again, getting started here in chisester, you All right? All right, let's go ahead and get started.
Speaker 1:So it is Friday and welcome to our Tech Talk podcast. This is a live discussion that we record weekly here on X where we highlight news, innovation, education, alpha and business development in the web through technology and digital identity space. I'm your host, marcus aka Wynn Airdrop, founder of iHeart Domains and community manager at Freename. We are your number one resource for unbiased Web3 and blockchain domain educational content, with over 100 TikTok episodes and YouTube videos produced and archived over the past two and a half years. You can actually search our entire podcast archive for prior recordings and an easy-to-read blog overview each episode at iHeartDomainscom. All prior recordings are also available in podcast form on every major podcast player, including Apple Podcasts, spotify, iheartradio, and those are easily reachable at techtalkhost.
Speaker 1:Yeah, as typical, going to open up with a little bit of opening news before we get into the workshop itself. First things first is, as many of you know and as we covered during the last Tech Talk, just returned back from ETH Denver. So ETH Denver 2025 obviously was held in Denver, as the name implies, but this is an annual gathering of blockchain tech enthusiasts, a lot of developers, and this year was pretty good, as we have discussed in a few spaces that have recapped our trip to Denver. I think a lot of people have noticed that the attendance was a little bit lower than it has been in previous years and at the main event itself, you know, the amount of booths and exhibitors shrunk a little bit, but I will say that the quality of the conference, I think, didn't suffer at all, introduced to a lot of new and interesting concepts, both at the main event and at side events. Well, I had a chance to meet FreeName's head of partnerships, which is Verano. He was out there with me as well, so shout out to everybody that we got a chance to meet and connect with and build with and looking forward to, you know, continuing the conversations that we started there. But, yeah, eve Denver again, despite you know some being of the opinion that was a little smaller, was still a blacks and it was still everything that you know. I come to expect from it again a lot of side events, including one that we sponsored on behalf of VerbsDAO. I mentioned that in previous spaces as well our collaboration with BluntDAO and the Blunt Olympics and although it sounds like it was just a super fun good time which it was it was also a very, very good networking opportunity. I actually got plenty of opportunities to speak about digital identity and web through domains and blockchain. Some of the smartest people in the space were actually at our mixer. So definitely had a good time at Deep Denver. Looking forward to next year and again making more connections nations Also in opening news, yesterday on the FreeName platform, we hosted an AMA with Chiliz, which is the sports blockchain.
Speaker 1:Freename just recently partnered with Chiliz introducing the CHZ TLD into the ecosystem. Chiliz is going to be integrating that within their community. They've introduced this TLD with renewal, so it is the first of our well, that's the first example of that within the Freename ecosystem. So we touched on that a little bit yesterday. But for holders and participants that are already active in the Chili's community, you actually can get free domains for quite a few years, depending on your level of holding. So I encourage anybody who is curious about how or what Chili's is and how they've incorporated this TLD and what they plan on doing with it. To listen back to the AMA that we did with them yesterday. Again, that's on the FreeDane platform. It should be recorded on there and, yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing what they continue to do and go with that.
Speaker 1:Again, as I've spoken to, you know, a lot of our community members. I think that Chili's partnership is going to be a great example, you know, for how partnerships can work, for how you know different communities can can derive and create and give value to their community with these TLDs and even, you know, introduce some of these unique features. And this passes down to anybody who is an investor on the platform, because, you know, any feature that they develop for someone else, you know will eventually become public and open for us to use. So, again, very excited about this partnership. It's a big one. Chili's has a pretty big following. They've really got a market right. You know, sports is one of the biggest industries on the planet and sports on the blockchain and being able to bet just makes perfect sense, right.
Speaker 1:And then, lastly, I just want to remind everybody that the registry for dgenexchange.88888 and deFi wallet are open on the free name platform. So for any of you who are looking for your next piece of digital identity or want a great name that you can keep in your bag as a collector. Those domain names or domain extensions that are owned by us are available and you can use your free name coupons in order to get a discount on them. So, for as low as $2.50, you can get your Forever name on dgen exchange. .88888, which is five, eights, and defi wallet on free name. You can also get, you know, spaceshost and Gamertag and a few others as well. But, yeah, just definitely want to remind everybody that the registry is open. Those names are open for rent. Yeah, I encourage you guys to go again, grab yourself a name, keeping the vault as a collector, or you know, hey, you never know what kind of utility we're going to be building for it in the
Speaker 1:future. And now, with that being said, actually there is one more bonus thing I wanted to cover before I get into the main discussion, and it's just. I mentioned it briefly and the only reason I'm gonna mention it now is just because I think there's a lesson in this. But the DYOR right. So, and it's ain't gossip, ain't talking crazies. Again, this is from an educational
Speaker 1:perspective. But what is hot news right now and I think a lot of people may need some clarification on, is UD just announced or made an announcement that their Farms TLD is going to be converting to Grow. So I guess Farms was in partnership with somebody. I've never looked into who that partnership was with, but they realized, as I mentioned, I think 10 tech talks ago, maybe 15 tech talks ago I certainly did in one of the Web3 domain workshops but they finally realized that one of the ICANN rules for this next GTLD round is that you cannot submit plurals of an existing ICANN GTLD. So in this case there is already a farm. Farms would now become ineligible for, you know, to be applied for as a gTLD via
Speaker 1:ICANN. So, with that being said, unfortunately for a lot of people they purchased a lot of FARMS TLDs or names on the FARMS TLD, thinking that FARMS was eventually going to be either, you know, an ICANN TLD or even work in any sense, because I think they're just going to deprecate it completely, which is kind of messed up. I mean, they really could still keep it alive as a Web3 TLD. They don't have to be ICANN compatible, but in any event, it's also a little bit of uproar, right, because you know, obviously, if you were doing some name hacks and some things like that and getting clever with TLD. And so, again, just highlighting this is a lesson for do your own research. And I'm talking about just more than reading tabloids and hype. I'm talking about just more than looking at what your favorite influencer is saying on Twitter. There's an actual way that this works right. A conversation got started yesterday with an individual at ENS Dow. He was obviously excited that another member of the ENS team is no longer there, but in his excitement, one of the things that he touched on was that that person was the reason why they're not able to acquire eth. And, for those who know better, we know that the reason why they're not able to acquire eth is because it's not available to be acquired at all, and that there were no talks, negotiations. You can blame it on the moon, the sun or Batman if you want to, but that's what I mean by doing your own research is so that you know better, so that you don't just take everything that you hear and run with it right. And so you know, hopefully, all those that now have to build on a grow TLD, maybe to find some great names or make them work or get some value from them. But hey, that's the way the game plays out you just buy
Speaker 1:things. All right, now let's get into the main topic at hand, our Web 3 Domain Workshop how to use Warpcast to market your free name TLDs and SLDs. As always for an introduction, this tech talk and those in the near future are part of our Web3 Domain Workshop series. In partnership with Freename. We do this. The reason, our purpose for doing this is to highlight different utilities and different ways to not only use your Web3 domains and TLDs, but understand exactly how they work and, if you're in the business of reselling them or if you own TLDs, how to effectively market and start generating revenue from them. We do these both in private. So in our VIP group, we do these Thursdays in workshop format, meet where our VIPs are able to show up, ask questions, join, put my pretty face on camera. We also share screen and go through. You know pretty much each one of these things in the workshop, line by line. Here. The purpose of doing it publicly is, as I stated before you never know what you learn
Speaker 1:here. Even though I may be talking about free names specifically, in most cases that may apply to you. So this is about how to market your free name TLDs and SLDs on Warpcast. You can literally replace that with anything If you've got ENS domains, ud domains, handshake domains, whatever it is. If you have anything that you need to market and you're looking for another avenue to do so, then you're going to figure out how to do that, hopefully at the end of this workshop. But, again, most of this is going to be very specific to FreeDane, because a lot of the opportunities that I'm going to be talking about the turnkey opportunity of being able to sell SLDs from your TLD is something that is exclusive to FreeDame. It's an opportunity currently. Also, before I get into the main subject, one thing that I do like to do, because this is a podcast. There are people that are listening to this outside of crypto Twitter. There are people who are going to be learning about this for the first
Speaker 1:time. I always like to get us all on the same page about what we're even talking about and, with that being said, I like to give a proper definition of Web 2 and Web 3 domains. When people hear the word domains, most people 99% of the people you're thinking of words that resolve to IP addresses, ie you type in something in your browser, something, somethingcom. It takes you to a web page where then you're able to interact with its content. Web3 domains work similar, except they resolve to blockchain addresses. This is a technology that differs from that In the domain or in the Web3 world. Your identity is basically your blockchain addresses. It's how people send you money. It's how people pretty much identify what you've done on the blockchain. Web3 domains are human readable addresses that utilize the same format but resolve to that At some point. Maybe they'll resolve to real Web2 addresses or real Web2
Speaker 1:content. I know there's some workarounds and et cetera, but I do always like to clarify that, because we were talking about two different things. We're not talking about coms, infos, os, or is? We're talking about ease, nfts, defi, wallets and exchanges, all right. So now that we are on the same page, let's get into the topic at hand Again. Our Web3 Domain Workshop today is going to be on how to use WorkCast to market your TLDs and SLDs. So yeah, today I'm going to dive into how to harness Warcast aka Farcaster one and the same. So if you ever hear any of those words or names, they're literally
Speaker 1:interchangeable. But Warcast aka Farcaster is a decentralized social media platform that is built on the super chain. And what the super chain is? For those of you who aren't familiar with that terminology, it is a combination of base Zora and optimism. So any projects that you see building on base Zora or optimism are collectively being called built on the super chain. But what we're going to do today is dive into how to harness Warpcast to effectively market again your web through
Speaker 1:domains. I want to explore Warpcast's unique features and how they can amplify your presence in the web through space, and Warpcast really is a very unique platform. So first let's dive into what Warpcast is for those who aren't really familiar with it or have heard or hearing about it for the first time, and understanding what it is and how it compares to what we're already using right now. Right, which is Twitter, and some of us also use Reddit. So again, warpcast is a centralized social network built on the Farcaster protocol. Remember I was telling you Farcaster and War and WarpCast are
Speaker 1:interchangeable. To dive deeper into what they actually are and their differences, warpcast application FarCaster would be a social graph that's built on top of the Superchain. Not trying to get too technical into what a social graph is, but think of like Lens, right, if you've ever used Lens before, it's where you can create a social graph is. But think of like Lens, right, if you've ever used Lens before. It's where you can create a social profile. You can then log into other dApps with that social profile and all that information goes with you that you basically own anything that you build with that social profile. So in this case, barcaster again, is that social graph. Warpcast is where you will build out that social profile. If you've used Warpcast in practice, you'll see that it actually does, in fact, work this way. There are apps that you can log into with your Warpcast and it in fact does bring all that stuff with you. So very good
Speaker 1:example. But again, this is a centralized social network built on the Farcaster protocol. It offers users control over their data and interaction. It combines the real-time engagement of Twitter with the community-centric approach of Reddit, all within a decentralized framework. Okay, so why should this appeal to people who are bullish on Web3? And this is what we talked about yesterday For anyone who is passionate about blockchain, defi and even web three domains, and we dug into why about that yesterday but anybody who's bullish about this and wants us to actually grow beyond this
Speaker 1:bubble. Um, warcast is a social platform that you've got to root for it. It, it provide it, and even despite me being shadow banned, I I'm still here rooting for it. Right, but we have to right For the greater good of our expansion. Because it provides a platform that aligns with both the principles of decentralization and user ownership. But then it also combines the ease and the same UI that you're used to, again on Twitter and other social media platforms, so it's easy to onboard people with. It's almost like well, it's going to be noticeable that you're using blockchain and DeFi, but it's noticeable in an extremely easy way. Again, it's a place where you can build and grow without a lot of the constraints that you really can't do here. A lot of the features and functions that we're asking for on Twitter are built, although being used not at the same scale. They already exist at Warpcast and we'll kind of get into what that looks
Speaker 1:like. Also, if I don't say it at any point during this workshop, one of the unique things and I don't know like, not necessarily say well, I mean cool, if this is a reason for why you go over there, I ain't going to tell you why you use a platform or not, but one of the things about Warpcast is that for the most part, almost anything that you do on Warpcast, you can farm a reward, like simply just being active every day. You can farm moxie creating art. There's grants and things that they do every single week or every single day uh, what are they called? Uh, around right, you can participate in rounds if you'd like to create memes or arts or take selfies or anything like that. There's also uh, uh, dracula. If you'd like to create and upload videos, you earn tokens for doing that. There's also far house. If you want to host spaces that is connected to, uh, farcaster, warcast, you earn tokens for doing that. There's also Farhouse. If you want to host spaces that is connected to Farcast or Warcast, you earn tokens for that. Like literally everything that you do on Warcast, you're farming tokens, so it is an extremely monetized
Speaker 1:platform. But now getting back to why and how you can use this for marketing, and so yesterday we went through my own Warpcast account. We went through some of the different sections for different features that they have that are both similar and unique in their own way. That, if you're going to be utilizing Warpcast and digging into it. I think optimizing your approach here will lead to some success. Again, and kind of a fair warning as
Speaker 1:well. As I've mentioned before, I am quote unquote shadow banned on WarpCast. This is from way back Again. I think I narrowed it down or traced it back to an interaction that I had with Dan. But one thing to be aware of is that if you're just simply shilling right, if you create one of your accounts just to pitch and show web three domains constantly, same thing's probably going to happen to you. Does that mean that you're not going to get any visibility? No, because I'm still getting visibility despite being shadow banned as well, and I've still joined, like quite a few communities, as people you know got a chance to see in my own workcast account, but it's going to be hard right. So for those of you who actually have something that people like, if you do create art, if you create music, fashion, if you find other interests and hobbies and people that you can connect with in other communities and you can avoid being shadow banned like you're going to kill it Like for real, for real. There are some people who swear by Warpcast and will never leave it just because of, again, how lucrative it's been to be over there, because just by being active you're probably going to farm something. But for the rest of us, if you're just going to use this primarily as a marketing channel, which again like this, unfortunately that's kind of what I've been reduced to, even though I'm still active personally. Whatever, there are certain things that you can leverage. So one of the biggest unique things again so it's a similarity and it's unique,
Speaker 1:right? The UI and the interface for how you create content on Warpcast is exactly the same as on Twitter. You create what they call a cast, as here, the similar thing would be a tweet. The character amount is relatively the same. You can add links the links open up and sub links relatively the same. You can add pictures relatively the same. The difference, though, is and this is kind of how we loop the reddit thing in is that, where reddit has subreddits that help niche content, so that you're placing it where most likely the audience that wants to see that content will see it or it's relevant to that community, warpcast is set up the same way, so they have something called channels, and this is what we did yesterday, and basically, channels are the same thing as, basically, a
Speaker 1:subreddit. Channels are a niche group or a way to for people who are belong to that channel to find content that's specific to what they join that channel look for. Give some examples of what names of some channels would be. For instance, we own the foodie channel, so, foodie. In the foodie channel we talk about food, people post pictures of food, and so obviously, if you're a foodie and all you want to see is pictures of food, you can go to the foodie channel and that should be the only content that you're seeing in there. Same thing with and there's a lot of very specific channels like base builders or developer channel. There's some very, very big channels where people are actually discussing and learning code and figuring out how to develop things in there. Again, channels is a big
Speaker 1:feature. Not posting in a channel can make you kind of keep your content ghosted and hidden because it has nowhere to go, and posting in the wrong channel can have an adverse effect. So learning how to use channels, joining channels that are relevant to the content that you're going to be creating, uh is key number one, right? So that's, uh. I think that's the biggest rookie mistake I see from anybody who's joining warcast for the first time is that they get on the platform. They see the ui yeah, I see tweets in my my or casts or whatever in my pipeline. They go create a killer cast, they introduce themselves, they don't select the channel because what are those? And then they cast and then no one likes it Because no one knows you. If they're not following you, they're not going to see it, and the only way you're gonna get a slight chance of getting any visibility is if you post it where other people are. So, channels you can either join channels, which is the advice that I'm giving now Again, there are thousands of channels out there or another opportunity that you have is to create a channel so that you can become that hub for people to come and post content about what you think is cool and
Speaker 1:relevant. So, as I explained earlier, I'm going to the foodie channel because we're foodies me and my family we love food. So that's an interest and a hobby and kind of what I went through yesterday and I won't dig into really at all today. But it's also a real estate opportunity as well. On Warpcast, going back to one of those big benefits being blockchain based, and et cetera, almost everything that you create on WorkCast as well, is owned by you, including channels. So if you create a channel and you build this channel up, you can monetize these channels and you can actually sell these channels. Right now it's kind of a manual process, but at some point they should be tokenized and you'll be able to sell them just as you sell any other
Speaker 1:nft. But creating a channel in addition to the foodie channel I also own in the first channel that I created was web3 demands right and so, obviously, since that is something that I am passionate about, that is something that I'm creating content for and that is something that I want to create a focus group on web through domains, both being posting in that channel so that if people come on Warpcast looking for web through domains, they're basically going to see my content but also to bring in others who want to post that same content. That has reciprocal value. I think we have like 125 members right now. I'm primarily the only person to post on that channel. I think Freedane posts on there every now and then, and that's just because and admittedly, warpcast just doesn't have that user base now, but it will, and I'll talk about that a little bit in the
Speaker 1:future. But again, another opportunity to set yourself up not only for success in the future, but also to curate the kind of content that you want to see. To create niche content and drive people to it would be to create your own channel. There are other channels that are out there that are owned by community members of free name. I know for a fact like SLDs is one of the channels, tlds is one of the channels, digital Identity is a channel out there. Sometimes I don't post to my own channel, sometimes I post to others' channels if I feel like they're more relevant. Ens has a channel. You get my point. So, same way that you're using, or that you use, reddit when you're creating content and posting is the same way that you should look at OrpCast and
Speaker 1:channels. All right, now going into the second unique feature, that and this is probably the biggest I mean biggest thing that sets Warpcast apart from really any social media platform out there that exists. So one of the big claim to fame for Warpcast was their development or introduction of this thing called Frames, and these are just getting better and better as they continue to develop this platform. But basically, since warcast is built on the blockchain, uh, you should essentially, in going back to the setup. I went through this yesterday as well. When you create a warcast account, it creates a wallet for you. So, even if you are non-blockchain native, even if you've never had a crypto account before in your life, if you sign up for a workcast account, it creates a wallet for you on the spot. Now, obviously, you have to learn on your own how to how to fund it. I mean, you still can't just not ever know what blockchain is. But my point is that you get a wallet. It's embedded, it's integrated, it's native are native already to
Speaker 1:workcast. So, being that workcast is built on the blockchain, and also being that it has a built-in wallet that it can fund, it only makes sense that you could perform blockchain transactions within the social media platform itself, which is what frames are. So frames are mini-dads or any other developer, and you'll see. If you're on WarCache and you see frames, you can tell the difference between something that was created by a you and something that was created by a developer. But the point is that any one of us can create many applications or experiences that are embedded within our tweets or casts themselves. So imagine being able to again not only you know open up the UI and type out your tweet, but instead of adding a picture, you're able to add a frame where somebody is able to come in. So let's say an example I gave yesterday and this example really exists, and it exists in the A form. We're creating a custom form for us, but let's say you're wanting to promote a domain name that you have for sale. It exists right now for ENS. I'll just say how it
Speaker 1:exists. There is a frame out there where you can plug in. You can go to this site, you can put in which name that you have, or you put in your OpenSea link. It'll pop out a link for you that you can then copy and paste into Warpcast. You can type out your tweet that's saying buy this name. It's awesome. Whatever it is that you type out that makes people want your name, you include that link and then, when you click cast, what people will see is they will see what you typed and then they will see this embedded square that actually has actions on it, where you can go straight in right from there, right from the cast itself, and you can purchase it. Or you can visit OpenSea, or you can look at other domains in the portfolio, and this is all without leaving Warpcast
Speaker 1:itself. So frames is a very big, very big innovation from Warpcast. It was a very big part of the initial culture. Initially it was being used primarily for free mints for NFTs. So during kind of like the Farcaster bull run of earlier last year, all those airdrops came from us blowing up frames. It was just a bunch of free mints because they were building out this technology, they were experimenting, and almost everything that you minted, even all the free mints they either ran up in floor price where they were worth 40 or 50 bucks a piece three to 40 bucks times two, 300. Trust me, that adds up or a lot of them. It turned into things that got you airdrops in the future. So again, frames is our claim to fame, very big
Speaker 1:deal. How can you use frames exactly in the way that I told you? If you have a domain portfolio again right now, if you've got E&S, these frames already exist. As I mentioned before, we're in discussions and looking at building frames for free name right now so that we can utilize them as a community in the platform. But this is a big area where, again, you can put out content about your domain and you can put a direct link for people to interact with it and then, when they purchase, they can either purchase from well, I think you can connect. You have your embedded wallet. You can also connect external wallets to WordCast as well. So if you have other wallets that you have funds and stuff into, my point is that you're able to make your transactions directly within the
Speaker 1:app. And again, if you're not kind of getting it already, if you're in the business of selling blockchain based assets or things that work in this space, probably one of the biggest obstacles that you're going to run into if you haven't already run into this every single day already is that when you talk to normies, you first have to overcome the obstacle of getting them to understand crypto in the first place. That's a whole conversation, right. And then, once you get past that, you then got to loop in web three domain names and the value of that if you need one, which is now a whole other conversation, and if you haven't already lost them already, you'll lose them as soon as you start getting to this right. It behooves us to cut out half of that work and market directly to an audience that's already using crypto natively every single day, which is why, even though Warpcast by far is not getting the engagement, the attention, doesn't have the same influencers or reach as Twitter, it still is, again, something that we need to push, as Web3 enthusiasts, and especially as Web3 domain professionals, to become bigger and bigger, because this is your tribe. This cuts out the step of having to explain what it
Speaker 1:is. Most of the people on Warpcast are already using Web3 domains. There is already a native Web3 domain integration in the username. We went through that yesterday as well, but for the sake of where we're already at in this conversation, I won't go into that. But if you use WarpCast, you already know that they're already bullish on digital identity and using it as a username. So there's already that incorporated. Again, everything about what we're trying to build here, everything about what we foresee people using this and integrating this it's already
Speaker 1:there. So again, frames being able to utilize frames not only for secondary sales in the case that I gave you with ENF, but in our case, we wanna create frames not only for secondary sales but also for primary registrations as well. So again, all of our TLD owners out there. I have channels, as I talked about before, for my TLDs. So I bought channels separately for DeFi, wallet and exchange and I'm going to pin at the top of those channels the frames where people can go and mint a defi wallet or exchange directly from within WorkCast and then when I make posts on that channel, people when they go to that channel to see other posts will always see that embedded at the top of the post. Will I sell 15 or 100 or 500 every day? Probably not, never know. But will it get a couple out there? Will it definitely help with branding? It sure will. And again, in branding, in a place where people understand and get this and it's the most likely place where people will adopt your domain
Speaker 1:names. All right, moving past frames, the last thing I'll get into and then we'll kind of wrap up is private groups. So this is private groups work the same as private chats or group chats on Twitter. So some of you are members of our WeHeart domains or my WeHeart domains. Private Twitter chat. It's actually been open for over a year now. It's pretty solid. We've got about 60 or 70 members in that Been going pretty strong. But that concept exists in Warpcast as well. If you have any niche groups, any private groups that you want to create, either with your friends to talk about alpha or personal interest groups, where you're inviting people that align with a certain interest, or, in another case, holders, if you're wanting to give them private access to a group as a utility. See again, bringing that blockchain element in. Groups are perfect for that. So groups are not only again a place where you can create networking and I mean you're obviously going to have to find people in your tribe and have them one on one for that but it is a place where very much, if you own a TLD and you have value to offer behind that TLD, workcast has a built-in way to do so with token
Speaker 1:gaining. Now, when people ask about the utility of Web3 domains, oftentimes we get stuck on that website thing or we get stuck on whether or not they work in wallets. I oftentimes, of course, I acknowledge that working on that cool, we didn't pass that. But I also have to remind everybody that one of the core features of Web3 domain names is the fact that they are NFTs and because they're NFTs, there are things that you can do with them because they're NFTs. Obvious ones are like fractionalization, et cetera, putting them in DAOs, blah, blah, blah. But one of the big things is token gating and I think token gating is going to be one of the biggest features that's currently slept on, but really isn't slept on because we all have utilized it in the space. It has a lot of value Creating private clubs that you can only get into if you're a holder of a certain
Speaker 1:asset. So in this case, with your TLDs, if you have a app, if you have a gaming, if you have a sports or a whatever it is a sports team name, like a lakers or whatever and you have a private community of people who are minting your domain names and you're wondering what's next to do with it. I don't have the capability of building out a whole website where they can log in with it or a whole UI somewhere else. I'm just a guy that needs something turnkey. Warcast is there for you. You can create groups. You can create groups and require token gating so you can put in the contract address and you can require that a person holds that token in order to join the group and you can have full-blown private conversations the same exact way that you do on the back end of Twitter. I think that is again extremely important because it adds a turnkey, instantly usable utility for your TLDs and Warcats right there on the spot. If nothing else, for those of you who are wanting to build communities on your TLDs, again, building in a Warpcast gives you that feature and instantly kind of justifies the usability of Web3 domain names, because you've got to own the name to get in the group, your identity is your name, right. So big things
Speaker 1:again. There's a lot of different tools that are very specific to Warpcast, a lot of blockchain specific tools. There are quite a few that are missing as well. I know that they, you know, back when AI agents were first coming out, they have, literally, where you can just type in on Warpcast a command to things like Clinker and stuff like that and run up your own tokens and stuff like that. So all those features again, more features than I can even explain, but these ones specifically, I think are great starting points for anybody who wants to dive into warpcast and looking for ways to market your tlds. Um again, it are you going to find, you know, hundreds of thousands of new users or get 10 000 registrations overnight? Maybe, maybe not, it just depends. There are some TLDs that have launched over there that were, you know, warpcast ecosystem specific, that have actually done pretty well, pretty much the entire user base behind baseeth, I think, came from Warpcast. So, again, like I said, there's domainers over there. So I mean, you never know, depending on what community you click with, you may actually do really well over
Speaker 1:there. But some key things again, you know some best practices that apply to anything is just make sure that you're regularly posting, again, valuable content and engaging with the people who are engaging with you. Right, you don't want to come off like a bot because then you'll get shadow banned and there's different levels to being shadow banned. Trust me, I'm not at the worst level of shadow banning, so I'm very grateful for that, but I'm in one of them. Right, I'm in one of the realms. It can get worse for that if you get labeled a bot. So you want to make sure you're not just robotically posting things, not just robotically posting things. Be genuine. Treat it the same way that you treat your ex account, right. It's going to be hard to do because it's going to feel like you're talking to nobody at first. But, trust me, people are looking and the more they're looking and the more they start trusting that you're a real person, the more they'll start interacting with
Speaker 1:you. And again, if you're interacting in the right places, you're probably going to be farming something anyway. You're probably going to be farming something anyway. So it makes it kind of like there were. There were some moments, man, there was some punch the wall moments, I promise you, during, where this shadow really got in the way of me being able to farm like I really could have. But the fact that I was still able to farm effectively enough kept me going. And so that's what I'm saying. You're not over there for nothing. So if you need a reason other than you know marketing your own TLD, building your own business it's the fact that you're probably going to be farming something just by being active over there. Shout out to my guy collector. I got him an airdrop for doing absolutely nothing but saying hi to me and he's still faded
Speaker 1:anyway. And then, lastly, collaborations right, try to find again, find other groups, other channels that align with what you're posting. Post in those channels and then try to see if you can collaborate with other people in those channels. Most of the people right now on Warpcast are straight up developers. These are all people who again know this space. This is our tribe. These are all people who are very capable of building. If you need help creating a frame, there's a channel that can help you create a frame. There's actually Nainar, which is a no-code frame builder. So anything that you need help with, you'll be able to find those people. But also good collaborations, cross-posting, getting people to join your group, joining other people's private groups all sorts of things like that, I think, will also help expand your reach and your experience. On Warpcast, again, you know it's new, it is brand new. It is going to be boring for a lot of us at first. It's going to be frustrating for a lot of us at first, but it's something that eventually, I believe, is going to blow up in a big
Speaker 1:way. I don't know if you've been paying attention to some of this forecast news, but they are really, really tight with base. They've always been tight with base. We've always known they've been tight with base, but they're saying it out loud. I think it was a few weeks ago. Base announced that Warpcast is going to be pretty much the official social layer of BASE chain, so it's going to be embedded or connected or somehow introduced to people at the Coinbase wallet
Speaker 1:level. If you know anything about Coinbase, coinbase is on a big drive for consumer crypto, making this usable in the real world. So put that together. It's not hard math. Coinbase is going to be out there trying to drive as many normies as possible into cryptocurrency by making this as easy to understand as possible and almost free, and then the first thing they're going to get smack in the face with is Warpcast to join as a social platform, with rewards and all kinds of good fun stuff. So being early to Warpcast, positioning yourself, getting some of this digital real estate by way of channels, et cetera, I think is a good place to position yourself again, both now and in the
Speaker 1:future. So yeah, in conclusion, I hope this gives anybody who is curious about Warpcast again some direction for where to start or how to get started. If you're already on it and you're not active and you're figuring, you know, trying to figure out how to build, what to do with it, if it's even worth it. I mean, time only tells if it's worth it or not. But again, for a lot of us who've been doing this for a while and who are on the platform early, we got our money's worth and more just out of airdrops, and so, if nothing else you know, at least be there in case the next forecast or bull run comes around, because it definitely will and position yourself again to be as visible as possible, because any avenue where you can market your TLD creates that network effect that we are all trying to
Speaker 1:create. Definitely want to thank you guys for attending another tech talk. This again is our Web2Domain workshop series in partnership with Freename. We do this every single week on Fridays and this is following our Thursday Web2Domain workshop that we do with our VIP, so I hope you guys get value for it. This will be available on our podcast in a couple of days. So, yeah, if you got any normies who want to learn about Web3 or learn about WarpCast, feel free to forward them over to there. But, yeah, we will be doing our Web3 Domain Wheel Talk with free name in the next 45 minutes, so catch me and Paige on there talking about all things bullish in the space. Thank you guys again. Happy Friday, happy Domaining and again, focus on your mission and not your condition. Talk to you guys soon. Thank you.